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Everything posted by mipanda

  1. genius! Thanks so much mister.

  2. Oh thank you for the suggestion, but I've read that numerous times too. =/ I'd better go edit my post, I forgot about that one.

  3. ahh didn't you see the wedding thread the other night? i'm always the bad guy :LOL:


    hope you and aurora make up though. :supersad:

  4. I don't even know how to do this visitor message thing, lol. But I just meant I wasn't gonna keep going on in the thread, since my attempts at making peace/being reasonable were pretty terrible. Not leaving the board, what would I do at work all day?!

  5. yes. and doing like, baby talk in a flirty way. or something. i don't fkn get it at all. i wanna listen to the police radio too i'm so nosy about that sort of thing. what flavour muffins? dude its been sunny every day and then it just starts storming in the afternoon. happened every day for the last week at least. thursday night my scooter stayed in the safe at the bank and i got a lift home
  6. mipanda



    thanks for the book. its REALLY cute. in a morbid way. =] mum asked weird questions like am i planning to visit israel? blates thinks you must be my eboyfriend or something. ahahaha.


    did j00 get the cd? i cant even remember what i put on it.

  7. mipanda

    hey i wanna write you a letter. suggest music or something for me to send you with it. and your address cause i lost it. =] kthx.

  8. um. fun, expensive, stressful, i'll probably be homeless very soon, etc. :LOL: i'm loving it though.

  9. i'm here already silly !

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