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Posts posted by vspirit

  1. well if you're getting rockzone tix, they'll cost around RM110 so half that and i guess it's about SGD45 or so...hmm don't think it'll be too much of a prob. but i'll need to go look for a place that'll accomodate for RM100 a nite. actually, that sounds pretty good to work with. there should be decent places available around that price range. i'll look around, no worries ^_~


    and yeah, noisemonkie, we're quite aware of that already. thanks for the thought of bringing it to our attention tho ^^

  2. sure thing. no worries at all. you guys have got a budget to speak of?


    and yeah...ever noticed bellamy changes his guitars during his band's performance set as often as madonna does hers with outfits? xxD but since his has a technical reasoning behind it...


    really tho...does he actually need to change them so often? xxD

  3. Yeah, yeah, play in Manila, too, dudes. You can't say you've been to all of SEA until you've also been to the Philippines (and Vietnam xD).


    Well, there's still hope. They /did/ mention your country in that one interview where they were spewing out names of SEA countries they were planning and hoping to be able to play in. So far most of those they've listed have come into fruition...so there's a very high possibility that Manila will also be added to the SEA tour list very soon. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, yours is about the only country from the list of which they have yet to announce a date. So keep your fingers crossed, guys, cos I've a feeling they might very soon.



  4. i like the group idea...just so we can reinforce one another. lord knows i don't wanna go through what i did again. i was even a little pissed at MUSE for not having the decency to even mention something onstage but then maybe they really were just that oblivious. *shrug* either way i now know that one can't depend on them for anything but a good performance (but really, what would be the point of it at all if some of the audience aren't even alive to see the end of it? xxD). guess i really shouldn't ask for more. and while it's true it's every man for himself, sometimes, when someone's at a physical disadvantage, a little caring towards the wellbeing of others wouldn't hurt.


    ya know, maybe we should all just agree to meet up all at once before the day of the show. like pick a random date before the 25th when everyone (or the majority of everyone anyway) is available and have some sort of a get-together somewhere, ya know? kinda like a MUSE concert survival club thingy... what say all of ya?


    EDIT: oh right, hello thar, jerry. and welcome to the boards. and thread, by extension. xP

  5. yeah? i heard him loud and clear. even while in the midst of being crushed to death, he was all i could hear ringing in my ears. not so bad a sound to die to, really, but i didn't wanna be moshed to death... xxxD not the way i wanted to go really...


    and well, i wouldn't hold my breath for the KL one seeing as the venue is Stadium Negara. If it's Bukit Jalil, rest assured the sound will at least be decent but then that's because it's an outdoor. but Stadium Negara, being an indoor type, has not-so-great acoustics. so it gets echoey...

  6. AWESOME!!!

    Matt was at the piano..

    did Matt do anything weird?

    i assume Dom was wearing pink pants

    did Chris say anything?

    did i see Tom?

    Dom used the crystal kit!

    nice t shirt!!!

    did Matt say anything?





    ...not especially. weird is the norm for him anyway.

    apparently he didn't.

    someone mentioned that he did, a little, but i didn't catch any of it.

    i don't think you did cos you weren't there. unless you have super farsight or something, and can see across the causeway...

    yeah he did


    yeah, quite a bit. a lot of "Thanks, Singapore!"s and he did a bit of crowd bantering (tho it's mostly dom) but for bellamy, i'd daresay he spoke quite a bit that night.

    claps back:D:D


    EDIT: to crazy_mary: you're most welcome, lovely. ;)

  7. hey there mewse-ic, welcome to the boards. ^_^ you can find the setlist in the singapore gig thread at the gigs and threads forum. ^_^ but ah well, since no one has posted it here yet...


    01. Knights Of Cydonia

    02. Hysteria

    03. Map Of The Problematique

    04. Butterflies And Hurricanes

    05. Supermassive Black Hole

    06. Newborn

    07. Forced In

    08. Bliss

    09. Feeling Good

    10. Sunburn

    11. Invincible

    12. Time Is Running Out

    13. Plug In Baby


    14. Soldier's Poem

    15. Starlight

    16. Stockholm Syndrome


    Apparantly, from Sp@ceH at Muselive.

  8. Hey Nutz! Yea, I actually shouted your name. I even got one of the event ushers to help out. We were all going like, "Leaf! Leeeeeeaf!" but you weren't there anymore. =((( Granted, I waited until the crowd thinned before I did that. I thought you'd wait til then as well. Why didn't you? *sob* Meeting you would've helped brighten up my night further.


