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Posts posted by vspirit

  1. i'd say that was a nice comeback but rather than all of us showing you our photos, wouldn't it be easier to show us just yours cos it's just one and you're the designated tourguide...or should i say unit captain...or was that ambassador? i can't seem to keep track anymore. you flip roles faster than i can change my underwear.


    but if you're shy, don't worry about it. i suppose the meeting point and a description (or possibly even picture) of your ever-so-unique t-shirt will have to do.

  2. ^in other words, you're shy. a shy army boy. whadaya know.




    but seriously, we're gonna know sooner or later. and it'd make things way easier. show us a pic of yourself in army fatigues or something. i always thought they look cool. at least when they're not being worn by soldiers who're shooting at young women and children.


    ...and I thought the word 'handsome' perceding the word 'mug' would be enough to clue you in...Sir.

  3. ^huh. looks like the entrance to Disneyland or something. ^__^ I like it.


    but that queue looks intimidating. damn...i wish i could get there earlier but 2pm is probably the best I can manage...possibly 1:30 even, but that's already pushing it.


    you know, you could post your mug here. no one will make a mistake for sure after that. heh heh heh. Uh, I mean--No, I don't mean any insolence, Sir! It's just that I'm sure showing us your handsome mug will help us achieve the mission, Sir!

  4. Sir, Yes, Sir! (Altho I didn't get head nor tail what you're talking about, Sir!) But I must say, sir, General Bellamy might leave us all to die out here in the field.


    And my guess is that the term is a hybrid of "Pornographic" and "Photogenic". But don't take my word for it.

  5. ^*snerk* yeah, you'd make a swell one.


    it's just gonna be my friend and I. there's still a spot open for crazy_mary but from the way things are going with her, it's kinda doubtful it'll be filled. but i'll keep it open still cos, well, who knows, right?


    anyway, yeah, meeting up sounds good but my guess is that it'd have to be after the concert. nuts' probably gonna be way in front of me in the queue and while it sounds good to spend all the time waiting getting to know each other, i doubt it'd happen what with us all coming from different ways by different modes at different times, and everyone being too anxious trying to hold their place in line and whatnot and not to mention we don't even know what each other look like.


    after the show though, when we're still high on it and have all the time in the world, sounds entirely possible. i'm not sure how to device a way to meet up, tho, what with not having seen you guys before and not being a local. maybe we should leave the planning to a local. someone with military knowledge would be good. someone like, say, the fort canning ambassador. :D

  6. lol yeah! i finally got it!! WOOOOT! but my friend bought it for me.. so its still with him. so i have no idea how it looks like.


    Just replace A-B-C with M-U-S-E.



    bloody hell this may sound crazy but, I WANT TO FREAKIN TOUCH ITTTT!!

    I hear touching the screen helps...

  7. wow...your brother's band says they're going to camp a week before. ask them to save you a spot in that lil camp of theirs. altho by the time you get there on the morning of the concert, it might stink...so remember to bring...LYSOL!! xxD

  8. it's not like i can't understand it at all, yeah? i can read it just fine, you know. and if push comes to shove i can probably string together a decent, if not stiff, sentence. but doing that requires time to think, in a way which i can do while writing but not while speaking. and that sorta thinking is inconvenient anyway cos when i wanna write down something that's in my head, it's hard to do so without that something escaping my head cos I took too long to write it down.



    oh i mean



    Ok, ok I changed it. Shaddup bout it already.


    And who are you to talk? Your BM hurts my brain! And you're the one still schooling!

    Er...aduh, dasyatnya BM-mu!!!


    Anyway, after seeing the sorry state of both our so-called BM prowess, I think kuciku gets the idea.I mean it's so bad, and not only that, we /look/ and /sound/ so bad using it, it almost looks as if we're mocking it, when we're really not. If the fella still insists, though, then he/she must either be immune or patriotic to the point of masochism.


    And you almost failed? Hah, I got a P7! A P7, I tell you!! (Then I bucked up and managed to scrape by with a C4 when it mattered, whew)


    lol. we aaaall know what you mean, vspirit.

    Good, glad we're on the same page. If not, I might have a little accident to plan...

  10. Er, heya, Kuciku. Selamat...datang?


    And that's about as far as I'll go.





    I think I understand your feeling so you can go right ahead if you want, since most of us here will more or less understand perfectly what you're saying (but I had a little trouble since your spelling just sorta threw me off for a bit there...or is that bahasa kampung, or BM from the East Coast or something? I'm from the city so I don't really get much of the spelling there...) anyway, but me, I'll answer in English, thank you very much. It's not like our general standard of English is great to begin with, so pardon me if I may, I'm going to use it as much as I can to promote the fact that not all Malaysians can't use the language properly.


