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Everything posted by fiofo

  1. Had a series of bizarre dreams this morning [including me being possessed by a demon girl ], the Muse one, however, was this: I was at a Muse gig, but I think Chris was playing the drums, because I couldn't see him. Matt and Dom were at the front of the stage doing some kind of rap-type thing (a bit like how Linkin Park are set up), but they were dressed like fauns (see picture below) ...except they were wearing braces, and had really well-defined chest muscles It was very peculiar...
  2. I dreamt that I was filming a Muse documentary with my eyes. They were onstage and had all their instruments set up, but they were doing a comedy gig instead. Matt was trying to tell an anecdote about a jumper, but Jimmy Carr interrupted him and called across the room to Noel Fielding asking him about his anecdote concerning a jumper. Matt looked a bit pissed off. I really really wanted to stay and continue watching the comedy gig, but there was a plague on its way, so I had to leave [by means of my mum's motorbike, which I was still learning how to ride. I got stopped by the police, then someone gave me a book - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - and said I could use this to get off. Then I was in Wallingford park (originally I was at home, in Padgate), and the dream went a bit blurry and incoherent, so I woke up]
  3. I had the freakiest Muse dream to date this morning. I was at a gig, right near the front (in the press pit, I think). Matt was already on stage, huddled over a piano on the right. Dom was being lowered onto the stage by some wires, to the tune of Back In Black by AC/DC. He was completely naked, or so I thought, until I realised that he was wearing a large, plastic penis with a 2" clear cube at the end of it (WTK??), and an elbow-length chainmail glove on his right hand... They start to play their first song, but it's absolute rubbish, because Matt keeps laughing at Dom and mashing the piano keys, and Dom is beat-boxing (terribly) instead of playing the drums. I think (I can't remember this bit too clearly) Chris was dressed in a clown suit and miming along, playing an inflatable bass. Then I realise that I'm watching all of this on a screen with my nan and my sister, even though we were supposed to be going to a market to buy chicken fillets. I woke up, facepalmed a few times, before giggling for about 5 minutes... Mental, no?
  4. Haha, yeah, it was really nice! It made me realise that if I ever met Muse I'd want to talk to Chris, because he's the least intimidating...
  5. I was at Muse's villa in Lake Como, because they were having people over to discuss how well they thought the treasure hunt went. I hadn't taken part in the first stage, because it seemed too embarrassing (you had to go up to Muse and ask them something, to get the key), but I had done 3 of the tasks. It wasn't the actual treasure hunt; it was set in towns in Italy, which I just happened to be in at the time. Anyway, I was talking to Chris about how great it was, but I felt slightly guilty, because he was talking to me like I'd been to all of the locations, when I hadn't. So I told him that I hadn't been to the first one, because I'd have felt like I was invading their privacy. He dismissed it, and said, "Nah, it's fine - it's nice seeing everyone so keen to get involved". The conversation was going really well; much better than it would in real life, no doubt. Matt and Dom were sort of in the background acting like little kids, and they were annoying me slightly, which was a bit peculiar. Then the scene changed, and I was watching a video of a 'making of the treasure hunt', which had text superimposed over it, describing what would have been the clues, but it was of an argument between Matt and Dom and someone who at first I thought was a Muse fan, but then turned out to be one of Chris' children. I could tell this, because they were saying things like "...because Uncle Matt says you can't!" Matt was yelling at someone else for leaving notes everywhere and annoying him. Matt put them in the freezer to try and get rid of them, before realising it was a stupid idea. Then we were outside again, next to what was supposed to be a swimming pool, but had all these old concrete slabs (the kind you'd get in Walton Gardens, or similar parks), which a Muse fan was sitting on. Matt yelled at them for being risky. Then I woke up. At 5am. Again.
  6. That is so cute! My dreams never have narratives; they're just a series of weird events, like all my old high school friends having children, then thinking I'm scum, because I didn't have kids... odd, but meaningless...
  7. Oooh! I had one this morning! I vaguely remember it being about Matt and Dom lying in bed together (don't worry! It wasn't one of *those* dreams ) and they were being filmed for a shower gel and orange juice advert Dom was reading a list of words off a large piece of card to do with the shower gel (ie "zesty, invigorating", etc), then Matt interrupted him and said "Yes, yes... indeed! You too can be gunboat-clean!" ... Then I started dreaming about something else...
  8. Heyyyy! Good thanks, and yourself?

