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Posts posted by vspirit

  1. vspirit, how could u..? :p


    i noe..it does help if we're waiting right next to each other..no worries, 2moro if i get there early i'll save a space for u..(and that's a BIG if)

    lol. that's right kind of you but i'm afraid i must decline the offer. it wouldn't be fair to those queueing up behind you. and due to this i must say that i can't quite offer you the same courtesy as well, should i end up a few heads ahead of you.


    ibelieve, i'm also questioning the wisdom of buying a standing ticket since i'm not quite sure i'd have recovered from standing around for the upcoming singapore gig but i figured if the stadium's acoustics are going to leave much to be desired, i might as well try to get into the stick and stink of the pitt, gyrating the night away.

  2. if u see an aunty trying to buy two pitt tickets while holding a thick literary theory book and a junk magazine (wif muse on d cover of course..) than dont be shy to say hello and pliss allow me to be in front of u (if there's a line to buy d tickets) to show that u do respect d elderly..;)

    i love you, but piss off my back (or front) tomorrow, babe.


    but yanno, it'd be good if we happen to end up queueing up right next to each other. cos then one can hold the line while the other can go get food and water supply, answer nature's call, etc...

  3. omg bakumatsu your avatar!! :eek:


    so is everyone gonna be at sg wang tomorrow morning? lol i bet i'll bump into some of you and wont know that you're you... and i'm SO scared that i'd get trampled on in the pit! omg. i could die or something. :stunned: but i dont care, cause i wanna see them up close! lol.

    i'll be toting a navy blue vinyl reebok sling bag with a pink ( i reckon) motif of the union jack. so if you spot me, don't be shy, tag me to say hi =) xD

  4. i was thinking of going at 11 myself, armed with my iPod and several good books. but 4 hours in Sg. Wang on a Sunday is just plain...daunting...maybe 1130...1145...eh heh heh...but the earlier it is the less packed it seems, and by the time it's packed, i'd already be rooted to one spot so maybe 11 it is...


    i do come on occasionally but i've been having trouble signing in these past few days. i see you come on after me sometimes, too, but i never wanted bother you, heh. if you see me on, don't hesitate to beam me one, hey. ^_~


    EDIT: nice. congrats and store it well. =)

  5. Why would they have those poor buggers pay RM233 for? If anything, they'll be the ones getting paid for doing their jobs. o.O


    No, that's the free standing zone right in front of the stage (bout four or five rows of people max, I reckon) which the LP concert organizers made available only to VIPs, contest winners, early birds and such. The organizers this time around are doing things differently by opening them up to the public at a lofty price. Not overly so but lofty, nonetheless. The spot being right in front of the stage and thus extremely limited obviously is a major factor. I'll be trying to grab myself one or two of these come Sunday. If I can't tho, I'll settle for the purple standing area.


    There's a link there that'll lead you to the floor seating plan. Why don't you take a look at it if you haven't already?

  6. yeah i know you weren't. it just sparks off an irrational feeling of anger within me every time someone assumes that when someone's a malaysian, he/she has to speak our national language. usually it'd be a complete valid and reasonable assumption if this wasn't malaysia we're talking about. the main reason, i guess, behind why i got a little defensive (ok maybe more than a little) is that people tend to forget that malaysia isn't a homogenous country and is a country that doesn't really make it compulsory for non-bumiputera to adopt a malay name or to speak the malay language, and that while most people are able to speak malay, being of the malay race or no, a lot actually choose not to.


    i'm sorry if i shocked you. ^^; that little rant really had nothing to do with you at all. or the person who sparked it off in the first place (tho i distinctly remember being more irked by what he/she said than what you did). it's nothing personal at all. the way you asked was very nice and friendly. i'm sorry if i came off a little (or a lot) scary. hope i didn't scare you away from coming back...tho it seems it might be too late, i might already have...

  7. Do you guys normally speak in English on an everyday basis? As far as I know, your official language is Malay, or do you guys just speak english here? Its not important I know. I'm just bored and going crazy and malay-indo are like saudara right? yes? No? okay then...:nerd:


    Yeah, as a matter of fact, some of us do speak it on an everyday basis. However, there're a whole lot of us who don't, as well. Bumiputera government workers, mainly. But the latter's just my opinion and/or impression, and not all of them, cos sometimes you get an anomaly like crazy_mary here. xD As to why we, or at least I, am not partial to using our national language, well, as I'm loath to repeat myself, especially for subjects that'll spark off rants from me, so here's a previous rant I did on the same subject.