    Speaking of 'bahasa kita', the BM you're using doesn't seem very much like it to me. Not the one I know anyway. If it's from a local region I'm unfamiliar with, I apologize for being presumptious, but if you're really sincere about wanting to speak it, how about using the standard version of BM instead? And why I choose to use English rather than BM is cos while I love both my country and its national language, and I understand it more or less perfectly, it however, is neither my mother tongue nor my second language (which is English, if you can't already guess...which actually is more like my first but since it isn't my mother tongue, well...what can I do?), like it seems to be yours so when I DO speak it, it'll never come out as natural for me. It's not even my third language, if I have to be honest. It /is/ probably my fourth and on a personal level, it's not something I'm ashamed of at all (I would be if I don't know it at all, which of course, isn't true in my case, either).


    In fact, let me go further as to say I'm not good at expressing myself in any other language as well as I can in English. Not even my mother tongue, truth be told, nor Japanese, a language which I'm very interested in and have been learning for a few years out of my own accord, but even then, I think I can express myself far better in these two languages than I can in BM, a language that I have love for simply because it's my country's national language, but sadly not the interest to further hone.


    Speaking of interest, I hope to be able to use Japanese well someday. Am working towards it now, in fact, er...more or less. But anyway, back to BM. Words like "Cis", "Celaka", "Aduh", "Alamak" do come in handy sometimes, cos after all, I am Malaysian at heart. xD So in case you did, please don't get the impression that I'm less patriotic than you are, and I'd speak BM in a heartbeat when certain situations call for it (with a little trouble and probably not a little amount of stuttering, yes, but I'd still do it without hesitation) but this isn't one of them. This is a forum where I want to be able to express myself with as little trouble as possible. If I'm going to hit a snag every time I try to even in a place as free as this is, I might as well not post at all, innit. Which is why I suggest you keep on using BM, even if it's only allowable in this thread, if that's the language you find easier to express yourself in. After all, one of the greater beauties of our country is our Muhibbah culture. Saying something in BM and then having it being replied to in English or whatever other language that's prevalent in our country, as though the languages are one and the same, is no less impressive than speaking only one of these languages and it's another facet to our country which I'm extremely proud of.


    Plus, general population aside, quite a number of us M'sians are able to use English well, unlike some of the other countries in which thread you were indicating as speaking their own language, so we choose to speak it instead of BM. Remnants of being forced while in school has left a slightly less than positive impression on me so now I won't ever use it unless, like I said earlier, certain situations arise where I have to. I hope you understand. But like I suggested, do continue speaking in BM. It is fun to see our national language being spoken but don't get mad when some of us don't respond to you in kind, OK? Cos we all have our reasons. The long rant above is just mine alone.


    Oh yeah, and when I say I have love for my country, please do not mistake it as my holding the same amount of adoration for its government as well. The latter and former are two very different things, as some of you should very well know. But let's not discuss this cos it's neither the time nor the place. Especially not the place.


    And aw, look what you did. You've gone and sparked off a rant. I must've been unconsciously holding it in for quite some time. =/ Oh well, read or not, at least everything's out of my system now.


    Nuts, yeah I'm interested in their language and their food and I guess, in a way, their culture and history as well. I also like the nature in their country. As far as pop culture goes, my interest is until the extent of certain genres of anime, manga, and possibly music as well (very limited, tho) . Can't say I'm too keen on other aspects of it (fashion and whatnot...then again, I'm not keen on fashion, period xD).

  11. Yanno, crazy_mary, 28 really isn't all that old.


    ...or at least that's what i'm telling myself since i'll be getting there in four years...


    And yes, Sat evening's a green light. Just need to decide on a time, is all. Oh and venue-wise, can we relocate to Pan Cafe in SS15? If you don't know where that is, it's actually very near to Subang Parade itself. You just have to drive in a little bit more, bout 450 meters or so.


    Oh and I did check out for nearby budget accomodations and the nearest one to HarbourFront, where my friend and I are alighting AND departing from, is this hotel called Harbour Ville Hotel.It's less than 2km away from the port itself. I don't know the rates but I'm sure it should be plenty affordable, being categorized under 'Budget Hotel' and all...


    As for hotels near Fort Canning Park, well, I didn't have any plans to stay around there to begin with (if my friend and I are staying at all, I wanna make damn sure we stay as near to the point of departure as possible, so as not to miss the bus home, you understand) but you might wanna check this site out. It's extremely helpful, especially if you're a tourist in Singapore.


