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Everything posted by nikite

  1. je viens de remarquer qu'ils avaient pas joué new born à singapour, j'avais pas regardé la setlist!!! ca va pas du tout MAIS ALORS PAS DU TOUT, mais euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. I'd love to, I really love english! I think that's what I'm gonna study next year at uni, among others, so in a few years I may be able to speak english perfectly, yee!

    Yea I'd love to.. Muse gigs in the Uk are both my favourites and my worsts: Royal Albert Hall was incredible while V Festival almost killed me, in a bad way :LOL: but I'd definitely love to go to Wembley..

    You are going to both? Standing? I wonder if they'll release another live dvd, I hope so, but I'm wondering which gig they'll choose.

    Oh, not very practical indeed! But going to the states is really cool aswell. When are you leaving? What about the may-june gigs?

  3. hey, bread+butter is cool. aha!

    i didn't know there was a war between banter and main muse, quite ridiculous! but the whole thread is ridiculous indeed, goshh let the man do what he wants! i have the feeling that some "fans" feel the need to criticize muse just to prove how "cool" and detached they are, it's immature and pointless! :noey: and the other thread about matt smoking bugged me aswell, i know some people find it very disappointing, especially non-smokers, and of course smoking is bad, but hey, he's a grown up :LOL: and i find smoking sexy. :phu:

  4. and by the way, i was eading the same thread that you do :chuckle: how pointless can people be. :facepalm:

  5. oh, how i hate forgetting what i was about to say! though it happens all the time. my brain is made of .. i dunno, bread? :LOL: i hope you'll remember.

    the scarf avatar again? aha, lovely and cheesy (as he said himself! :phu: ) smile. <3

  6. i do think you're weird. :phu::p in my uni, there is some sort of hostility between medicine and economy students. kinda strange, but anyway :LOL:

    the problem is that i am super lazy. and psycho university is harder than literature (english+psycho at the same level, it's hard to explain but anyway,) university. soo.. :rolleyes: aha we'll see. but psychology is defintely super interesting!

  7. Yes, french (and well, portuguese too because I am portuguese, but as I live in the french part of Switzerland.. yeah, french haha.) Aren't you studying french at uni btw ?!

    Twice a year is definitely amazing! I've been seeing them since 2006 aswell :happy: i guess i was too young before that..

    oh i'm sure you'd find something to say! at least, you speak english perfectly, and it already helps a lot (and you can say whatever you want, i might want to tell muse something but then have absolutely no clue on how you say it :rolleyes:). i mean, i can speak english but when it comes to speak to english people (basically, people who notice my mistakes etc) i get stressed and i sometimes lose all languages abilities. (not very practical. i'm trying to avoid "stress" haha) well anyways, speaking to muse = stressful but cool. :p

    yes i do! i'm going to rock in rio, stade de suisse and milano (i stopped uni, i'll begin another kind of uni next year so i kind of have nothing to do now, my plans until september are "make money -> see muse" aha :p) i'd like to go to wembley aswell, or something because i hadn't in 2007. and i like seeing muse 4 times a year. :LOL: what about you ?

  8. Yes, because I think that when we added each other on fb, I saw you were at uni and I still wasn't :) mmh, what does MIA mean? :$ i'm trying to get used to english abreviations, but i still haven't understood them all aha. aww, i'm sorry then.. i'm sure you'll get to meet them once too, you see muse quite often don't you? i must say i'm one lucky girl on what concerns muse, but that's all. i'm absolutely non-lucky for all the rest :LOL:

  9. Just make sure you don't lose it! I never put it in my pocket because if I jump or something, it could fall because of other people jumping really next to you. Don't know if you understand what i mean
  10. I was reading some random thread here and I saw something you posted and recognized you. But then I wasn't sure it was you, because I was sure you were older than me! :p oh, yes we met on myspace a few years ago now, didn't remember neither! i don't use myspace much now, it's more about facebook haha. mmh i've been on the board for a few years now, but i didn't post until like 2 months ago, and I still don't post a lot :)

  11. it will surely be easier when you'll be living alone. at least, i hope so :happy:


    yes, medicine is reaaally selective. bahhh i've had enough of it. i'm still hesitating between psychology or english. but it's not as simple as it seems because i can study psycho as a main subject and english as a minor subject, OR i can study english and psycho at the same level but that way i can't be a psychologist, i can only teach it or something. still dunno :rolleyes: huh, economy. sounds difficult. at least it is here! top difficult unis are: 1:medicine 2:economy 3:law school. aha. and i don't like economy at all! but if you do, i think you should try :)

  12. hi! are you lydia ? i saw your avatar and wasn't sure..! :)

  13. devine qui t'a repondu pour les lookalikes... huuuuuuuuuuuum......... ca a 11 ans et cest tout con! haha

  14. uhhh i always forget to answer.. anyways :)

    you still talk to him? in my opinion, if you don't want to anymore, you should just stop.. i mean in some cases the argument "it's your dad, blahblah" is pointless.

    yeah i understand about your mother too. like if time had erased her memory while she should have remembered?


    oh really? i studied medecine, for one year and a half. now i stopped, i'm gonna do something else in september.