    Wow, some of the pictures on that site are absolutely fantastic. Not just the position, but the photographer has some l33t skills!! I prolly still wouldn't have been able to get that quality even if I were all alone and the guys posed specifically for me. -.-;;;;


    And to everyone, from where I was (about 7 rows away from the stage before I gave up and left the mosh area), the pushing and jostling were very, very bad. Most of my pictures are blurred by shakiness and well, very concert-photo-taken-by-fan-ish. My friend took most of them and given his position, the shots are actually decent, though some are tilted because of...well yanno, things happen. If I were to have done it, all of them would be pretty bad. I did get some not-so-bad ones myself from further away where there wasn't as much jostling tho. I'm thankful that my camera's zoom isn't half bad. If it is, the pictures will come out looking a lot worse than they already are. But none of them are actually close-ups and the guys all still came out looking more like aliens than anything and it was REALLY hard to get Howard from our vantage point. And from that one picture of Bellamy, I must say that Nutz' ones will most certainly be better than mine. I deleted a whole bunch and these are the remaining ones that narrowly made the cut. But then again, my standard wasn't all that high to begin with. So....don't expect too much, OK? Apologies for my tardiness, btw. My entire body's one giant ache now. Er...actually that really doesn't have much to do with anything, does it? Ahahaha...


    note001: #9> the final pic taken right before my friend got pushed down. I think they were still doing KoC...maybe. Everything after that were taken from slightly further away where it's easier to breathe.

    note002: # 21>here's the answer to your earlier text-messaged question, deb.

    note003: #28> much apologies about my shabby "modelling" :$ ^^; just tot it'd look nicer on a body rather than on a flat, inanimate surface...though I'm pretty close to that as well so there really isn't any difference...xD got it while they were playing Newborn *chuckles*


    all in all, it's an awe-inspiring performance, tho I'm gonna need a t-shirt that says, "MUSE concert survivor". =) you guys have much to look forward to on the 25th.

  9. uh...the show itself ws incredible, i`ll give the band that but the moshing was intolerable. the style of moshing was really REALLY bad. so bad, my friend and i, who were in the 7th row from the stage, almost died in there either by a) being trampled on, b) suffocation or c)both. we got pushed down to the ground and bodies were falling on top of us and no one would help us. no one could. we seriously tot we were gonna die. i held up my arm and kept yelling for help (with Hysteria playing in the background...how ironically fitting...i loved that song and...well, i still do but everytime i listen to it, it`ll be laced with some bad memories now. =( it got to the point that my usually good natured fren resorted to yelling "Fucker!" repeatedly in between Hysteria and SMBH in order to be heard til somehow, someway, someone realized and helped him back up. which was about the time i was helped back up, too. by then the two of us couldn't stand it anymore and had to be helped up and out. yeah, we were one of those poor saps. but we were too desperate to care to be embarrassed. i almost lost my bag in the mosh too. my bag of crackers were smashed beyond belief and my fren, who was afraid of beng pickpocketed still lost his change anyway, ironically because they fell out during the hysteria.


    after that i was too disoriented to care what the next tune being played was which was why MoTP was blanked out for me. I was catching my breath on the side, fully lying on the ground.


    I somehow managed to enjoy the rest of the show from a further area where i could still see them clearly enough and there was actually room to breathe but i guess sometime during then Bliss must`ve become a total blank for me. also managed to retain the presence of mind to grab a t-shirt while newborn was being played.


    aaaand also managed to snap some pics thanks to my fren (i'd be crushed to death already if it weren`t for him) and i snapped a few myself as well. a lot, were of course, unusable and promptly deleted but still got some not-too-shabby shots in. will upload those when i get back and now traipsing around singapore at midnight like suspicious tramps. god, i miss my bed.


    didn't meet the band tho. we tried to wait a little but then had to hightail it back before the last train back to our port of call., which is where we are now. =)

  10. i dunno, man but the service website didn't say anything and i remember once asking if the floods are gonna be a problem and i think the lady said the route isn't affected cos it's the highway...or summat...


    you prolly won't get to read this til after the show anyway. well around the entrance right? just stay put and look as if you're waiting for someone and we'd prolly find you...maybe. xxD

  11. malaysian concert organizers, lol.


    don't they know that making thoughtless little statements like that will only half sales, not double 'em? i guess that's also part of why concert tix never get sold out here and sometimes even fall below the band's expectation which ultimately results in them never ever coming back for another gig. another nice little example of malaysia's habit of moving three steps forward and two steps back, i guess.


    i reckon we've still got a long way to go as far as holding and promoting concerts go. actually, no, let me rephrase that. we've yet still got a long way to go. period.


    but what can i do, right? i still love my country.

  12. How unfortunate.


    Ah well, so long as it isn't................................NOT. SAYING. IT. DON'T. WANNA. JINX. IT. NONE. OF. YOU. HAD. BETTER. SAY. IT.


