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Melbourne Rod Laver Arena!


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sorry, ive been a "guest" too long and couldnt stand it anymore. last nite was great, i would say its the best concert ive been too, but my crappy seating took the title away from it. in terms of their performance it was fantastic though, great setlist, not many ppl knew fury but i cant say that i was suprised. i wouldve preffered unintended instread of soldeirs poem but i am more than happy with what i got. i thought the "piano pause" was unfortunete but these things happen! personal highlists were Knights, Syndrome, Take a Bow, Hysteria and of course Plug in Baby.


Happy to finally be on the muse forum!

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To people who could see, was the crowd really that lacklustre? I couldn't move to look over my own shoulder, but after being in the front row i did still manage to walk out completely dry rather than last time when i was drenched in other peoples sweat. So that had me thinking the mosh was a bit tame.

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Guest Bennett
Adelaide was better.


I'm sorry to my friend who LOVES Citizen Erased. I'd be really pissed...


don't open your mouth, or touch a keyboard ever again. i mean it. for fuck's sake..why do some people have to be so stupid?

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Guest Bennett
To people who could see, was the crowd really that lacklustre? I couldn't move to look over my own shoulder, but after being in the front row i did still manage to walk out completely dry rather than last time when i was drenched in other peoples sweat. So that had me thinking the mosh was a bit tame.


it was absolutely NOT tame. I was 4 rows back and couldn't break into the 3rd row. drenched as if i was swimming. it was full on.

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Guest Bennett

and yes, there was an issue with the (not holding (?)) pedal on the piano. i seriously can't believe some people that are like.."yada yada it ruined the gig yada yada muse are assholes"

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Well, my first muse gig and I have to say that after seeing both the Red Hot Chili peppers and Muse live this year for the first time, I think my ten year favourite band the chillies have finally been displaced and Muse is NOW my absolute favourite band. Consider this, after the gig was finished, I got on the train listening to my ipod packed with Muse songs, drove home with my mixed Muse CD's blaring and even when I got home I was still buzzing (although I have to work in an hour so I went straight to bed to get a good night's sleep) ;)


OK, first things first - the Checks were really good - the disappointing thing was they only played seven or eight songs - but they were great songs. They reminded me of a few bands, namely Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, with some of the newer Aussie bands like Jet and Wolfmother meshed in there. The crowd was really getting into it and I think he really took us all by surprise when he said "this is our last song, and then Muse is comnig out!" it brought the house down.


Next, the crowd was great! i don't know what some people are talking about but I have NEVER been involved with a crowd that was so loud or passionate - so they might not have all got up and danced or whatever - big deal. The screams, cheers and whistles and applause from the opening notes of take A Bow was, i thought phenomenal. one more thing, perth complains that the crowd was too boisterous, Melbourne complains not boisterous enough.


Anyway, where I was standing (Door 7, row JJ) the group around me was going nuts - everyone was up and dansing and singing at the top of their lungs. (I remember the girl I was standing next to kept motioning to her friend that i was singing every word even at the pitch Matt sings it, whether she was impressed or embarrassed by me and i loved that! :LOL:)


I cannot describe the feeling I got when Matt started singing Take A Bow - it was incredible - I couldn't believe I was actually at a Muse gig and I was just savouring the moment. it only got better. Songs I didn't really care too much about such as invincible, Starlight, Fury and Feeling Good were just terrific and the fact that I was seeing them live was too much to take in.


The best part of the whole night was the suspense we were in prior to Apocalypse Please. Matt went around to the other two and talked to them before making his way back to the piano - I'm sad to say I didn't enjoy it as much as I cuold've though because the idiot technician put the Ruled By Secrecy background on the screen. Actually,the technicians did fuck a few thing up that night - the lights didn't come on at one stage for the checks and I think they even stuffed up apart in one of the early Muse songs (newborn if I remember correctly)


The setlist was incredible - diverse and epic at the same time. People complaining that they left Bliss and Citizen erased off have to be aware that with all the improv riffs and jams they had (I counted at least ten) they wouldn't have had time for a seven minute song as well as that. i don't think we were ripped off by not getting either or Sunburn or Ruled By Secrecy but I'm sure my next Muse gig will have at least one of these, probably both so I'm not worried. For what it was, the setlist while I can concede was certainly the weakest Australian one yet still rocked my socks off. And why would you complain when you get songs like Newborn, micro Cuts, Apocalypse Please, Hysteria, Fury, Stockholm Syndrome and Knights of Cydonia?!