  15. i vote for august :phu::p

    mmh i see, i understand what you mean. it's not a very pleasant situation :/ overprotecting only when you precisely don't need to :noey:

    that must be very disappointing.. i mean, i can't really get at which point our father is a "problem", i don't know anything about your situation and your relationships, but i understand what issues with parents are. and about your mother, i guess all parents are at least a bit "annoying" :p maybe the more you'll grow up, the more she'll let you breathe, etc. i live with my mother too, and we have like opposite personalities. we are constantly argueing, etc, really frustrating. i'm looking forward to living in my OWN place. soon, i hope. :)

    mmh ok i get better how it works. and why did you choose this section? what's your plans for uni?

  16. indeed, good for travelling! but i like travelling on holidays, not all the time. hard to get a stable life like that :/ but if you're kind of an adventurer, it's really cool! :)

    november fits you? i'm wishing they don't do gigs this fall ahah, because i'll have uni and i know i won't resist on going to gigs. which is bad for uni :p

    mmh ok i see, personal troubles. that's never good :/ they won't let you go to gigs, or is it something else? because if they don't let you, don't tell them. ahah 6 of the muse gigs i went to were clandestine. they still don't know about it. "you don't wanna let me see muse? okey.. :rolleyes:" :LOL:

    wow, 5 years is a lot.. i hope you have good friends in your class! if you do, 5 years is cool :happy: didn't totally understand your school system: but dead languages, again :noey:

  17. what a cool job (i heard it's really stressful though; that's why i decided not to do it :p). being able to speak several languages is really really cool. and useful!

    ooh, bad luck yeah then, but they always plan their gigs during exam-periods! shhh. what about summer festivals? (and assuming they haven't announced everything yet, we might get some surprises about more european festivals! :D)


    oh ok.. yeah, there's something, and there will ALWAYS be one subject which we dislike at school, or uni, or whatever. blahh! :rolleyes: yeah i know a little about french lycée system, though it's different here, we choose an "option", not a section. so everyone has basically the same, except for our option. (and we can choose our languages too, it's german or italian AND english or greek.)

  18. OH t'sais j'suis allée voir les dessins qu'a fait le tatoueur hier, et c'est trop BEAU j'suis au bout d'attendre (haha!), mes dessins à moi paraissent vraiment miteux en comparaison! mais j'hésite toujours pour la phrase. You set my soul alight est une joliiiie phrase qui donne joli, mais la signification est pas incroyable. et Make your dreams come true (soit avec follow through au début soit avec don't give up the fight à la fin) ben ca peut paraitre banal et niais, mais ça me parle a lot (haha-bis) mais c'est plus long et peut etre moins joli (quoiqu'avec ses drawing skills (haha-bisbis) ca peut etre suuuuper beau). AVIS?

  19. 6 languages is really cool. is it her job? i mean, is she an interpreter? in that case, it's less incredible aha :p by the way, i'd love to be interpreter. anywayyys,

    nice! did you have time to visit a little? i don't know lisbon much :/ but as i'm going to rock in rio i'll take time to visit the city a little more. musey holidays :D

    yes sure is! (i really have something against german. :rolleyes: aha almost made me fail at school) german as the same roots than english, it's just 1000 times more complicated. but yeah, latin roots for italian portuguese and spanish :) huh-ho, did you choose latin as an option, or is it obligatory? must be a strange language to learn, as it's a dead one.. mmh.

  20. A cat can be heard meowing at 2:51 on 'The Small Print'.


    t'avais entendu?! toujours cru que ct de la guitare!

  21. Yes, i didn't go too far from switzerland! aww, poor him :happy: it's always funny learning a few words or sentences from other languages. and who knows, it could be useful one day!

    hey, your french sentence has only two (minor) mistakes in it! you write better than a lot of french people i know :rolleyes: i don't mind writing in english at all, and so that we write in the same language and improve our english ;) unless you want me to write in french?

    yeah, it's always boring when you are far too advanced for what you are learning.. it doesn't keep your interest in it! but i think that reading books in french and watching french tv is definitely a good way to pratice!

    oh really? where? yeah portuguese may sound strange.. lots of "chh" :chuckle: it seems that it sounds a bit like russian! but did you understand a few thing? i can understand a few words from italian, both languages have the same roots. but i understand spanish a lot better, though :)

  22. RAGE (twilight)


    non mais, ils m laissent pas finir mes commentaires ces salauds

  23. ouais j'oserais pas chanter non plus haha


    va voir ds "other muse topics" et RAGE

  24. oooh, i just noticed that all the smileys i had put in the last messages got erased. i look mean like that :p i'm going out for a while now, so i'll answer later, à tout à l'heure! :happy:

  25. ahh, ok! i don't know much of italy, i've only been to milano, aoste(a?) and recently torino during the tour, but as you can guess i didn't visit the city very much

    i'm sure your italian accent was only cute, but i have to say that swiss german really sounds like a barbaric language, so it surely was his fault if you didn't understand each other

    really? amazing that you learned french like that! alors tu comprends ce que je dis quand j'écris en français ! mh i imagine learning to write french would be a little different from learning to speak french, as you learned at home.. (do you have french at school?)

    so yes, i speak french and portuguese aswell, i come from portugal!

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