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Status Updates posted by ʘ

  1. Cheers mate. I'm on a completely different zone, hence my excuse for responding so late. Speaking of my zone. don't you dare blame it for your predicaments. It is good zone, albeit a tad tardy...


    aye, we are at a downward spiral, hope a faint memory.

  2. ʘ

    It is true - I've always had a sexual desire to mail boxes. Tight, red Japanese mail boxes...

    Maybe I'll even find time to do some post-doctoracting in Chemistry :awesome:


    You traitor! Quitter!

    It's handy your q-life crisis is synchronized with my mid-life one!

  3. ʘ

    pretty good! Seems like I'm going to Japan for a couple of years to do a postdoc :D

    And you? What brought you back to our warm bosom? :awesome:

  4. ʘ

    wat wat?

  5. Possibly :LOL: Still haven't seen it, though.

  6. Luckily I haven't heard that LB track...


    And I think I saw you heard some Massive Attack lately and I've been listening/obsessing about their old tunes A LOT this last month. Don't know why I got back to them so suddenly...

  7. You get to chose between a honey caek or a fish cookie with a little slice of carrot on top, all served in wobbley grey sauce.



    I've been hell. Not a lot of perving done lately, I'm afraid...

    How are you, my little pork dumpling?

  8. Hello!

    Have you come here to wish me a happy Jewish new year?

  9. ʘ

    HELLO! How are you?

  10. ʘ

    nah, I just put the Board on 'ignore'.

    What's up? what's new?

  11. ʘ

    We never left.

  12. nah, still can't see it...

  13. Ok.

    Maybe I start sprinkling false compliments here whener i'm drunk. Make you feel undeservingly special some more.

  14. You are not. Everyone looks better after a few drinks - it's pretty universal.

  15. Was. And now that I'm not and the harsh sun is out, things look a bit different... Sorry that I'm withdrawing a compliment like that, but one must be honest with himself... :)

  16. hey, I have just noticed this, but you're not so hard on the eyes...

  17. Sven didn't say "yes" yet!

    I was hoping buying him the dress would seal the deal, but alas, the bitch still plays hard to get....

  18. ʘ

    :eek: How can you be tired of Blondes?!?! You're dark(ish?) for fuck's sake!


    yeah, I know. All the hot girls are in Sweden and Denmark :( Should be cool, nontheless- can't handle the bloody heat around here. Must escape somewhere colder...

  19. ʘ

    Fearing me is always a good idea! I WILL EAT YOU!


    hmmm... Finland. Maybe Norway, also...


    :eek: How can one be bored in.. Stockholm? With so many Blondes...

  20. ʘ

    My balls are indeed big and Jewish :happy:

    I can't say exactly, but I'm where I usually am.

    Might visit your area (not Sweden, sadly) this summer...


    And how are you, my big bowl of spicy meat balls?

  21. ʘ

    You're going to a Boarding School? Doesn't sound like a lot of fun..

  22. ʘ

    You should so set up a 24/7 live feed of them....

  23. ʘ

    Give it to me!

  24. ʘ

    yo, what up?

    Did you get the card? :rolleyes:


    btw, I just watched Mary and Max (it was made by one of your guys - Adam Elliot) and for some reason I thought you'd enjoy it - I know I did. Very quirky and sad. Have you watched it?




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