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Wowee zowee

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Status Updates posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Haha! I very much doubt that :D

  2. I'll fly you to the moon.

  3. Maybe you need a holiday to relax and enjoy yourself?

  4. I'm working as an i.t support analyst. It's quite stressful, but it pays.. and I need experience.


    Aw I'm sorry about that :( you just need time to think things over, but try not to beat yourself up! there's plenty of good things to think about like your promotion! think positives and not negatives :)

  5. Well I finished uni and I've been in a job for 6 months now. Nothing else to report really! things are just coasting along.


    How about yourself?

  6. Promise! it's been a year since I last spoke to you on here judging by the conversation! crazy.

  7. Hang in there. Things will work out in the end :)

  8. So much for 80s texts :phu: disappointed :(

  9. Hey :( I know other things like 80's films :D and erm.. music :p see you can do all the nerdy stuff and I'll do all the cool stuff.


    That's quite impressive! Well I don't know your number, so it's impossible to send stupid texts to you :p

  10. I have to say that's classier. Wine really goes to my head. I think about 2 glasses and I'm completely wasted!


    On Wed night I went to a pub quiz and I had about 3 bottles of kopparberg and I was pretty tipsy:noey: I did however get a few answers right :awesome: There was a question you'd have known about penicillin (or I imagine you'd know because you know science stuff :p)

  11. You're clearly drunk if you think that :p


    Is it Tesco Value wine? like in a massive case.

  12. I'm not mean :( just trying to take one back for the team


    What are you drinking?

  13. You can come and be my secretary.


    Shame I hardly get to use it though. Still it's fun now and then saying stuff in a queue and the person in front hasn't got a clue I just said he's a massive twat :D

  14. Fridays are the best fo sho! Well you've only got a few weeks until you're off for ageeees :p


    Nah I don't work weekends, but there are opportunities to do so if you want to earn more money, but I don't see the point.. I like having a few days to chill out and do stuff.


    Well it's quite similar, as they use words that are either the same or sound similar. I don't quite know Swedish fluently though. You should really watch it though :cool: I got it for £9 on blu ray from Tesco.

  15. So do you just stare at the sun all day? I can sort of imagine that, but with you wearing massive round sunglasses.


    Total Recall is amazing! I've got a film to watch over the weekend called Arn Knight Templar. I watched Let The Right One In last week and that was brilliant, although I noticed a few mistakes with the subtitles :/


    You're drunk aren't you?

  16. Weeeell I can't really complain much I guess, as it's a job in the end and I'm getting paid for it. Plus the people I work with are nice.


    How many more years have you got now? are you living in America or something, as it's night time at the moment :p

  17. Work is alright. How's things with you?

  18. If you're paying for petrol:p

  19. What was that about driving musers to Paris?

  20. Followwwwing! I'm having a break from the board.. so i can still annoy you!

  21. Have you got twitter?

  22. Did you have a good new years?

  23. Have a look on cex.com you can price match them at gamestation. They do the best trade in prices. Did RDR aggges ago! Didn't really like it that much towards the end as it got a bit samey.

  24. Hmm maybe.. I might trade it in and get it at a later date. I've got too many games :noey: haven't even completed fallout!

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