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lol er... well in direct translation, "Abang" means older brother.


but the way mikeadyla says it... it means something else, i think. like a more friendly way i guess. heh. i'm not sure how to explain it, sorry! :( malay isn't my first language.



it's a respectful term for somebody older than you.. abang for male, kakak for female..


it's the equivalent for san in japanese i think? (actually, i have no idea)

i know there's an equivalent in chinese as well..

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OMG! now all i can think of is his blue eyes looking at me while actually speaking to me! *faints*


and i love ur sig...lol! my Abang Matt!


your abang matt? :rolleyes:


:LOL: ahem, ahem... kak faz punyer abg matt! that's more like it! and i don't mean abang as in older brother. it's the other meaning of abang. :p


Like Ate or Kuya. :D

is that tagalog?

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OMG! now all i can think of is his blue eyes looking at me while actually speaking to me! *faints*


and i love ur sig...lol! my Abang Matt!


Sorry but whats "Abang" :$


lol er... well in direct translation, "Abang" means older brother.


but the way mikeadyla says it... it means something else, i think. like a more friendly way i guess. heh. i'm not sure how to explain it, sorry! :( malay isn't my first language.


:LOL: ahem, ahem... kak faz punyer abg matt! that's more like it! and i don't mean abang as in older brother. it's the other meaning of abang. :p


is that tagalog?


:LOL: Ahahah okay the other (not so platonic) meaning of Abang in malay language is an an endearment, what you'd call your bf, husband etc, as usually the guy of your dreams would be older than u are. Hence the 'abang' reference.


Examples: Faz fancies Matt so she calls him 'Abang'.

Or, even though Dom is almost 30 so is in the true sense an 'abang', it's the other meaning of 'abang' Deb meant when she calls him 'abang Dom'.


Malay language lessons using Muse illustrations ftw!


Mike and Shannaz, I desperately want ur instincts about Matt not lying to be true! Gorgeous blue eyes notwithstanding.


To distract from the lack of gig news, I'm heading to the beach in a few moments and pretending it's Phuket :cool:

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Yeah, its Filipino ;)

Ate = Older Sister

Kuya = Older Brother


I want to go somewhere but the recent bomeing of a mall is keeping me and others from doing anything :( I've been on my computer or my TV for hours now :stunned:


*Day dreams of being in Phuket with Miele, Muse and the rest :happy:*

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Yeah, its Filipino ;)

Ate = Older Sister

Kuya = Older Brother


I want to go somewhere but the recent bomeing of a mall is keeping me and others from doing anything :( I've been on my computer or my TV for hours now :stunned:


*Day dreams of being in Phuket with Miele, Muse and the rest :happy:*

me too, my dad told me to stay away from the malls :(


and we're screwed now arias, no Muse in the near future :noey: Travel advisory, here they come :(

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Examples: Faz fancies Matt so she calls him 'Abang'.

Or, even though Dom is almost 30 so is in the true sense an 'abang', it's the other meaning of 'abang' Deb meant when she calls him 'abang Dom'.



To distract from the lack of gig news, I'm heading to the beach in a few moments and pretending it's Phuket :cool:


wait a second. even tho it is true i quite fancy abg matt, u should used my name instead of deb's for that Abang Dom example. :p



Yeah, its Filipino ;)

Ate = Older Sister

Kuya = Older Brother


I want to go somewhere but the recent bomeing of a mall is keeping me and others from doing anything :( I've been on my computer or my TV for hours now :stunned:


*Day dreams of being in Phuket with Miele, Muse and the rest :happy:*


so sorry to hear that. hope y'all are ok.


* takes out a beach bag, a beach ball and a beach boys cd* :happy:


me too, my dad told me to stay away from the malls :(


and we're screwed now arias, no Muse in the near future :noey: Travel advisory, here they come :(


aww.. i noe what u mean. i wish we can stop all these conflicts and hatred things. it sucks!

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wait a second. even tho it is true i quite fancy abg matt, u should used my name instead of deb's for that Abang Dom example. :p


perhaps she forgot that you're more into Dom than Matt. :D


so sorry to hear that. hope y'all are ok.


* takes out a beach bag, a beach ball and a beach boys cd* :happy:


aww.. i noe what u mean. i wish we can stop all these conflicts and hatred things. it sucks!


And this incident will start to divide us again, they are pointing it to Al Qaeda or worst Abu Sayyaf :noey: This is not right really, it's so disappointing.

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perhaps she forgot that you're more into Dom than Matt. :D




And this incident will start to divide us again, they are pointing it to Al Qaeda or worst Abu Sayyaf :noey: This is not right really, it's so disappointing.


lol. yeah.. maybe she didn't notice my awesome sig! u noe, the one made by someone named audrey.. ;)


i agree. people should realise that violence never solve anything. it only brings more chaos! if they are true muslims they wouldn't be bombing and killing people rite after Ramadhan or at any other time. all the bad press and prejudice against the muslims are because of people like abu sayyaf and al qaeda.


something really off topic here.. but apparently dumbledore is gay!

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wait a second. even tho it is true i quite fancy abg matt, u should used my name instead of deb's for that Abang Dom example. :p


haha but your percentage of fancying Dom is less than mine! (just kidding, i think) :p even if you got to speak to him... :'( Matt and Chris may be good looking but all my eyes point to Dom! :happy:


wow i played some tennis yesterday and did a bit of jogging today, and now my whole body (including my thumbs) are aching like mad!

