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Oh, you mean the "You barneyjc9.pnging Motherbarneyjc9.pnger" song? Here, take your pick.


thanks to deb for e-mailing me this song together wif glorious (which i love to death rite now) i seriously love.. erm, the above song :LOL: there r a few faces which came across my mind everytime i hear this song. really helps me to release any unwanted feeling of anger or tak puas hati. it used to be RATM killing in the name of (esp the part fork u i wont do wat u tell me!!) but this song is sooo much better..


yeah that one! but how do i find it on the DVD itself?!


wow... u mean u haf the starlight single dvd?? where did u get it?


Dear all,


For those who want to discuss about other bands, I think we'll just PM each other alright, or can email me at weresodisco@yahoo.com. Btw Crazy_Mary, I've PM-ed you. Ch-ch-ch-check it out !! (ala Beasties song, hehe)


i've ch-ch-checked it out oready.. :happy: i dont think peeps would mind that we're sidetracking and discussing about other bands eh?? i think we've discussed about other bands like MCR b4...



and then..i went out of the classroom and i found the 3 of them and i was saying thank you or summat..then i ran back to class and then i went out again and it was sum ?? part i dunno what it was someone called me on my fon..and its all useless...

the important part was that i hugged DOM!!!!!:D


omg.. seriously, i hope that i will get to dream about muse especially one like u had muse_music.. u got to hug dom!! woooh.. i never had any muse dreams b4. once i put my head on that pillow of mine, i'm a goner u noe. * imagines having a dream of hugging dom rite now*



i think this thread is really REALLY dying...


discuss other bands here la :D instead of pm-ing each other. :(


let me bring some LOVE to this thread..




bleh.. cant believe that i missed the brit awards today..:(

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thanks to deb for e-mailing me this song together wif glorious (which i love to death rite now) i seriously love.. erm, the above song :LOL: there r a few faces which came across my mind everytime i hear this song. really helps me to release any unwanted feeling of anger or tak puas hati. it used to be RATM killing in the name of (esp the part fork u i wont do wat u tell me!!) but this song is sooo much better..




wow... u mean u haf the starlight single dvd?? where did u get it?




i've ch-ch-checked it out oready.. :happy: i dont think peeps would mind that we're sidetracking and discussing about other bands eh?? i think we've discussed about other bands like MCR b4...




omg.. seriously, i hope that i will get to dream about muse especially one like u had muse_music.. u got to hug dom!! woooh.. i never had any muse dreams b4. once i put my head on that pillow of mine, i'm a goner u noe. * imagines having a dream of hugging dom rite now*




let me bring some LOVE to this thread..




bleh.. cant believe that i missed the brit awards today..:(


lol you're welcome... :happy: oh yeah i wanna say something about MCR.


is it just me, or is their latest single I Dont Love You really really nice? :D i like it! and the video isnt that bad either. you dont see Gerard Way's horrid face when he screams. and his hair is black again so he doesnt look that bad anymore :) and the couple in the vid is really sweet too... very "opposites attract". i like it. i like it a lot. heehee :happy:


i dont have a single song by RATM... could you intro some to me? or possibly send some to me via email, kak faz? :D sorry i havent sent to you the bsides yet... i'll do it asap!





EDIT : oh about the brit awards, i think they'll repeat it again tomorrow. not sure what time though. its damn funny la. the host is damn funny.. and the first award they presented was... yeah you've guessed it. the Best Live Act award!! woot.

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is it just me, or is their latest single I Dont Love You really really nice? :D i like it! and the video isnt that bad either. you dont see Gerard Way's horrid face when he screams. and his hair is black again so he doesnt look that bad anymore :) and the couple in the vid is really sweet too... very "opposites attract". i like it. i like it a lot. heehee :happy:


i dont have a single song by RATM... could you intro some to me? or possibly send some to me via email, kak faz? :D sorry i havent sent to you the bsides yet... i'll do it asap!




