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Hillsborough. About half an hour away from Princeton. Not the most exciting town. Haha. I usually spend most of my time around the RVCC area. Or in Warren County if I need a change of scenery. :happy:


I knew I wasn't looking hard enough. :D


No shit? I live in Bridgewater hahaha. I used to work in Hillsborough actually.

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I live up rt. 28 and off of Vanderveer road...if you know where that is. Where do you work?


Haha. I pass by there all the time. I'm constantly driving on 28.


I work at Barnes and Noble in the cafe/Starbucks, where I make people their coffee and then they trash the place as a thank you, of sorts. :rolleyes:

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Haha. I pass by there all the time. I'm constantly driving on 28.


I work at Barnes and Noble in the cafe/Starbucks, where I make people their coffee and then they trash the place as a thank you, of sorts. :rolleyes:


I think I might've seen you a few times when I got my Starbucks haha. When do you work next, ill be sure to buy some coffee!


Eh I know what you mean by trashing the place, I work at Best Buy now so I know all about that

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I think I might've seen you a few times when I got my Starbucks haha. When do you work next, ill be sure to buy some coffee!


Eh I know what you mean by trashing the place, I work at Best Buy now so I know all about that


I work tonight 7 until close, and then tomorrow 5 until close. Haha. That'd be awesome!


Since you work at BB, I'm guessing you know who Eddie is?

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I work tonight 7 until close, and then tomorrow 5 until close. Haha. That'd be awesome!


Since you work at BB, I'm guessing you know who Eddie is?


Ah, well maybe I'll drop by after work then! I could use an all nighter so my caramel macchiato will have to be in order.


Eddie? What's his last name?

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Hey. Kinda new on here. Haha. ... :unsure:


But I am going to see Muse next friday (six days, woo! :D ). Bringing four Muse virgins with me. And this will technically be my first true Muse concert (though not gonna lie, seeing them at the 09 vmas from third row center made my life! Haha).


Anyway, I was reading part of the thread and it thought would be pretty awesome to meet fellow Muse fans and shizz. I'm one of very few fans here in central Jersey :( . Though it could be that I'm just not looking hard enough...


I feel the same way. I live in Westchester County and can't find any other Muse fans!! :(

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Hey people, this will b my 3rd Muse gig and will also be the third time that I will go all by myself. : ( Most of the people I know are into hip hop and stuff like that so I'm always alone when going to concerts and stuff like that. Ill b in section 208. It'd b nice to get to know sum of ya'll

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Hey people, this will b my 3rd Muse gig and will also be the third time that I will go all by myself. : ( Most of the people I know are into hip hop and stuff like that so I'm always alone when going to concerts and stuff like that. Ill b in section 208. It'd b nice to get to know sum of ya'll


well were doing a meetup after the show

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Hey people, this will b my 3rd Muse gig and will also be the third time that I will go all by myself. : ( Most of the people I know are into hip hop and stuff like that so I'm always alone when going to concerts and stuff like that. Ill b in section 208. It'd b nice to get to know sum of ya'll


I'm in section 219. I know it's a few sections away but I would love to meet some of you guys. I can't do a meetup after the show so maybe when I arrive I could find some of you on line.

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All of us in GA are going to be in line for quite some time, so come on over and say hi! We'll have name tags too, so it's not just going up to random people and asking "hey, are you on the board?" I know I'm all about meeting cool boardies and other Musers, so look out for me, Degrassi41, and Bellamyspiano :)

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Guest nick913

me, my brother and cousin are goin. We are down to have a good time, party, smoke, drink, do whatever with whoever, cuz this concert is going to be fucking epic, and NYC has some amazingg energy on nights with awesome concerts like this :D


So should be kool meetin sum of ya, if we do lol. We'll be partying after the show either way, so good times ;)

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