    If you don't feel like going through the rant--and don't worry, I don't blame you at all--though, here's a summary: at the end of the day, just as what crazy_mary has said, it's what most of us here on the board are more comfortable with. And as a bonus, should people from other countries come in here, well, they'll be able to participate in some of our discussions as well.


    And I think the 30% discount is more than worth the couple of days wait, my dear mary. You'd only be paying RM77 for a standing ticket rather than RM110. Lots of things you can do with that RM33 you saved. It means even more to me since I've already spent a bomb for their upcoming S'pore show. So rest assured I'll be at Sg. Wang bright and early (ok maybe not the latter...but i'll prolly be there sometime early afternoon, at least) on the 7th, instead of hooking up with Galaxy on the 5th. Would you like to meet up again on that day, btw?

  8. This just in...


    ...and that was me lying without blinking cos I actually got the call earlier in the afternoon but was too busy counting money (not mine, in case you're wondering, which I'm sure you are) to get on here to tell. And the slow internet speed wasn't too encouraging either.


    Artiste: MUSE

    Venue: Stadium Negara (not the steamboat restaurant, I've since learned)

    Date: Feb 25, 2007

    Time: 8:00ish (I reckon...forgot to ask)

    Organizers: Galaxy Group and Tiger Music

    Galaxy Group ticket window opens: 5th January 2007

    Special Promotion: 30% off all ticket prices for whoever purchases it at Sungei Wang Plaza on 7th January. A One-day only event, ticket booth opens at 3p.m. and located on the Groud Floor where the event stage and Coffee Bean are at.

    Age restriction: None whatsoever (or so the Galaxy personnel claimed)

    Early bird specials: None (so going there early on the day of the concert counts, and counts a lot, I guess).


    So...no age restriction can only mean one thing...no beer. I'm seriously contemplating the wisdom in going now...


    ...just kidding. The band'll just have to work extra hard onstage to work me into a high.


    I guess my plans are set for next Sunday. xD


    There, I did as I was told, aunty crazy_mary. Do I get a treat???

  9. Dunno bout Way's sexuality and sure as hell don't care enough to. I must say that his lil bro has a certain sort of appeal...in a way that although he's a couple years older than I am, it still makes me feel like a pedophile for even thinking of checking him out. xxxxD And I'm certainly no pedophile!!!11one11!I hope11!one!


    And crazy, I think you should just join anyway. If they disqualify you, well, it doesn't change anything but if they don't and it's eligible to all M'sians, think of all the hair you'd be pulling out when you realize you could've stood to win something but didn't cos you let your other half hold you back. Throw away your caution, tell that other half of yours to shut the hell up, what have you got to lose? I doubt they'll ask for proof of purchase or something lame like that. It's an Internet contest, for Chrissakes. And backstage passes seem unlikely but hey, like I said, you'll never know if you don't at least try. Nothing's holding you back from that at least. Well, nothing and noone but yourself. xxD


    aw...muse_music has really made me wanna grant him/her his/her wish but I don't think the tickets are actually the problem, aren't they?

  10. Yeah, some people don't. I didn't start out liking it either. Hated it, in fact, cos my first proper encounter with it (not counting the time when I was eight...my theory stands that you can't really have a proper encounter with alcohol when you're that much underaged, inebriated or not) ended up disastrous due to the fact I consumed them on an empty stomach. Yeah, yeah, what was I thinking and all that. But wait--ah, well, everything's an experience in itself. I now know firsthand exactly why it's a bad idea to have beer for dinner despite it being made out of wheat.


    Truth be told, I still don't like the taste much but I love the buzz it gives me after a few rounds. And I suppose using the word 'favorite' isn't quite so appropriate. 'Least dislike' is probably more accurate. xD The buzz...the buzz is good and something I love either way. I hope they serve free Tiger draft at the venue. If not, hell, I'll pay for a round or two if it means I can get my pre-show fix enough to be able to properly shed some of my inhibitions.


    And yeah cocktails are expensive but deeelightful. But they also make me more shitfaced smashed than beer or wine ever do. Found out firsthand when I overdid it once. Not quite an experience I'd want to relive again either so I've been semi-monitoring my dosage ever since. xxD


    And I don't know know. I was just assuming know. Doesn't even garner the word know, in fact, cos I don't really. It's all basically conjecture on my part. Besides, that's what the page is implying we do.


    MCR wasn't (prolly still isn't, really) my cuppa tea. Eh, what the heck, might as well announce my stand on em and all the hoohaa surrounding their American tour with MUSE as support:


    I didn't like them. I thought their previous album, 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' was unique but just, like i said earlier, not my cup of tea. I still think so. I abhorred 'I'm Not OK (I Promise)', and thought it a sorry excuse for a song, and my impression of the band took a more definite plunge from an already not-so-high spot due to that alone. That, and irrational as it may be, I didn't like Gerard Way's face.