EDIT : oh about the brit awards, i think they'll repeat it again tomorrow. not sure what time though. its damn funny la. the host is damn funny.. and the first award they presented was... yeah you've guessed it. the Best Live Act award!! woot.


goodness.. they released another single? is it not the same one as the guling2 atas pasir vid?


yeah.. i can e-mail u some. but the ones i haf rite now r songs from the evil empire.. i think i should send u songs from their first album coz it has more awesome tracks like bombtrack, killing in the name, bullet in the head etc.. i'll haf to open my dusty uni boxes tho to search for it. perhaps i shud mail u some radiohead as well?


i hope they repeat it again tomorrow. i wanna watch matt in that penguin coat of his ehehe..


o btw, about this chris scrapbook project rite.. i think we should send our messages together. perhaps yáll can just post ur messages here in this thread and we can just cut and paste onto one or more pages and send the page(s) in? its just a suggestion.. wat u guys think?

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i dont have a single song by RATM... could you intro some to me? or possibly send some to me via email, kak faz? :D sorry i havent sent to you the bsides yet... i'll do it asap!


how could u not????:eek: tom morello is matt's primary influence in guitar-playing!!


hahah..:LOL: other than "killing in the name of", i really lyk guerilla radio..go listen!


edit: jz saw the video for i dont love you..yeah, gerard does look 516 times better with black hair..but they kinda sound lyk they're tryin to be dashboard confessional on tht song to me...anyone else feel that vibe?

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goodness.. they released another single? is it not the same one as the guling2 atas pasir vid?


yeah.. i can e-mail u some. but the ones i haf rite now r songs from the evil empire.. i think i should send u songs from their first album coz it has more awesome tracks like bombtrack, killing in the name, bullet in the head etc.. i'll haf to open my dusty uni boxes tho to search for it. perhaps i shud mail u some radiohead as well?


i hope they repeat it again tomorrow. i wanna watch matt in that penguin coat of his ehehe..


o btw, about this chris scrapbook project rite.. i think we should send our messages together. perhaps yáll can just post ur messages here in this thread and we can just cut and paste onto one or more pages and send the page(s) in? its just a suggestion.. wat u guys think?


lol nono, no more guling guling di atas pasir/ns video. lol this time they're in err....normal clothes i think! i didnt notice. maybe they were wearing their "marching band" uniform again, i dunno i didnt notice.


yeah radiohead please. lol i already have creep, karma police and paranoid android.paranoid android is my favourite so far. creep is a bit too... soft. and karma police, i never really took the time to listen to it properly lol :LOL:


if they're showing the brits again, i'llsms you alright? :)


how could u not????:eek: tom morello is matt's primary influence in guitar-playing!!


hahah..:LOL: other than "killing in the name of", i really lyk guerilla radio..go listen!


edit: jz saw the video for i dont love you..yeah, gerard does look 516 times better with black hair..but they kinda sound lyk they're tryin to be dashboard confessional on tht song to me...anyone else feel that vibe?


lol really?? i thought it was er.. Queen of the Stone Age or something like that. i always get confused with these 2 bands cause their names are so long.i know i saw a vid from one of those bands, its something like burn the witch. :S do you know which band it was??


and yeah even if they're trying to be slow and emo and mellow like dashboard, i'm not complaining! :) i like dashboard confessional. not only is chris carrabba good, but he is very very hot too. :happy: mmm. and gerard way actually looks quite good looking with black hair! i dont like his little teeth though. haha.


yeah i actually got it from my friend after so loooongg!!! its a bit lambat i know, lol! im gonna try n get the invincible single n DVD too! im trying to collect all of them if possible :LOL:


omg howwwww??? lol can you burn copies? :p haha just kidding.

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:eek: wow.. shannaz, can make copy for me as well tak? eheh.. how many singles do u haf now?


how could u not????:eek: tom morello is matt's primary influence in guitar-playing!!


hahah..:LOL: other than "killing in the name of", i really lyk guerilla radio..go listen!


oh really? tom morello is teh. man.!! i also love zach's brilliant lyrics.. i love ém to death when i heard that they were supporting mumia abu jamal.i heard that they've got back together again??? as much as i love chris cornell n soundgarden, i think rage is wayyyy better than audioslave..



