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I haven't been to any gig this tour yet, but I heard that they are bringing the 360 degrees stage from Europe and people who sat behind the stage in Europe said that they could see well, but could only see their backs.


ok thanks i'd be fine with that. anyone been to a gig on this tour?


*butts in*


I went to both the O2 shows where they had the 360 stage, and they did move around a bit - Matt sang a couple of songs facing the people sat at the back, Chris moved around there to play, etc. So I'm presuming that it'll be the same for this tour too, and that while it won't be like a normal gig, you at least hopefully won't be watching their backs the entire time.


*slinks away again*

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I'm probably bringing a camera, but probably just a disposable one and not for the show, but I want to take pictures afterwards when we all meet up,Im bringing a flip for the concert
I'm scared to bring my camera and have it taken away at the show :shifty: hopefully i see a muser or two around :-p
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lol i'll try to be sneaky with it as well just in case >.> and maybe i'll see you there somewhere :D


better safe then sorry, I'll be around i have GA so I'll be all over the place, and I'm deff. doing the meet up afterwards.


Which reminds me-all you meeting up afterwards better be prepared I want to take pictures!!

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Just don't try an bring a SLR in...those are usually(more like definate) no-no's to concerts...unless you get a photographer pass.


Last 2-3 times Ive even tried to use my 'blackberry' as a camera, and well you just sort of can lose focus on the concert...not worth it to me anymore.


Was a place afterwards agreed upon?

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Just don't try an bring a SLR in...those are usually(more like definate) no-no's to concerts...unless you get a photographer pass.


Last 2-3 times Ive even tried to use my 'blackberry' as a camera, and well you just sort of can lose focus on the concert...not worth it to me anymore.


Was a place afterwards agreed upon?


I think we decided a pub would be best, we have a text message system going, Degrassi41 has all of our cell phone numbers.

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I saw them the 1st night at Giants Stadium. Was the best night of my life, though the 3 hours of U2 made me want to kill myself. I was so exhausted and was ready to pass out. I should've just left after Muse got off the stage. After the never ending U2 gig, I had to stand around in a huge mob for an hour or more just to reach the train.

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I saw them the 1st night at Giants Stadium. Was the best night of my life, though the 3 hours of U2 made me want to kill myself. I was so exhausted and was ready to pass out. I should've just left after Muse got off the stage. After the never ending U2 gig, I had to stand around in a huge mob for an hour or more just to reach the train.


I left early and couldn't find my car in the parking lot. I would've been better off staying for the whole thing since I hit traffic anyway

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I saw them the 1st night at Giants Stadium. Was the best night of my life, though the 3 hours of U2 made me want to kill myself. I was so exhausted and was ready to pass out. I should've just left after Muse got off the stage. After the never ending U2 gig, I had to stand around in a huge mob for an hour or more just to reach the train.


I went the 2nd nite, I actually stayed for U2 and they weren't that bad, They played all their radio songs so I knew a lot of the stuff, and the stage itself was just awesome. It did take forever to get out of the stadium and the parking lot though, it was a good show though.


this will be my first time seeing Muse at their own headlining show so for that I am super excited, a week away!!! I can't wait.

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I went the 2nd nite, I actually stayed for U2 and they weren't that bad, They played all their radio songs so I knew a lot of the stuff, and the stage itself was just awesome. It did take forever to get out of the stadium and the parking lot though, it was a good show though.


this will be my first time seeing Muse at their own headlining show so for that I am super excited, a week away!!! I can't wait.


Same here, except I'm a U2 fan as well :p, but that whole 45 minute setlist from Muse was such a tease, I wanted more, even at the expense of U2's stage time. Then was the long night ahead waiting for the train back to NY. After I got back to my room I was so tired that everything else is a blur until the next afternoon.


Can't wait till next week. As far as camera trouble goes, I sure hope not. I'm taking my Sony Cybershot with me and even though the place I'm staying at is like right in front of MSG, I don't wanna have to go back, leave my cam and end up having to take blurry iPhone pics.

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I was also at 2nd night at Giants Stadium. Muse was, of course, amazing, and U2 was great also. I was hoping that Muse would play a longer set, but it was fine. This will also be my first Muse headlining show and it's going to be a great experience.


I hope my iPhone will take decent videos because I don't have any other cameras.

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Hey. Kinda new on here. Haha. ... :unsure:


But I am going to see Muse next friday (six days, woo! :D ). Bringing four Muse virgins with me. And this will technically be my first true Muse concert (though not gonna lie, seeing them at the 09 vmas from third row center made my life! Haha).


Anyway, I was reading part of the thread and it thought would be pretty awesome to meet fellow Muse fans and shizz. I'm one of very few fans here in central Jersey :( . Though it could be that I'm just not looking hard enough...

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Hey. Kinda new on here. Haha. ... :unsure:


But I am going to see Muse next friday (six days, woo! :D ). Bringing four Muse virgins with me. And this will technically be my first true Muse concert (though not gonna lie, seeing them at the 09 vmas from third row center made my life! Haha).


Anyway, I was reading part of the thread and it thought would be pretty awesome to meet fellow Muse fans and shizz. I'm one of very few fans here in central Jersey :( . Though it could be that I'm just not looking hard enough...


Central Jersey eh? Where at?

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Tan made it safe and sound. Her baggage, however, did not. It's currently still in London and taking a 5pm flight into JFK, so we'll have to pick it up this evening.


Any more people who want to pub it after the gig PM me your cell numbers. Again the plan is to meet up someplace outside the venue (I will text everyone on the day to let you know where this someplace is) then go on the prowl together for a decent pub.

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Tan made it safe and sound. Her baggage, however, did not. It's currently still in London and taking a 5pm flight into JFK, so we'll have to pick it up this evening.


Any more people who want to pub it after the gig PM me your cell numbers. Again the plan is to meet up someplace outside the venue (I will text everyone on the day to let you know where this someplace is) then go on the prowl together for a decent pub.


That sucks about the luggage, but at least she got here!

I can't wait for this show and the meet up afterwards, It's going to be an awesome night and it's only 7 days away!!

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