    EDIT: Hey, did our capital change its name recently or something? Cos apparently it's not Kuala Lumpur, but Kuala Lumpar now. Why am I always the last to know about these sorta things? =(((

  13. wow...the only time i went there was to watch that starlight cinema thingy and that was only once and aeons ago to boot. so i assumed that everything would be held at that area with all the wide open space, which is also why i thought it'd be entirely free standing, like a park show or something.


    and all i remember from it was...the smell. the stink of horsie poo. if i were a plant i'd be fertilized by the smell alone. if i do end up going, i'm gonna bring along a clothes peg.

  14. you can sit? cos i'm under the impression that you can't.


    and it's not so much that their music is difficult to digest as it is not really the kind of music i'd listen to at all simply because i'm not very attracted to its sound. you can't seriously say MUSE's stuff is 'easy to digest'. I have a history of liking, really liking, bands that aren't necessarily 'easy to digest', not because they are experimental, it's just that they're not pop, plain and simple. cos really, 'easy to digest' just means pop to me at the end of the day. 'pop rock', if it has a rockish edge to it. don't get me wrong, tho, cos i like pop as much as the next casual music listener, which is to say, just fine. i just don't get into it so much cos like i said, it's all casual listenin'.


    back to the beasties, i heard a couple from them that i kind of like but i wasn't attracted to their sound in general enough to have delved deeper into what they're about. but i revere them as a long-standing and outstanding enough band to seriously considering checking them out cos theirs might be a live show i could get into, if their reputation holds true. i get into music played live easier than i do music recorded and played back, especially for music that is essentially good, but just not really something i'd listen to on a regular basis.


    that said, i seriously think i might go but only if i'm absolutely sure it won't wear me out until Sunday. it being the middle of school holidays and all, too many kids with too much energy to spare might be there to stomp small-boned people like me who are prolly small enough to not even show up on radar to the ground. and also if the tix prices are reasonable and well within my range of affordability after getting double-whammied by MUSE. and of course, if i don't have to go through too much trouble to get the tix.

  15. hm...so the beasties really are coming to town as well?


    ...should i or shouldn't i? i don't know enough cos i don't really dig their sound...


    Yes: cos it's the dudes.


    No: i'd be smelling, tasting and seeing manure for days to come. it might even linger around on sunday, still. that, and i'd be risking injury to myself 3 days before the big day.


    and everything on that axcess site seems to be 'hotselling', even that rain character, whose concert tickets were available in sg. wang that day as well, at the booth south by southwest of MUSE's, which my friend (you've met her, crazy) claimed to have not even seen a shadow lingering in front of, despite the crowded condition all around...

  16. i have no gripes about it, to be honest. granted, the writing style is a little stale as some s'porean and m'sian english articles are oft to be, but calling them nerds just shows them being viewed from yet another perspective by yet another journalist. that is to say, it's just one of their many facets and i find the one of them being nerds quite charming, truth be told. the writer hadn't written it to mean offensively, simmer down... ^_^;;




    and wolstenholme became a bassist/keyboardist the day he decided to play street soccer and ended up injuring his wrist. they actually left out a couple more to that list. he plays the guitar too and i seem to remember him using this shakey mariachi-like thing for a song in a gig some time ago. heck there could be more i don't know about.

  17. hey guys. tot i'd share something. this is one of the best amvs i've ever had the fortune to come across. and i'm not saying that just cos the creator used a Muse song. i've seen other amvs/fmvs using Muse songs which aren't as good. it's just that the whole thing...fits. Music, scenes, cuts, edit. Well I could talk all day long and it still won't be as effective as seeing it for yourself so here, bear witness to it yourself.

  18. ah, your dad said no after all, deb? i guess if it weren't for the malaysian show your dad might still have allowed you to go...now he sees no point in it huh? or was it due to something else altogether? wish you every success of selling it off =). and i most certainly will not be the only m'sian there. our world isn't /that/ small despite what we think ^_~.


    ..and I was told off to go to the back of the queue..by fans, not the staff or the security, I didn't know the queue was way at the back coz nobody told us/direct us, and that sucks..

    :eek: i certainly hope that wasn't me. i remember /politely/ informing a few people that MUSE's queue starts way at the back while LeeHom's can be gotten right off the bat where the booth is without queueing but i defo don't remember telling anyone off cos while i was a little miffed (tho i swear i maintained a polite demeanor!!!) at first, i did realize later that the crowd of people there for that MyFM thingy kinda threw people off...that and the generally shoddy handling of things. either way, i'm sorry you got told off when you were merely confused. but at least you know now that the MUSE fans here are nothing if not dedicated. we snap at the slightest thing that threatens our one chance of seeing the band live for ourselves. xxD


    waited in line for 45 minutes(I was in queue nearing Delifrance) and decided that the 30% discount is not really worth the hassle of lining up, better I'll just go take a chance by going to the Galaxy office and buy them or online ticketing.. I had other engagements by 6pm and I'm still sad coz I still got no ticket ...(insert appropriate Muse song here )..

    oh dear, that's a right shame, especially after all you've been put through. guess not everyone's day ended on a high note. but don't fret cos i don't think it's quite sold out yet so like you said, you could probably just get it off the organizers themselves. that, or you could check here to see where else you can get them evasive tix. i heard record stores like tower records and rock corner might carry 'em as well but don't quote me on that.


    n one of the things that happen today, I sms a few friend and told them about Muse concert in KL. Then in one of the reply, "Muse? The rapper? Didn't know you're into hip hop" Imagine my horror when I read that! She confused it with 'Maze'! It was funny and insulting at the same time.