Overall, it was a terrific night and one I will never forget. My Muse cherry has been popped and I certainly want seconds because that was a phenomenal show - best live band i've ever seen in my whole life! Muse FTW!


:musesign: :musesign: :musesign: :musesign: :musesign:

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the crowd was tamer than at festival hall, last time there was a wall of big tall guys surrounding Matt's microphone. Having said that, the best i could manage last night was 4 rows from Matt. Great view, though! I was thrilled about Fury, though no one around me seemed to recognise it. The Groove and Led Zepp jams deserve a mention, but i was surprised they played Feeling Good again. Overall, the festival hall show seemed stronger..

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To Controllingmyfeelings: Aw I understand Muse are now your favourite band! wow thanks for this good review, it was nice to read! It reminds me so great moments! :happy:


About the seats/stands, If I could stand, I would do it but I just can't with my health, I would faint after 5 minutes, I stayed 5 minutes in Arras! Muse crowd is rather hard you will agree. Don't make a difference between people, they all come to enjoy Muse, being up or down though I'm up either.:p:LOL:

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Guest Bennett
Well, my first muse gig and I have to say that after seeing both the Red Hot Chili peppers and Muse live this year for the first time, I think my ten year favourite band the chillies have finally been displaced and Muse is NOW my absolute favourite band. Consider this, after the gig was finished, I got on the train listening to my ipod packed with Muse songs, drove home with my mixed Muse CD's blaring and even when I got home I was still buzzing (although I have to work in an hour so I went straight to bed to get a good night's sleep) ;)


OK, first things first - the Checks were really good - the disappointing thing was they only played seven or eight songs - but they were great songs. They reminded me of a few bands, namely Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, with some of the newer Aussie bands like Jet and Wolfmother meshed in there. The crowd was really getting into it and I think he really took us all by surprise when he said "this is our last song, and then Muse is comnig out!" it brought the house down.


Next, the crowd was great! i don't know what some people are talking about but I have NEVER been involved with a crowd that was so loud or passionate - so they might not have all got up and danced or whatever - big deal. The screams, cheers and whistles and applause from the opening notes of take A Bow was, i thought phenomenal. one more thing, perth complains that the crowd was too boisterous, Melbourne complains not boisterous enough.


Anyway, where I was standing (Door 7, row JJ) the group around me was going nuts - everyone was up and dansing and singing at the top of their lungs. (I remember the girl I was standing next to kept motioning to her friend that i was singing every word even at the pitch Matt sings it, whether she was impressed or embarrassed by me and i loved that! :LOL:)


I cannot describe the feeling I got when Matt started singing Take A Bow - it was incredible - I couldn't believe I was actually at a Muse gig and I was just savouring the moment. it only got better. Songs I didn't really care too much about such as invincible, Starlight, Fury and Feeling Good were just terrific and the fact that I was seeing them live was too much to take in.


The best part of the whole night was the suspense we were in prior to Apocalypse Please. Matt went around to the other two and talked to them before making his way back to the piano - I'm sad to say I didn't enjoy it as much as I cuold've though because the idiot technician put the Ruled By Secrecy background on the screen. Actually,the technicians did fuck a few thing up that night - the lights didn't come on at one stage for the checks and I think they even stuffed up apart in one of the early Muse songs (newborn if I remember correctly)


The setlist was incredible - diverse and epic at the same time. People complaining that they left Bliss and Citizen erased off have to be aware that with all the improv riffs and jams they had (I counted at least ten) they wouldn't have had time for a seven minute song as well as that. i don't think we were ripped off by not getting either or Sunburn or Ruled By Secrecy but I'm sure my next Muse gig will have at least one of these, probably both so I'm not worried. For what it was, the setlist while I can concede was certainly the weakest Australian one yet still rocked my socks off. And why would you complain when you get songs like Newborn, micro Cuts, Apocalypse Please, Hysteria, Fury, Stockholm Syndrome and Knights of Cydonia?!


Overall, it was a terrific night and one I will never forget. My Muse cherry has been popped and I certainly want seconds because that was a phenomenal show - best live band i've ever seen in my whole life! Muse FTW!


