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Everything posted by [DT|_Me]DEADSTAR

  1. actually I must confess I bought a O2 code off ebay recently but that one was like 2 GBP. I don't care. So I get at least a good chance to get all the tickets for my people. Bye the way I think we should mass-overrun those Ticketsellers in front of the venues. Take em all ticks away. Are they gonna call the cops? LOL
  2. Hey there ;)


    ah I guess you read my few points there :)


    Of course. I always do. But besides posting and PM's I'm not very experienced in other things on that board I was surprised by the friend request.


    Well I've read countless of your posts in here you're quite active. I'd be more active but it's such a shame that our Swiss people aren't...


    Oh great, tea and biscuits?


    I just saw, you never actually saw MUSE? You poor thing. I guess you'll see them soon on tour. I'm so over the top that they'll play on November 18. like 3 minutes away from my flat :p

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