    It happens. *nods sagely* it's part of the appeal, actually, they being underdogs despite their seemingly larger than life success. well at least you know they're genuine and not all hyped up by the media. tho i dunno who this Maze is (if he/she is hyped like most rappers tend to be, then i prolly won't know cos i don't really follow the general coming and going the media, tho some still managed to leak into me, like that 20cents whatshisface--or was that 50?--there must be a prisoner appeal thing going on these days...and speaking of rappers, guys like coolio are the only ones for me. whatever happened to them? cos what they made are what i'd still consider as being in the realm of music...)...


    Btw I tucked my ticket safely in one of my favorite book. Just so that I wont lose it.

    I know, I'm a geek.

    that sounds almost...sweet. =) now just don't forget where you've put it. ^_~

  19. huh? those aunties and myself were third, not first, in line. first was another girl but she wasn't wearing a tudung...so did you talk to the unbe-tudunged girl who was first in line, or one of them be-tudunged aunties that were very, very near to being first in line?


    oh and your queueing up near KFC would mean you'd still be pretty far away from us...so nope, wouldn't have seen you then.


    so i take the pitt tix are sold out. more or less. i did reserve a couple of tickets from galaxy at undiscounted price as a contingency plan should i fail to grab one of those and decide not to settle for anything less. i'll have to call the nice lady tomorrow to tell her to release them...if they aren't already sold off anyway ^^;


    from the way you spoke tho, it sounds as if the organizers are only selling a limited amount of tix today. i doubt that's the case tho. if there's a chance of selling out everything, why won't they go ahead to do it? as opposed to keeping some tix at full price and run the risk of people not buying them cos they're too pricey. you know how malaysians are. surely they'd be expecting a large volume of people coming on the first day itself only BECAUSE of the 30% discount. If everything's limited, i honestly think they'd have said it loud and clear beforehand because no matter how bumbling the organizers are, this is one golden rule they can't break cos they can't run a successful business with that kind of clumsiness. but then again, the lady did entertain my request of holding onto my reserved tix til tomorrow when there's a huge chance i'll end up not needing them and she might as well have released them on the 7th when they'll definitely get sold. xxDD i hope not many did what i did...she's way nice but thinking back on it now, she really shouldn't have agreed, at least not up to the 8th anyway. xxxDD


    what i'm wondering now is if the venue's sold out. it'd be wonderful if it is, wouldn't it? would tell the world something about us malaysians knowing how to appreciate good music without exactly being vocal about it. it'd certainly encourage the band to drop by again should they tour the world again in the future.xxD


    and i think why most of us are shocked that there can be this many fans when muse isn't exactly commercially popular here (or anywhere else, really, not the way commercially popular is really defined, anyway) would be because most fans here actually do know their music and prefer to enjoy it quietly. that's a nice notion, don't you think? and the other reason would be the discount...xD it was certainly effective in attracting all us tortoise/kiamsiap (cross out whichever doesn't apply. for me, it's the first) types out of our shells. galaxy and tiger sure know how to draw us out, huh.


    tho i tot their way of conducting the event was pretty piss poor...


    EDIT: sorry, this was supposed to be post #480. i deleted and reposted cos i did a huge amount of editing. ^^;;; thanks for the pix, crazy. will check them out as soon as i'm done with this...


    EDIT#2: cool~ the tail end was actually almost at the other side of the mall wasn't it? xxD

  20. hi, and welcome ^_^


    and yeah can't really fault you for not being a fan of forums but i'm mighty glad you chose to sign up anyway and talk to us. i hope you can make your stay more permanent. ^_^


    well crazy_mary, her friend and I were about third in line. the group almost right up front that consists of two ladies in tudung and a chinese...person...in an orange tee would be us. i would be the chinese...person...in the orange tee. you definitely can't be the first two as the girl in who was first in line only bought one ticket (dunno which, tho) and the group after her bought 17 in total (15xPitt tix). The group behind us bought about 8 Pitt tix so yours should either be the one after them or possibly a bit after. What time did you arrive? If you're in the before-1130 crowd, it's possible I might remember seeing you since I kept on looking to the back and there were fewer faces to remember back then...

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