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Status Updates posted by Noodles

  1. What song would you like me to record?


    You can hear a really crappy cheeeeezy one from that big assignment if you want? I made it using a nylon string guitar likes yours see. :)

  2. Oh right. That's not sweet, I liked the other thing.

    Anyway yeah, you tune using the pegs, but once it's at tune you give the strings a bit of a gentle pull. This makes sure the strings are full stretched and as tight and snug as they can go at both ends of the string. :D


    You don't have to do it, it can just be a bit annoying if you leave the strings to settle by themselves and it keeps slowly going out of tune.


    SO when are you recording me a song? :D

  3. What? You always turn the knobs to tune, the tuner just makes sure the notes are right by picking the sound up on a mic. Did you think it tuned the guitar? Awwww

  4. He's right, new strings always need stretching in. Nylon strings do this LOADS.

    You have an electric tuner? The best way to do it is tune up, gently pull the the strings one at a time away from the fretboard. Then when you check the tuning, you'll find they'll probably have gone way off. So tune up and repeat. Eventually you can pull them and they stay tuned. :D

  5. Wonderful! :D That was nice of him, he did all the lil' knots properly and such?

    Now you have no excuses. :p

  6. Then you'll have to change my username to lucky noodles then plz, then delete my account! LOL

  7. Plz temporarily deleet my peeniz with ur face. Fnx

  8. Delete my account plz. Hopefully it'll delete me as welllol

    The 4t of some1 else getting to be with u instead of me is 2 much 2 bear.


  9. Yes from you! :p She can frape you or do anything with your stuff and she chooses to be mean to me. :*(

  10. Oh man, I came home from picking my sis up from work, sat down all excited because I had a message and it says I smell. :supersad:

  11. Nah, not ill. Just a bit down, how boring. :p

    Oh I know, it's just all this red tape we have to cut through AND it has to be at a time everyone can be there. If I'm in on Monday, I plan on getting something nailed down at least. Running out of time though. <_> It always has to be me though, because I know the others will do NOTHING. ¬_¬ except lots of talking and no doing.




    Aw, did you get the shaky voice thing? I used to get that in French tests years ago. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, so you'll be fine. GOOD LUCK FOR TODAY! I'll make the celebratory tea. I hope you're getting wasted tonight. :D


    You're allowed to spam my wall, you amuse me.

    You mean I out-disney'd you? :awesome:

  12. Hello there, lovelyface.

    I've not been in this week. Felt a bit rough so I've been bunking off. I'm also bricking it over this video, so I'm burying my head in the sand.


    How are the exams going?

    Also, what were you stalking about? OR was it just an excuse for you to post the twitterpated gif? :p

  13. To improvise you need to learn a bit of theory. Technical stuff is good, but once you learn about scales and keys you can play to almost anything, it's tricky to learn it by yourself, took me ages :(


    It has a lil' kitchen. Just no cooker. Our contract is for 6months, but we can renew it. Thought we'd start small.

  14. Yarp. I love learning (or trying to) any new instruments, or anything for that matter. I'm a learning dynamo. I don't get why other people aren't. Nobody's done anything for their lil' amp yet, but I've designed and built mine, it's here in front of me, I want to hook it up to something.


    Yeah, but split between my friend, my brother and I, it's £200 a month, or £50 a week. Which is half as much as halls, where you get a lot less.

  15. Well I was a music player before I was techy, that just came because it was something to do really, and I'm a geek.


    It's not that much really. £600 a month + billz.

  16. Well, I am supposed to be a music makey guy, so I'd be an utter fail if I couldn't play a few things.


    Why the sadface, babe? It's happytiemz.

  17. Moving is hard, and we're not lucky... we looked for ages and pay through the snozz! :p


    Also, yeah, I play lots of things very badly.

  18. I'm slowwwwly taking stuff over. I'm done for the day though.

    My brother without a room finally has space to put his meager possessions.

    I've put my electric drum kit and guitar amp in my room and put the stuff in the gym. :awesome:

  19. I can stay, but I have to break in?

    I like this game.

  20. Yay, little sofa! :D but I don't want to leave you without ¬_¬

  21. I'll sleep at home in bed until I get a bed.... unless that sob story will make you come and bring me a bed?

  22. Cos derty pants smell :( and I don't have a big enough basket.

  23. I can recognise some of them. I think I’d need to see more of the deets to make sense of it. Formulae are usually pretty straightforward though. I mean F=1/T Frequency equals 1 divided by the period of the wave. So if the period is one millisecond F=1/0.001 So F= 1000Hz.


    I’m not sure why you’d need to know most of that though, especially sine waves, because you don’t really encounter them in nature.


    Okay, see… now it’s clearly your turn to flaunt your expertise over me, I’m like… wahhh? If it’s any constellation, I’d have done much worse than you. *hugs* ALSO, you said MUSE! N00b!


    I can never relax. :/ Like I had my energetic high yesterday, now I’m on a down again. Day was a bit meh. Are you coming to my new house tomorrow?

    Well, I say client … you see our assignment detailed that find one, so we got a friend of our classmate, who’s just been on a microtour in New York. Then, because nobody else could find a client, that part of the brief gets dropped. <_> So we got left with the pressure of pleasing somebody and everyone else is fine. The extras are actors from an extras site. :/ Hence pressure.

    I’m not complaining, I love it! We had a break of a couple of hours between lessons today, and I went to the lab like a geek and built my amplifier and got it working. :D Then come and build Lego with me then!


    Aww, guitar noobs are cute.

  24. Send it to me! I’m guessing it has about decibels and hearing damage, a bit of inverse square law and something about binaural localisation?


    Aw, poor Dore. I haven’t had panic for years, I stress too much in advance. You always do well when you don’t freak out though. :p What was the exam on?


    Well, I say relaxing – I’m either checked out and lazy, or I’m in work mode. Right now it’s work mode, I’ve been designing my circuit to perfection on veroboard and mixing the new music assignment we have. Yeah, if it goes well it’ll be fun – but nothing ever goes well. I wish I could have just worked by myself and done a simple vid with my friend, but NOOOOooo it has to be group work with a client. <_> Bah. We’ll see how it goes. I shant be helping other groups though, wont be around for their filming (unless anybody asks me to that is).

    Oh no, it counts. It’s 40% of the module. I just mean it’s so easy it barely counts as work. It’s just fun, like if building a Lego model was 40% of your exam, you know? MONEY IN THE BANK! :cool:



    OH WATE. Stop the presses. I thought it was a steel string acoustic. That simplifies things for you, because I know nothing of makes of those really, and I don’t think there are as many makes. It does mean you definitely need nylon strings though, they’re not interchangeable. You have a lil’ classical guitar there. :D

    Look at the bridge, and how the strings are attached (not the end with the tuners) are wrapped round each other in a lil’ knot? It can be quite fiddly to tie them, my musician friend’s suck at it – I’ll show you how.


    It does mean you don’t get coloured ends though, because nylon strings don’t have ball ends.


    Everyone should have that shirt.

    PFFT, I would be when I was starting out. :(

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