yeah radiohead please. lol i already have creep, karma police and paranoid android.paranoid android is my favourite so far. creep is a bit too... soft. and karma police, i never really took the time to listen to it properly lol :LOL:


and yeah even if they're trying to be slow and emo and mellow like dashboard, i'm not complaining! :) i like dashboard confessional. not only is chris carrabba good, but he is very very hot too. :happy: mmm. and gerard way actually looks quite good looking with black hair! i dont like his little teeth though. haha.




omg howwwww??? lol can you burn copies? :p haha just kidding.


yes, paranoid android is nice, creep is my anthem when i was a student eheh. i was the only girl wif tudung who listened to rock songs..eheh. and u shud give karma police another go!! its one of my fav songs..


i've watched the vid. but only like the first two mins of it tho..yeah, gerard looks better wif black hair and i dont lik his teeth as well eheh..i dont feel any dashboard vibe at all coz i feel that dashboard's songs r quite soppy, lembik like that eheh.. sorry to all dashboard fans. yes, chris charraba looks good but he's just too lembut lar..


mmm.. love this vid. very fitting..

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i got a friend stayin in leeds so she's been sending them to me :D

i can burn for u if u want....but how do i give it to u?


ooh lucky.. my sister has a friend or two living at er.. Sheffield i think. but i darent ask them whether they could get the invincible single for me.. :$


aww thanks.. umm, about that, i'm not too sure. is there gonna be a meet up anytime soon?


yes, paranoid android is nice, creep is my anthem when i was a student eheh. i was the only girl wif tudung who listened to rock songs..eheh. and u shud give karma police another go!! its one of my fav songs..


i've watched the vid. but only like the first two mins of it tho..yeah, gerard looks better wif black hair and i dont lik his teeth as well eheh..i dont feel any dashboard vibe at all coz i feel that dashboard's songs r quite soppy, lembik like that eheh.. sorry to all dashboard fans. yes, chris charraba looks good but he's just too lembut lar..


mmm.. love this vid. very fitting..


lol i forgot you mentioned the "fuck you i wont do what you tell me!" part, i played that vid with quite a high volume and when that part got louder in the song i panicked and closed the whole window! ahhah. that song reminds me a bit of Limp Bizkit. must be because of the whole 'rebel' feel to it.


i like dashboard... haha. its the only type of emo music that i like. :)


Deb...i think i like the idea of just keep using the word "gempak"...thanx for translating them for me...


no problem :happy:



EDIT: eh i just noticed... THE MUSE GIG WAS EXACTLY A MONTH AGO!!! :( i wish i could turn back time.

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felt like it was only yesterday i saw ém at the aiport. i love muse and just cant get enuff of ém!!!! lucky japs they're gonna get to c ém again in july :( and if that rumour of ém coming to philipines in august is true, any of yáll planning to go? *went to earlier pages of this thread looking at shannaz's pix* :'(


EDIT: deb, how can u compare rage to limp bizkit ?:noey: i just cant stand listening to fred durst.. they're very pretentious and not rebellious at all... bleh. rage is wayyyyyyyy better than limp bizkit.


and is it true that good charlotte is coming here for a concert?

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lol, alang2 pegi philippines baiklah fly pergi japan terus.. at least it'll be during the hols meaning can stay longer


shannaz.. if u're planning on getting ur friend to send u dvds from leeds come the release of invincible, do tell me ya.. (by sms, pm, whatever).. u can help me get some dvds there, can't u? eehehe

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felt like it was only yesterday i saw ém at the aiport. i love muse and just cant get enuff of ém!!!! lucky japs they're gonna get to c ém again in july :( and if that rumour of ém coming to philipines in august is true, any of yáll planning to go? *went to earlier pages of this thread looking at shannaz's pix* :'(


EDIT: deb, how can u compare rage to limp bizkit ?:noey: i just cant stand listening to fred durst.. they're very pretentious and not rebellious at all... bleh. rage is wayyyyyyyy better than limp bizkit.


and is it true that good charlotte is coming here for a concert?


philippines is kinda out of my student budget.:(


anw, +1 abt limp bizkit and good charlotte ARE coming to m'sia..