    Then 'The Black Parade' came about. The songs are decent. More than decent, these people can actually write songs. And they're developing towards a direction that's making me see them in a more positive light. Their live shows have been improving, if some of what I've seen on YT is anything to go by. Seeing as this would be TBP tour, which I honestly think is one of the better, more solid and not to mention honest albums released this year, that if I were in a band that's going to tour with them for this album, I won't find the thought of it appalling at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. For coming out with TBP alone, they now have my grudging respect.


    But I still don't like Gerard Way's face.

  11. I'm thinking this /might/ be one way to win yourself some early bird tix. Don't quote me on it, tho.


    And this might mean tix will start selling on the 5th. Might. That, or they're just gonna announce it on that day.


    And if Tiger's involved, I'm thinking there's gonna be some age restriction thing going on around somewhere. Not very sure where. Hopefully this will just mean that beer's available and people below 18 aren't allowed to buy em or something...tho I'm sure some minors won't be too happy with that either xxD


    I find it thoroughly amusing that they're one of the co-organizers tho. Cos Tiger's actually my third favorite beer, right after Bud and Asahi, to the horror of most of my beer-drinking, spirit-guzzling buddies (Corona and Kirin come respectively after that, if any of you are wondering). Ch, Heineken's so overrated, if you ask me. So if that's gonna be available that day, night, whatever, I'd be one happy camper.


    On a different note, one of the xmas pressies I got turned out to be MCR's latest. Listening to it now and the tune Mama really amuses me, I find.

  12. my first thought would be that the age limit thing is silly. but then thinking deeper on it, i guess they have their reasons.


    i called galaxy prod. and dropped my name and contact anyway, cos they said if i do that, they'd get in touch with me once they have the details (which they don't have much of yet) and ask if i wanna reserve tix and how many a few days before they release it to public sale via vendors. not sure if they'd make good on their word tho, *shrug* cos this sounds almost too easy...unless they only take into account people who call really early and have a cap on how many they'll get in contact with. i have no idea at all, really. if i can't get an early bird standing tix, i'll just get a seated one elsewhere. not gonna worry myself over it.


    i've never been to concerts here in msia before. i've only ever been to a few in Oz. i almost went to one back in my high school days cos a friend of mine wanted company but then I lost the ticket on the first day itself xxxxD. oops.

  13. how did you get those early bird tix, pray tell? did you get them just by going to the vendor and buying them early? i mean since you were clearly over 18 and all...so as long as you have that on your side and are early to go buy, you'd be guaranteed an early bird tix? or do you have to go through some other channel? who organized those concerts you went to anyway? cos the only other recent english concert organized by galaxy is INXS back in August...


    and while you still have to queue up, it doesn't really matter even if you don't right? since you'd be guaranteed a special area? like, even if you're a latecomer, and you may not get to stand directly in front of the stage, you'd still be near it anyway (fourth row, maybe), right?

  14. crazy_mary, i need to ask. i heard from a friend of mine who went to the LP concert earlier that the concert ticketing system here works in strange and mysterious ways. she said that early bird standing ticket buyers aren't given a discount, but a reserved place to stand near the stage (the first four rows or summat), and the ushers will know you're an early bird simply by looking at the registration number of your ticket (tix are all numbered...??) and if it falls within the early bird digits, then you're in. Which means that if you don't hold an early bird ticket, you don't get into the first four rows, no matter how early you start queueing.


    now, i'm not sure that system only comes into play for popular concerts (and rest assured LP /is/ popular) because you sure as hell didn't mention that for the previous concerts you went to (Hoobastank and Incubus among others...didn't even know Incubus came, truth be told) and these are popular in their own right (tho probably not as much as LP), or for all concerts and you're just not aware. but you said you were right up front for the hoob concert and you didn't mention anything about being an early bird ticket holder and such...maybe you were. i dunno, were you?


    or then again, maybe it depends on the venue. were any of the concert venues you went to held in any of the stadiums? cos i heard LP was in stadium merdeka...


    ...anyway i'm kinda confused right now. if you could shed some light on this matter, it'd be thoroughly appreciated.

  15. Haha not so predictable now, am i not? xD I /do/ want them to but if I'm asked to pick one, and only one, song that they'll definitely play at a show I'm going to, I'm gonna rethink good and proper, the result of which would be Unintended. ^_^

  16. I'm hoping against all hope that they'll play Unintended but I might as well wish for it to snow here in M'sia.


    Don't really have anything specific in mind. Anything they play will sound good to me, since I've never heard any of em live with my very own ears. If they play Unintended, though, it'd sound beyond good. It'd sound absolutely D-I-V-I-N-E.


