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oh btw, i just reliazed something, we forgot our anniversary people! :eek: where is shannaz when we need her eh?? :p


OMG! i forgot abt that too! lol!!!! some kind of a fan am i?! :'( im just too busy handling my company's annual dinner i forgot abt everything else!i feel so guilty now:$ k.faz if u didnt mention it i probably would have totally forgotten abt it till next month! i actually went out shopping the whole day on the 27th n not realizing the date! the most important date! so...its already been...8 months!!! well happy belated 8 months anniversary ppl! i should put a reminder on my mobile for next month :LOL:

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i cant wait to do dom's project! hehe.. i've mentioned this before i think, i bought my muse shirt in pertama complex but it's quite expensive there. i've never seen any muse shirt at sg wang before.


omg vegoose!! ratm did get a good review if u read the later blogs but it seems that they're not too political now??? if i was there i would feel like am in heaven. muse and rage at the same nite, ayooo bestnyer!! damn lucky people!!




maybe coz of the rowdy crowd?? violent crowd could definitely spoil any great gig la i tell u..

which mall in s. alam are u referring to adyla? i noe my butt can definitely fit into it coz i have no butt really... well, that's what my friends told me lol..


and where is pavillion mall btw? is it the new shopping mall next to starhill?


oh btw, i just reliazed something, we forgot our anniversary people! :eek: where is shannaz when we need her eh?? :p


lol you're not alone on the whole flat butt issue :p mine is exceptionally small!



... right okay you all didn't need to know that lol.


what exactly is going on for Dom's birthday? are they doing anything for Chris's birthday too? I WANNA PARTICIPATE!!


i think the pavillion mall is next to starhill.. i'm not sure. but that place sounds pretty high class and expensive to me! they probably sell of those super expensive branded stuff that only celebrities and rich people can buy :(


who knows? maybe when Muse comes back here again they'd check out that place and buy more Dior stuff! :LOL:

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LOL brilliant. my friend got away with it once for only RM2. all the spare change from the coin compartment of her car. freakin hilarious man :LOL:


if you're gonna be up at the barrier, better take some pics for your own viewing pleasure at least! i have a friend going to the Auckland one too! he showed me the picture of his ticket.. haha. its like pinkish in colour right? with the HUGE Muse logo?


Haha! Man.. they'll just take any amount eh. My cousin gave a 50 once but he was like, "Come on lah mister, I got no money for dinner..." so the copper gave him back like a 20 or something :LOL:


Yeah it's pretty! It's got a sort of salmon coloured border with a slightly-darker-than-sky-blue background with the Muse logo plastered in the centre. Epic.

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hhhaha, there are 4 malls in shah alam right? check them all out sudah.. :LOL: i know there was a lime green colour once, but sadly i could not fit into it :$



so guys, is everyone travelling to thailand then? are you guys backpacking or sleeping in hotels?


my sister may be in thailand by then, so hopefully she'll have a house to stay by then so i (and you guys if you want) can crash there and pretend to be in bangkok for the purpose of *visiting my sister*


btw, in bangkok, are we seeing muse only? would be awesome to get to see all my favourite bands as well


*wishes ratm there just so i could see whether they're actually good* :erm:


plus i can go bwek at my brother who's seeing james morrison.. nanananana, you spend RM 200 bucks to james morrison and I spend like cheapskate to watch muse and co in thailand :p (yes, this kind of bwek)

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so guys, is everyone travelling to thailand then? are you guys backpacking or sleeping in hotels?


my sister may be in thailand by then, so hopefully she'll have a house to stay by then so i (and you guys if you want) can crash there and pretend to be in bangkok for the purpose of *visiting my sister*


btw, in bangkok, are we seeing muse only? would be awesome to get to see all my favourite bands as well


*wishes ratm there just so i could see whether they're actually good* :erm:



Adyla, if only everything you said would become true. It would totally make my year. Thought 25th feb was the highlight, but damn november sound awesome. I think we deserve this after all the anxiety, man.


definitely backpacking, gua cheapskate la. :D

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Haha! Man.. they'll just take any amount eh. My cousin gave a 50 once but he was like, "Come on lah mister, I got no money for dinner..." so the copper gave him back like a 20 or something :LOL:


Yeah it's pretty! It's got a sort of salmon coloured border with a slightly-darker-than-sky-blue background with the Muse logo plastered in the centre. Epic.


omg hahaha at least the cop was nice enough to give 20 bucks back :LOL: my sister got stopped just the other day for talking on the phone while driving. she had only one RM50 note so she had to give that to the cop and she didnt get any change! she was all emo and stuff. lol.


i can say that insya Allah that i am definitely going. :happy::happy::happy::happy:


LAMC have confirmed it. why isnt everybody on line?? am going crazy alone!!!




adyla, i'd really like it if we can crash at ur sis place!!!


OH MY GOD. I AM GOING TO CRY. I HAVE MY SPM!!! :'(:'(:'( i cant go... crap i'm so emo now :(


hey can someone tell me more about the Dom's birthday project thing please?

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k, korang sume nak pegi how many days ah?



hehe, when's the tickets gonna be out? i'm gonna buy it!


Er, lol!! Tiket pun tak jual lagi, hehe *is giddy!*


Edit : even if we didn't get to sleep over at my sister's place, we can book like a 3-bed hostel or something.. that way we can be totally "backpacking"


oh, although if you guys decided to crash with my sister you are definitely going to have to be in "sopan santun" mode aka help out with cookings and stuff becoz my sister kind of baru a month off giving birth, and er, i don't quite know how to cook :p

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