there are tickets up for grabs here...im not really a fan tho i might go anyway...u noe how concert-deprived we m'sians are...hehe


for once im glad to be a digi user.:p

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felt like it was only yesterday i saw ém at the aiport. i love muse and just cant get enuff of ém!!!! lucky japs they're gonna get to c ém again in july :( and if that rumour of ém coming to philipines in august is true, any of yáll planning to go? *went to earlier pages of this thread looking at shannaz's pix* :'(


EDIT: deb, how can u compare rage to limp bizkit ?:noey: i just cant stand listening to fred durst.. they're very pretentious and not rebellious at all... bleh. rage is wayyyyyyyy better than limp bizkit.


and is it true that good charlotte is coming here for a concert?


yeah i heard good charlotte is coming at April. anyone interested in going?? my friend said their new album is really good.


and i do not plan to go to Phillipines. lol.


no meh?? they're a bit rap-rock right? i dunno lol. i've only heard one song from them. that killing in the name of song.

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philippines is kinda out of my student budget.:(


anw, +1 abt limp bizkit and good charlotte ARE coming to m'sia..

there are tickets up for grabs here...im not really a fan tho i might go anyway...u noe how concert-deprived we m'sians are...hehe


for once im glad to be a digi user.:p


yeah... it is out of my budget as well..japan lagi ler OVER way beyond the universe of my budget (tho i'm already working. govt dont pay teachers much u noe.. eheh)


so, they really r coming to malaysia. dunno whether i wanna go or not. not really a fan. but, its a gig by an ok band..


i never got any news about GC from digi..


no meh?? they're a bit rap-rock right? i dunno lol. i've only heard one song from them. that killing in the name of song.


lol..goodness gracious. both rage n limp bizkit r americans. tom morello even went to harvard but didnt actually finish his studies there ( correct me if i'm wrong)..really, perhaps i should give u a RATM 101 tutorial ehehhh..

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yeah... it is out of my budget as well..japan lagi ler OVER way beyond the universe of my budget (tho i'm already working. govt dont pay teachers much u noe.. eheh)


so, they really r coming to malaysia. dunno whether i wanna go or not. not really a fan. but, its a gig by an ok band..


i never got any news about GC from digi..




lol..goodness gracious. both rage n limp bizkit r americans. tom morello even went to harvard but didnt actually finish his studies there ( correct me if i'm wrong)..really, perhaps i should give u a RATM 101 tutorial ehehhh..


heh...I KNOW...my mom's a teacher as well.;)


digi's promoting competitions to win tickets and an opportunity to meet the band members methinks..check the link i gave earlier.=P



i didnt blif tom morello went to harvard when i saw what u wrote!


so i checked our beloved wikipedia :


Morello graduated in 1982 and began attending Harvard University. There he made a point of practicing every day for up to eight hours without fail, no matter how much studying he had to do. He graduated in 1986 with an honors degree in political science


wah..didnt noe he was so good, seldom see successful guitarists with harvard degrees..hahah

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lol yes RATM 101 tutorial please. Radiohead too :LOL:


lol.. i'm afraid am not really an expert on rage. cant remember much since i was obsessed wif ém when i was in uni. was just being snobbish earlier tee hee hee. but did u get the two songs i mailed u? people of the sun and bulls on parade? i suggest u listen to ém using headphones. teh guitar and teh drums..fuyyooo.. ehehe.. u should check the band out. they're awesome.


yeah, zy.. he was made an honorary student or s'thing like that at harvard when the band made it big. i thot he dropped out when he was doing his PHD or s'thing. part of the reason i love the band is becoz of morello's impressive backround and zack's attitude towards the american govt. he's very political and vocal about it. they even played a gig naked once to protest against something.. i cant remember. if u think bono is political, rage is beyond him.. one thing i dont like about ém is that they were keen towards the communist ideas. ( well, correct me if i'm wrong ) both the beasties and rage r awesome in their fights against a lot of political issues. u guys just gotta check ém out.. seriously.

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I did post a review by Sin Chew daily on the Muse KL gig some time back, and a friend has translated & summed it up for me:

It was given a thumbs-up. Generally commenting the amount of noise generated by 3 person and also the totally unexpected crowd. However, there was a mention about the lack of communicating with the crowd but crowd was awesome!


Appologies, I'm going to sidetrack again, and it's long, oh dear, do forgive me:


A friend of mine just told me Pearl Jam may be dropping by this region by year end.

