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I Really Need This

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Status Updates posted by I Really Need This

  1. Yes to all the above. I know I know. *hangs head in shame* But yeah, 'Hollow's a great track. Listen now. I want feedback in exactly 10 minutes. Aaand...GO!

  2. Im doing well generally. I've just posted my very first thread EVER in the 6 years i've been on here. Its about Julie Daske. Did i bully you into listening to her stuff? I can't remember!

  3. Temporarily misplaced my sleep. Gonna pay for it later. I'll live. More to the point you're also online. The horror

  4. You sir are a bounder and a cad.

  5. Hiya!

    Sorry I hardly ever get to go on here anymore - I'm semi-retired! Cheers for joining though x

  6. Hi there!

    Glad you appreciate it! Having fun on the site?

  7. Helloooo!

    Thanks for the request - how's you? x

  8. Heey! How was the fest in Budapest? Hopeyou had a good time. Not long got back from abroad meself. Quite nice to be home actually!

  9. Hello! Cheers for the Uprising link. Getting quite excited about it now!


    I think all of Muse Messageboard should go on a mass-holiday. Highly recommended!

  10. well at the moment it's pouring rain so my feet are soaked! Just getting stuff ready for my holiday next sunday. very excited! :D EEE!!!

  11. Very possibly yes. Although we're already in talks with a couple of labels so I dunno if we're on the table. It's always good to have options...:D

  12. We're doing the Unsigned Music Live Festival in Weston-super-Mare next Sat. We're sharing the burden of headline with my mate's new band Skank Tank bless em! Its mostly original stuff we do, but there's a couple of covers in there for good measure.

  13. Hi Mr K.


    Keep up the good work.

    As you were, soldier.

  14. Nice. I'll try and remember that. I have a brain like a sieve! My name's Hannah

  15. You're quite welcome to take the name. that band's no longer going n tbh we were more than a little bit crap! Just tell her that the -nite ending is plural for nita...might work!


    We've (Alex Lipinski band) been doing the rounds in London at the moment. Glad to be taking a bit of a break. Although we are headlining a local festival next weekend in Weston-super-Mare. Rock n roll

  16. I'm from Somerset in the UK.


    Guess the illness was partially my own fault, seeing as I decided to do some volunteer work at a school last week!


    What do I call you then?

  17. Hey was cool to talk to you for a little bit yesterday. Sorry I had to bugger off. Cheers for the addage & I hope the Sziget Festival rocks your socks off!

  18. Hey cheers for the addage. Hope your summer's going ok

  19. Dabbling's ok, as long at its the right stuff ;)


    I almost thought your band name was a typo and presumed you meant to write Astronites, which was my band's name in school!


    Yeah it's great. Wouldn't swap it for anything.

  20. I'm actually feeling a lot better today, but still confined to my house, which is annoying! Whereabouts are you from?

  21. astronita? What exactly are you on (about)?!


    I play for Gavin Thorpe and Alex Lipinski. You could almost say they've been keeping me busy for the last 6 months!

  22. Fair enough on the beach point.


    I've been touring n recording with the bands I'm in, which has been great but knackering. only just back from a few weeks away gigging.


    It's a hard life *sigh*

  23. I'm from deepest darkest Somerset, well Weston-super-Mare really. It's rather rough here also! You having a good summer so far?

  24. That's borderline odd/cool. Whereabouts are you from?


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