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Status Updates posted by hyper_chondriac_muser

  1. Ah, really? I only know of you and 'smilies' cos I read her comment on your page, lol!


    Ahh I see :chuckle: ... I prefer ragee to be honest. Or moaz (sp? - aka Matt's favourite!)





  2. Cool - sounds ace. Not sure yet, to be honest. I might be headed down the path of redundancy myself soon, cos my department's 'under review'. It sucks but at least it'll get me moving onto other things quicker. I think I'd rather head for magazines, or even books. Gotta have a thorough think about it soon, though, before I end up jobless!

  3. Hi dear! Thought I'd answer you here so as not to veer hugely off topic in the thread. I'm the assistant editor of an in-house magazine for the oh-so glamorous John Lewis :p. It's not bad and more of a stepping-stone to more journo or publishing work. I've heard you mention in a few threads that you're a journo, too, oui?

  4. Yeah definitely - which is one of the reasons why I preferred Reading. The peeps around us at Leeds were pretty much dead! It's always good to be stood next to fellow (excitable) Musers ;).

  5. Happy birthday! :party:


    Just spotted it at the bottom of the Muse boards index, lol! It was great to meet you at Reading. Have a wicked day :) x

  6. You were? Lol, I don't remember which gate I was at, just that it took ages to get in to the venue :chuckle:

  7. Oh hai! :awesome:


    Lol thank yew! :happy:


    And yaay high 5 to Arabs! :D lol. I keep finding more Muser arabs, which is awesome! Ahlan! :p

  8. Heya,


    Thank you! :happy:


    Yep, it's me, hehe! Cheers for the comments... took me years to get all that stuff together!



  9. Lol... we used to go for the knafeh. And the pistachio ice cream... yuuum! :p

  10. Oh cool. I've been there a couple of times... I love Jabri, haha!

  11. Ahh, maybe that's why we didn't understand each other! :chuckle:

    I'm a quarter lebanese and three-quarters Iraqi. I'm more in-touch with my Iraqi side, so a lot of Lebanese words are lost on me, lol. Are you from Leb?

  12. It's watermelon :p Bateekh is just melon.

  13. You have mega awesome taste in Muse-ic haha! ;) Srs, ALL of those are in my top Muse songs list, and many many more lol! :happy: They just have tooo many brilliant songs to choose from!


    And wooooo Muse Madness FTW!! :awesome:

  14. Marhaba! ;) I didn't know there was more than one of us who even knew who Muse are :chuckle:. Good taste in fruit! :p

  15. OMGM fellow Arab Muser?!?!?!!!! Hi effing five! :D


    I <3 batteekh. And ragee!

  16. Heya... nah, course I don't mind. Thanks for the add! :)

  17. Ohh happy thanksgiving! :D D'oh, I forgot as we don't celebrate it in the UK :$. Hope you're having a good 'un! And wooo Xmas is around the corner, too. Can't wait to laze around and eat too much :awesome: haha.

  18. Hey again!


    Not much new with me either... I'm still coming down from my Muse live high, lol. And I've got the next three days off to chillax, so I'm using it to sell xmas shit on eBay lol! I live a thrilling life :awesome:


    Ohh, you're on break early... is it alllll the way till Christmas/new year or just a week? Enjoy it either way! ;)

  19. Haii there! Soz for lateness!


    I'm goood fankyou! :happy: ... Aww, noes! You hafta see Mooze! :( ... I'm sure you'll get to see them soon, though, so don't fret! ;)


    What's new with you lately?

  20. Oh herro! :) Yeahh, it's been a while! Hows you? Coming to Wembellamy 2010?!!? :D

  21. YAAY!! A fellow pigeon hater! <33


    They're evil rats with wings and should be destroyed... amirite?! ;)

  22. Ohh hai! ;)


    How's you fellow Muse-ice lover?lol. I'm all goood thanks to all this tour info! Gonna see Muse live again in November YEAHH! :D


    How's it goin with you?

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