    But then again, I guess seeing a white xmas here this year would be more probable.

  17. standing it is, then. thanks for helping me reach a decision. I'll prolly go there bright and early. 11 or so. tho i might end up being the only one there...which is gonna make me look stupid but hey, that ain't gonna hurt my image any, since i have none to speak of in the first place.


    but there might be some hardcore punks (i don't mean that by genre, i call most kids punks anyway, like my dad does) who might already be campin there brighter and earlier. possibly even before the former. like i said, punks.


    and i don't remember the restaurant looking like that...i feel like removing that dome like a tupperware cover. and that monk concert looks fascinating...

  18. if i'm getting numbered seated, there won't be any reason for me to camp now, willl there? however if ir's arena rockzone...iunno. how nuts are malaysian fans usually? i haven't really had much experience attending concerts here in malaysia, you see...


    but to be on the safe side, i spose sometime in the morning? like...9 or 10....? but again, i dunno about the fans here so there may be some who would've been there since the night before. i ain't camping overnite no matter whose concert it is, not in a muggy place (yes, I mean that in more ways than one) like this country is, so i guess the earliest i'll go is around 11ish or so. but it's gonna be so warm, yanno? which is why i'm more partial towards numbered seated in the first place. this way i'm gonna show up like...a half hour or 15 min before the show starts. If I'm driving, maybe slightly earlier to leave concession time for carpark hunting. xxD

  19. why thank you for the advice, not.tired.happy!


    i sorta assumed rockzone is just a fancy term for standing so i guess i guessed right. think i'll go for the 180 seated, though, if I can get a direct view of the stage like you said, as I probably would've had my fill of standing at Fort Canning...


    oh! and welcome to the boards.

  20. huh? did you call up to ask or something? prices seem affordable. i'm looking at the 180 seated one but...what's arena rockzone? do they mean standing? and how come it's cheaper than some of the seated areas??


    um...no i'm not really familiar with the workings when it comes to the local concert circuit...i don't even know where to buy tickets from if i wanna do a walk-in purchase...


    what i find even more amazing than the fact they even had m'sia on their radar at all and made good on their landing on it, tho, is the fact that the organizers have finally gotten through the thick heads of those who run our Immigration Dept. that's truly a feat, if i ever saw one.


    EDIT: nvm, just like you, i googled. i could totally see your tracks, dude. way to leave bread crumbs.

    and if i can buy tix at rock corner, like that tiger page said people could for when WAS was here, then i'm all set. (then again, i seem to remember the guy from the rock corner outlet i frequent telling me that if muse were to ever come to kl, tickets can be gotten via his outlet...but it's so far back in the past i can barely recall it) now i just have to find out what exactly is arena rockzone and should i opt it over the 180 seated zone.


    ...and since when do steamboat places have arenas? this stadium negara must really be something else. i'd go even if it means i have to eat their XXX spicy steamboat, or whatever kind of steamboat it is that they sell there.

  21. Hmm...I heard through the grapevine that the acoustics of teh place fail tho. isn't it like really ramshackle with air-conditioning that only cares about cooling the back of your knees or summat? and given the fact that MUSE is an arena rock band...i'm not sure how much justice this rundown shack (which i thought was torn down ages ago btw, which is why i sincerely, tho admittedly dumbly, thought what business does a steamboat restaurant have to host an arena rock band like they're filipino imports?) will be able to do a band like them. and it's indoor isn't it? why, yes. yes it is. indoor + slimey acoustics = :noey:


    but i'm happy they're coming at all so i'd prolly still go, if just to compare the two shows but this time, i'll prolly get a sitting ticket instead of a standing one...


    ...then again if the acoustics are gonna suck, i might as well try to get a spot nearer to teh stage and gawk at their maestroism(sic) instead of throughly trying to get into the sound of the music itself.


    would be great if they had gotten bukit jalil instead...or at the very least, stadium merdeka, which has the open-air concept. =((


    i'm gonna assume the sound system in fort canning rocks, or at least will rock harder than stadium negara's.


    and 25th's a Sunday btw. It's around the end of the CNY holidays.


    p/s: and thom yorke said they're good? how come i don't see anyone in teh main boards broadcasting this like crazy? could you have only dreamed it up?

  22. Stadium Negara? Isn't that, like, a steamboat restaurant near Jln. Ampang or something?


    And can you actually be ranked a general and serve under another general? You can't , can you? So you'd either have to demote yourself to Brigadier General or promote Bellamy to Führer. Herr Bellamy.

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