  9. I tried to do that! I listened to BHAR right before bed, because I've been having a spate of Muse dreams recently, but they've dried up, so I'm trying to have a few more, because they're far more entertaining than regular ones. Instead I dreamt about maths. MATHS GODSDAMMIT??!!
  10. I wouldn't get too jealous if I were you... there was something horribly wrong with it! And yes, I think Muse has seriously affected me...
  11. Things are starting to get weird now: I dreamt that I had a dream, woke up and thought "I must tell the Muse dreams thread about this!" The dream in the dream consisted of me at a Muse gig and everything was fine and dandy, until it sort of flickered and suddenly Matt was completely naked, without a guitar and doing high kicks! Everyone in the crowd started looking at each other really confused. Then when we looked back he was dressed and playing the guitar again. It was most peculiar. Then I woke up (in the dream) and decided to share it with you! Then I woke up (in reality) and thought "My brain is seriously fucked up"
  12. I've just had a Muse dream for the first time in ages! It was quite brief, but what I remember is that Matt had his top off, and for some reason I can't understand, I was absolutely disgusted and embarressed by this... I kept apologising to the people we were with and saying "He's not normally like this, honest!" It was so odd...
  13. Hey, cheers for the add! I'm good thanks (if not a little tired), how are you?

    Yeah, it was in this interview where they had questions put into a bowl, and they had to pick one and ask another bandmate the question. Hilarious stuff!

  14. I dreamt that I was at a "retrospective look into Muse's past" concert, and Muse were sitting to my right. They played a short set of some old b-sides with their 'original fourth member' (apparently he quit the band before they got big). Matt was playing bass, Dom was on a keyboard, the other member was on lead guitar and singing and Chris was on drums. Then, once they'd finished, they sat down and there was some kind of presentation (which I don't remember), then a tribute act came on and the lead guy had this really funky, awesome guitar. It was the same size as a Guitar Hero guitar, and made from the same plastic, but the main bit was circular and had a huge, circular Kaoss pad on it, which he used to play Exo-Politics. I remember seeing this guitar then looking at Matt's face, which was a picture of delight! He mouthed the words: "I want one!"... Then I tried telling my friend about it later, but she kept interrupting me to tell me about something else, so I yelled at her, but she continued to ignore me... A bunch of stuff happened after that, but I won't go into it... Cool dream though, huh? I really want that guitar....
  15. Cheers for the add! Nice to meet you =)

  16. ok, I've just had a really weird Muse dream! I bumped into them in what looked like an airport terminal. They asked me to join them for a meal. Dom chatted to me in a very jovial manner whilst we were eating, Matt only spoke to me once (I'll get back to that) and kept smiling at me in a knowing way for the rest of the time, and Chris ignored me, because he was with his wife, who he kissed fairly frequently... I was wearing a long raincoat with a high collar underneath a purple hoodie and a MOTP t-shirt on top of that. I remember thinking "Oh no! Typical that I bump into Muse on a really bad-outfit day!" Throughout the dream, the raincoat kept jumping from underneath everything to on top (my dreams have continuity errors??? wtf??) So, the only thing that Matt said to me was "I really like your outfit, where did you get it?", which I found to be highly suspicious, due to the secret smile he was displaying for the majority of the dream... Then there was some kind of competition, but I don't remember that bit. I woke up, stared at the ceiling, and said "What the fuck???" :confused: The End
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