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Stephanie Kaoss

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Status Updates posted by Stephanie Kaoss

  1. Amii!! You're so cool...I miss your awesomeness. xxx

  2. I, for one, am very glad you went ahead with your reply. Regardless of whether it was meant as a joke or not, Keir needed to be put in his place by someone. Someone who could articulate the facts while putting him to shame. For every person who stumbles upon this blog entry and is led into Keir's silly nonsense, there will be a well-written counter argument to direct them to the truth, thanks to you.


  3. Your response to the blog accusing Muse as being anti-Semitic was immensely brilliant.

  4. Haha, that's pretty cool! I seem to get along with people born around the same date as me fr some reason! I must say that I think you have amazing taste in films!

  5. I saw you standing next to me at the barrier at Chelmsford :]

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