    And Nuts, you're a real nice helpful fella, aren't ya? ^_^ Don't change for anything in the world. Me, I'm your usual run-of-the-mill Malaysian Chinese, who just so happened to have been studying Japanese for the past six years and is currently working in a Japanese-speaking environment (tomorrow is English-speaking day, though, yippee!!). I'm not that fluent yet but would really like to be someday soon. And really, that's all there is to it. Nothing impressive at all. ^^;;

  12. ^haha such a strange coincidence. i just came off from watching an episode of Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto (kanji and hiragana are written as 「幕末機関説いろはにほへと」, for those of you who are savvy with Japanese or Chinese characters, or both) and am now listening to its opening theme, Kouya Ruten on my iPod when I saw your username.

  13. nooo...please don't do that. i don't wanna be anally probed...i'm sorry, i really am...T.T


    and i actually DO play the piano. well, did. i went all the way up to grade eight, too. so i can safely say i've completed it. my last exam was...er...years ago.


    didn't, and still don't, like it too much tho. xxD haven't touch the piano much at all since then.

  14. wow...i spose i agree with deb but i'm gonna go further. i now believe that it's actually quite possible for you and bellamy to both come from teh same planet.


    EDIT: come to think of it, you might actually have him beat and come from some place even further and hotter...

  15. no, no, no!!!!!! OMG, crazy_mary, you've gotten it completely wrong!!! it's the OTHER way round, actually. you seemed so completely unsure, so much at a loss of whether to make this trip or not, that i thought it'd be easier for u if they just announce early to play here. that way, you wouldn't have to be at a loss anymore, i thought. but note, this was BEFORE i read the article.


    i have since read it tho. it really wasn't too positive, was it? and to top it off, it actually encourages malaysians to just go ahead for the singapore gig instead of pinning all our hopes on this uncertainty. a bird in hand is better than two in the bush and all that. which actually is good advice, if you ask me. one i'd suggest you wholeheartedly follow by buying the ticket and hooking up with us to go south together.


    I sincerely doubt, however, that as long as MUSE can help it themselves, they'd come. Their track record doesn't make it seem as though they're the haughty, picky types when it comes to where they hold their concerts so long as they get to play. even now, i believe that even if they somehow impossibly end up getting a low bill ranking at a festival, they'd still do it, as long as they have a say in it. but then again, what do i know?


    Another thing, seeing as so few acclaimed brit bands ever bother coming down here, doing so would garner them good rep on their part and the great possibility of earning them so many new fans. a lot of m'sians would check them out despite not knowing much about them, just cos so few good acts ever bothered with us. not saying that they'd sell out per se, but i reckon they'd sell a good amount of tickets, as far as malaysian standards go. i'm still hoping for a smaller venue on the side tho, impossible wish as it may seem to be.


    and if they do, i'll make it a point to go again, even if it means they'll be playing pretty much the same set, even if it means my bank account will suffer a couple hundred bucks less in its confines.


    my goodness, no wonder you didn't reply to that text msg. perish that thought, aunties are most welcome! sides, who am i to talk, being only a mere 4 years your junior? *snigger*


    EDIT: and btw, Deb's 16 going on 17. :LOL:

  16. Nice one, Deb.


    Well ultimately it's entirely up to you. I guess the biggest obstacle isn't your parents, but yourself, in the end. YearEndSale vs MUSE. You decide. =) Neither would be a bad choice, don't worry. The most important thing is to figure out what you feel is most worth that RM500 of yours. ^_~

  17. oh...chaos a personal friend of yours?


    and a m'sian flag, huh...heh.


    and not too sure whether the setlist will be consistent with the ones they've been playing in Europe. i won't be averse to them playing some older stuff simply cos they've never played them in other parts of asia, in other words, here before.


    not too sure bout the extended version, mate. i haven't bothered to search too deep into that yet. my guess is if you search hard enough, you'll prolly find it lurking somewhere online where you can d/l for free, albeit illegally. don't think the band'll mind too much cos after all, it /is/ "the managament's problem, not theirs."

  18. hey there. you using a computer nearby the place or something?


    actually i don't exactly need a green light from my parents anymore but it's nice to know that i don't have to worry them, either.


    and yeah, i saw the hoobastank thingy as well and had to raise my eyebrow. wouldn't mind seeing them live but only if they come to m'sia i guess.


    EDIT: are there other people waiting around, btw? is there a queue forming?


    EDIT2: and i'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, bout the setlist i mean if you go to muselive. here's wishing you and your bro good luck in scoring backstage passes ^_^

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