:musesign: :musesign: :musesign: :musesign: :musesign:


well if you're right about that, which i'm not sure you are, then that explains it. They were going to play Ruled By Secrecy, but the effect wouldnt work on the piano. That's how I take it. imho

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Just came back from the gig and I have to say the crowd were fucking shithouse. Maybe not in the moshpit but 90% of the people in seats were pathetic.I am not joking when I say this but me and the two people I was with were the only ones singing/cheering/clapping throughout the whole night. Everyone else just stood there with their arms folded across their chests and gave us odd looks. Seriously, WTF? What's the point in even going to a Muse concert? That really dissapointed me :(

Apart from that, the setlist was fantastic but I wish they could've played Citizen Erased. Microcuts and Fury made up for it though- I've never seen those live before :) And did anyone hear the Queen 'I Want To Break Free' riff that they played? I remember Chris grinning madly as they played that. :D

Also, yeah, I was confused about that long pause after Feeling Good. For a moment, I thought they were gonna cancel the show or something..


Oh, by the way, after the show we went outside and looked down onto the carpark hoping to catch them. It was just the three of us plus twenty other people on the other side. We started talking to the support group, The Checks (who weren't bad at all). They were below us smoking a joint lol. Then Dom walked out and out of nowhere I yelled out my thanks to him. He smiled and waved to us above :) Then Matt came out followed by Chris and I did the same thing but I don't think they saw properly because they were whisked away into their cars and drove off a short time later.

The singer Nic from Jet was also there and, god, I hate that guy even more. My sister just yelled out "Hi Nic!" and he turned his back on us and continued puffing on his cigarette. Wanker.



I'll agree with you on that with some people looking rather bored around me to, Even had someone sitting next to me who left after Muse had been on stage for 30 mins........Ive got no idea how anyone could have found the show boring ??????


Oh yeah jet are a buch of wankers so its no suprise the he ignored you.

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Guest Bennett

does anyone know how to upload youtube videos without the sound/video delaying and becoming out of sync?




it's in quicktime format.


i've got fucking AWESOME videos :)

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The Checks








I was seated, so yea that was the furthest I could zoom in. I was in gold lower, row G, but still pretty shitty. I've sworn to myself never to get seats ever again. It was so horrifying. All the people around me were just sitting down, and just like tapping their feet or something. I was full-on rocking in my chair and just going crazy. Can't remember when I finally stood up but yea stayed up till the end of the show. Almost lost my balance once or twice. Lol. And yea, there was this pretty old bloke in his 50s I think on my right, and he told two girls standing in front of him to sit down. Ah well.


The animation on screen was bloody fantastic, although the one for Supermassive Black Hole did make me literally laugh out loud. Heh.


And yes! The riffs in between songs! Omg... that little bouncy happy tune before Feeling Good was so funky! Lol. And yea, Matt just kept on surprising the crowd with riffs that probably most have never heard before. When Fury came on, I was literally screaming my lungs out (I've got to whisper today because my voice is kind of gone :(), and yea, the people around me were just kind of like "Wha? What song is this?" Hehe. So yes, thanks gravitysrainbow again! Lol. Oh, and sorry I didn't get to meet up with you guys after the gig. =X

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hey did anyone see the video they played on the big screen during the end of invincible, with like a guy getting shot in the head, i mean wtf?

also GA was great i was about 5 rows back and thats where the real fun is, if u get to far towards teh barrier at the front there isnt any moshing happening, all in all a great night. also did anyone hear matt play parts of wolfmothers women in a couple of the solos?

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It was SOOOOOOOOO awesome last night, despite the fact being in the silver section, memories treasured as my first ever concert teehee, my legs are sore from so much jumping, my arms as well from flailing around as well, and my voice gone from literally screaming throughout the whole thing.

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wow it was so fucking awesome!!!


Lighting: aMAZEing @_@

Matt: red pants, white top, light up grand piano @_@

Chris: all black, red guitar, headbanging @_@

Dom: clear drumkit, green skinnies, calling us "Melburbs" @_@


crappy seat + crappy camera = crappy photos. If anyone has any good ones can you post them please???


this was my first live muse gig. aargh I wish I could've met them!!

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