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Melbourne Rod Laver Arena!


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I suppose it's a chance it's Knights. Otherwise it's TAB.


The odds of Bliss closing... meh.


I want Kirk to request MM again. :D:happy: Court and I should ask him.


do it do it do it!!! i so want to hear MM, i think die of happiness if that happened!

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If not, i am going to get them off ticketek, however they are labelled "restricted view" on the side in the lower gold section. Does anyone know just how restricted our view might be? I mean they sometimes have lights set up side stage??



I've been to two shows where I've had 'Impeded View' printed on my ticket, one of them being last night's JT show :D, and I think all it means is if you're in the front row, there's a hand rail thing that comes up just below your chin. It's really not that bad and you can still see everything sitting down however there's no chance in hell that I'll be seated for Muse!


Haha, must remember a bottle top. Anyone else in section 24? Door party! Lol.


I saw people last night trying to get in with water bottles but security made them pour it into paper cups before entering the venue. I think the same thing was happening inside with those food outlets. :(

Oh, and I'm in Section 5. Anyone in 4 or 6?

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I heart muse. I haven't read through this thread in ages, my last post was back at like page 15!! Haha. I'm section 24, door 10 I think? Is gonna be sweeeeeeeeet.

Haha, must remember a bottle top. Anyone else in section 24? Door party! Lol.


Door 10, so were neighbors :D

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I was trying to wean myself off Muse for the two weeks before the gig, but my little brother wrecked that when he helped me move over the weekend. He is now scaring even me, with comments like "I love the time signature of this song, it's written 3+3+2 over 4". The best bit was "I love the bass line to one song, but I can't remember what it's called!" My guess was Hyper Music, or failing that something else off OoS. He was adamant that it was one of their other songs. Turned out to be Space Dementia after we listened to all four albums (Showbiz then Absolution then BHaR then OoS) in fast mode. Crazy child.


Try fast mode with Soldiers Poem. It gets a little bit country. :LOL:

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Oh wow, your little brother rocks, Smuffy! Lol! xP He is a treasure. <3


And yea, I've just got a simple request. I just want to hear Feeling Good again. =D

Ooooh, and have Matt throw confetti in the air when he gets the mega phone out. THAT WAS AWESOME!


And fire at the end of KoC. IMMENSE.


Ahh, BDO. Good times, good times.


Anyway! They just might close with SS. They had been a lot in Europe lately. And I hope they do. That would be a KILLER closer.



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I still don't understand why they didn't put that on the Absolution DVD, anyways.

This chick today was complaining about how I bought all of us mates tickets, and didn't get the mosh. Bah, its still Muse, and this time round NOONE is making me sit down, lol.

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Geez, had an odd dream last night about the Muse concert. o.O Hm. Lol. Too bad I woke up right before I went into the arena though. Pfft! -.-


Anyway, ooooooh! SS would be awesome too! =D


And yes! Confetti with the megaphone! Lol! I didn't go to BDO, but he did that at the Singapore gig as well. Lol. I was like "Oh... kinkeh..." Hhehe. xP

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I just found out I got offered an interview for RMITon the ONE DAY i happen to be in melbourne - for muse!! is that good luck or what? must be a sign.....of what i'm not sure....


Omg! That's awesome! Best of luck for it! ;) Hehe. Which course is the interview for, if I may ask? =B


Yeh Hyped :stunned: haha sorta ..... My brothers been playing them constantly and quite honestlygetting a bit sick of them :p....


Aw! You can't get sick of Muse! -stabs- Hehe

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Guest Bennett
Omg! That's awesome! Best of luck for it! ;) Hehe. Which course is the interview for, if I may ask? =B




Aw! You can't get sick of Muse! -stabs- Hehe



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I still don't understand why they didn't put that on the Absolution DVD, anyways.



Apparently it had something to do with the ending of it including a riff that we now all know and love as Take A Bow.


I have two simple requests. One is "Citizen Erased". The other is "Space Dementia", as I would love to hear my little bro scream at a rock band.


Incidently, I should point out that said little bro is 26 years old. :LOL:


I would also love to hear Feeling Good. A friend of mine who is also coming to gig got into Muse via this song (apparently it was played on Doctor Who). They played it at the BDO and I almost called her, then though 'nah, they'll play it when we both see them in three days time' ... and they DIDN'T play it. Took me half an hour to build up the courage to tell her this on the way home.

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Incidently, I should point out that said little bro is 26 years old. :LOL:


Oh wow. Lol! I expected him to be like in his teens or something. -shifty eyes- Lol. xP


I would also love to hear Feeling Good. A friend of mine who is also coming to gig got into Muse via this song (apparently it was played on Doctor Who). They played it at the BDO and I almost called her, then though 'nah, they'll play it when we both see them in three days time' ... and they DIDN'T play it. Took me half an hour to build up the courage to tell her this on the way home.


Aw.... I didn't hear Feeling Good (well not really) till like the concert I went to in Singapore. And it just blew my head off. Probably the best song they played that night. =B And I can't wait to hear it again. Just.... orgasmic. I swear. Lol.

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they played Feeling Good at festy hall didn't they?

*checks* yup, they musta because I recorded it. I'm joining the 'I want to hear it again' club. I love that song.


I'm gonna try to have Muse playing at work this week (I'll have to wrestle the cd player out of the hands of the r&b junkies *groan*) so if you're in the airport, listen out :D

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They didn't play it the night I went at Festy Hall.


I walked past Rod Laver today, and grinned like an idiot. No Muse sign (no JT sign either), but a massive sign for Missy Higgins. How can a woman with a one octave vocal range and one song that she plays over and over (possibly with slightly different lyrics) get to play Rod Laver? :confused:

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I walked past Rod Laver today, and grinned like an idiot. No Muse sign (no JT sign either), but a massive sign for Missy Higgins. How can a woman with a one octave vocal range and one song that she plays over and over (possibly with slightly different lyrics) get to play Rod Laver? :confused:


Yeah, I saw that too. It made me want to whip out a texta and scribble bad things all over her sign.

Anyway, I'm hoping they play Citizen Erased. I heard it at their last F.Hall gig and now I wanna hear it again.

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Lol that's an interesting description Smuffy. ;) Hehe. I like Missy Higgins, but not a huge huge fan of hers. She's nice to listen to when you're all mellow and sad and shitty. Heh. But ah well. I pass by Rod Laver Arena on the train every time I go to work, and I'm always like grinning crazily to myself, so yes, totally get what you mean Smuffy. Hehe. xP

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