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MOTP in trailer for "The Tourist"


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am I the only one who thinks it's ironic that Depp is doing an American accent and Jolie's doing British? harhar.

I think the trailer would have been better if they used some of the words at the end. the beat (no matter how awesome) kind of gets too repetitive.


seems interesting, but generic.

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Just saw this yesterday on 'Det Nye Talkshow' ('The New Talkshow'), which is a great talkshow in Denmark (much more cozy and warm than the big ones, as well as being more culturel, though everyone can watch it. It's really popular as well). The host (Anders Lund Madsen) really looks like Johnny Depp in the film, and they did an edit of the trailer, where they had shot the host in all the same situations, and then juxtaposed the clips in the trailer. They actually did a great job, and it was very funny :p


You can see the host here: http://www.dr.dk/DR1/Detnyetalkshow/detnyetalkshow.htm

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