Here's hoping for PJ & Beastie Boys to come here a reality!


Thanks there zy for the insightful Tom Morello info!


Dear kids,

(those of you who have never listened to Time Highway Radio in its prime or have never watched The A-Team, or have never bought a cassette )


Let crazy_mary educate you on RATM, PJ, Beasties (do not get the worng idea, they are not a boy band - they are punk rap, err of if someone could give a better definition, pls do so)


I guess I can share some (of my limited ) knowledge on other Brit bands - except Muse of course, you lot know them much better than I do!


I'll start with Radiohead (summarized) :

1st album: Pablo Honey, 1993 - Yes, Creep is from this album. Apparently, the guitarist, Jonny Greenwood hated the song and tried to brutalize it with the distorted guitar sound that you hear just before Thom Yorke sings "But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo"...


2nd : The Bends, 1994. Landmark album. Won critical acclaim. Melodic, at the same time broody. Highly recommended. Do also try to look for the video "Just" . Brilliant!


3rd : OK Computer, 1997. Progressive rock. Band starts to fuse electronic elements. Broody. Also won critical acclaim.


4th : Kid A, 2000. A departure from guitar sounds. Weird electronic beats. Turned off the traditional rock following. But this is true of the band who always re-invent themselves. Very hard to digest. Repeated listenings required. In fact, you might hate it the first time you hear it, or even hate it forever. Jonny stops playing guitar, starts playing the weird operator-like board-synthesizer?


5th: Amnesiac, 2001. A quick follow up to Kid A. Less electronic than Kid A. But still have the weird sounds, a little more piano. Easier to digest than Kid A.


6th : Hail to the Thief, 2003. The thief here is referred to George Bush, PUSA because he robbed Al Gore of the votes (Do read Michael Moore's Stupid White Men for a satirical view on this). A return to their rock roots. More guitar and organic sound.


Thom Yorke solo album, The Eraser, 2006. Electronic sounding. A lot of messages he's trying to convey - mostly on political goings-on. Also a bit hard to digest. Repeated listenings required.


I'd say, try The Bends first, then OK Computer. By then I think you'll love them already, and won't mind to decipher their electronic sounds.


Thanks for your time!

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yep yep, go wif weresodisco's advice!

the bends and ok computer still remain as my fav radiohead albums after so long.


and the video for Just is absobloominutely brilliant! tht was what got me hooked to radiohead in the first place!


im quite sure muse lovers will take to the bends easily..muse have been accused of copying radiohead before, mind you!

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A friend of mine just told me Pearl Jam may be dropping by this region by year end.

Here's hoping for PJ & Beastie Boys to come here a reality!


OMG *jumps up n down, running around the house going mental*:LOL: god god, pliss let this be true! where did u hear this? is the source reliable? who is that friend of urs? eheh.. yes, yes i'm going mental!!


Dear kids,

(those of you who have never listened to Time Highway Radio in its prime or have never watched The A-Team, or have never bought a cassette )


I'll start with Radiohead (summarized) :

1st album: Pablo Honey, 1993 - Yes, Creep is from this album. Apparently, the guitarist, Jonny Greenwood hated the song and tried to brutalize it with the distorted guitar sound that you hear just before Thom Yorke sings "But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo"...


4th : Kid A, 2000. A departure from guitar sounds. Weird electronic beats. Turned off the traditional rock following. But this is true of the band who always re-invent themselves. Very hard to digest. Repeated listenings required. In fact, you might hate it the first time you hear it, or even hate it forever. Jonny stops playing guitar, starts playing the weird operator-like board-synthesizer?


6th : Hail to the Thief, 2003. The thief here is referred to George Bush, PUSA because he robbed Al Gore of the votes (Do read Michael Moore's Stupid White Men for a satirical view on this). A return to their rock roots. More guitar and organic sound.



bahaha.. THR, i still remember the name of that dj that i really like. gerard! i used to stay up all night just listening to all those rock songs coz they normally play ém late at nite!


woot weresodisco! u noe a lot about radiohead. really enjoyed ur tutorial there, mate! Kid A is hard to digest? i loved it when i first heard it.

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