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Wowee zowee

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Status Updates posted by Wowee zowee

  1. :ha: :D shame I'm at work until 2:(

  2. My fav <3 I want a Doakes bobble head for christmas

  3. Good Dexter ep. I don't like evil Dexter though..unless he gets a doppleganger moustache:yesey:

  4. It may take some time as it appears that the entire internet is downloading it. BOOOO.

  5. It's downloading.

  6. Downloading later after I come home from work.

  7. Which means Dex will probably kill him :( he's racist

  8. Doakes is still number 1 in my book. I soooooo want that bobble head!! Anderson needs some better quotes!

  9. You're a wrong'n!

  10. That's horrible! why would you share that :'(

  11. You must live in a pretty posh area then! where I live at the moment you'd probably get beaten up and thrown into a bin.

  12. Well if he was you'd probably think I was crazy! I really hope yellow plaid trousers come back in fashion one day.

  13. Well I did live in Hampshire for 14 years! :LOL: I used to know a guy called Rupert..

  14. Well I could call him Tarqy:phu: pip pip old bean.

  15. What about... Tarquin.

  16. :LOL: knew it! that's a cool name. If I had a horse it would have to be called Seabiscuit :nerd:
  17. What's her(again assuming it's a girl:p) name?


    Don't you have to be quite short to be a good rider? I have no idea about horses!

  18. Oooh that's a great picture. I assume that's your horse? looks very beautiful.

  19. Is that you?!

  20. true-grit-TG-03381_rgb.jpg


    How I imagined you.

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