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haha but your percentage of fancying Dom is less than mine! (just kidding, i think) :p even if you got to speak to him... :'( Matt and Chris may be good looking but all my eyes point to Dom! :happy:


wow i played some tennis yesterday and did a bit of jogging today, and now my whole body (including my thumbs) are aching like mad!


haha... nice try, using maths to out wit me. i noe am bad in maths but since when percentage is related to emotions and feeling eh? :p chewah..


wow... u're really trying to be fit now dont u? i love watching tennis esp federer but never know how to play. i've tried once but i sucked at it.:$


WHAT? the actor? how did you know?


no. the character. rowling herself mentioned it!


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no. the character. rowling herself mentioned it!



that's quite funny, although i didn't quite understand it.. did rowling purposely made dumbledore gay beforehand or did she just came up with it?


em, i know that i really love harry potter, but what the ? :eek: first, it's that fan-fic-ish ending, and now dumbledore's gay?


i can never look at harry potter books 1-6 the same way ever again.

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I KNEW IT!!! :stunned::LOL:


And why I'm ok in this dilemma? Its because I'm sick and tired of this happening, the terrorist who did this wants to make a statement. So: Create chaos, destroy lives, get news coverage to be known and then be a threat to the people of innocents. Its like a staple already, want to be heard: make a bomb. And with the already political unrest here, the politicians are pointing fingers causing more chaos rather than solving it. I guess I'm tired of political news and bombings. I feel as if we stop caring for this things then we can get progress...


And no one is talking the blame. So it can mean that its an individual with a mental problem or a group with radical tractics. The problem is when Al Qaeda though Abu Sayyaf takes the blame. Abu Sayyaf is the "Philippine Sector" of Jemaah Islamiyah which is related to Al Qaeda. If that turns out we will not see not only the Philippines on the "no travel" list but all of South East Asian country with any connection to this mess. More so if the Pakistan bombing was also caused by them.




I'll watch the sunrise in the morn with a chair and imagines Tom with a tan...





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lol. yeah.. maybe she didn't notice my awesome sig! u noe, the one made by someone named audrey.. ;)


i agree. people should realise that violence never solve anything. it only brings more chaos! if they are true muslims they wouldn't be bombing and killing people rite after Ramadhan or at any other time. all the bad press and prejudice against the muslims are because of people like abu sayyaf and al qaeda.


something really off topic here.. but apparently dumbledore is gay!

ah I don't know her :LOL:


but I still doubt it's the work of any Muslims, it's a tendency nowadays that when something explode or happened accidentally they all point it to Muslim or Al Qaeda, they're still bringing the grudge from the 9/11 attack. Not all incidents can be made by only group or person. I'm thinking it's a conspiracy either on the owner or our government itself. Only time can tell who really did this just like the 9/11.


Maybe she's reading fan fictions and got the idea there :LOL:

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I KNEW IT!!! :stunned::LOL:


And why I'm ok in this dilemma? Its because I'm sick and tired of this happening, the terrorist who did this wants to make a statement. So: Create chaos, destroy lives, get news coverage to be known and then be a threat to the people of innocents. Its like a staple already, want to be heard: make a bomb. And with the already political unrest here, the politicians are pointing fingers causing more chaos rather than solving it. I guess I'm tired of political news and bombings. I feel as if we stop caring for this things then we can get progress...


And no one is talking the blame. So it can mean that its an individual with a mental problem or a group with radical tractics. The problem is when Al Qaeda though Abu Sayyaf takes the blame. Abu Sayyaf is the "Philippine Sector" of Jemaah Islamiyah which is related to Al Qaeda. If that turns out we will not see not only the Philippines on the "no travel" list but all of South East Asian country with any connection to this mess. More so if the Pakistan bombing was also caused by them.




I'll watch the sunrise in the morn with a chair and imagines Tom with a tan...






i agree... i'm really terribly sorry for those who got hurt, somehow it feels as if i'm partly responsible just for the fact that i'm born in this world and basically don't do anything to create a lot of awareness [ashamably my knowledge of muse is much bigger than my knowledge of current events]


imho if you want to be a terrorist, at least don't be a coward a hide behind a mask "of possibilities" [although i have to admit i'm a huge fan of v for vendetta, although that's an entirely different case altogether, and v at least did make his point across]


but the point being, even if you're dissatisfied with the way things are being run, there should be some moral rules at least that you abide before making "these statements", like for example:

1) don't hurt innocents

2) make your point clear

3) do not pretend it's somebody else's work (or else what's the point??)

4) er, i'll expect some add-ons here.. i'm not that much in touch with the terrorist-intuition

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that's quite funny, although i didn't quite understand it.. did rowling purposely made dumbledore gay beforehand or did she just came up with it?


em, i know that i really love harry potter, but what the ? :eek: first, it's that fan-fic-ish ending, and now dumbledore's gay?


i can never look at harry potter books 1-6 the same way ever again.


think universities should start studying the Harry Potter series as part of their English Literature course. the wealth of interpretations and point of views of the series are astonishing! :stunned: i don't actually care that dumbledore is gay. it didn't disrupt the plot of the novels tho it does provide a new angle of the book. think the next time i'll be reading the books, i'll be looking for the little details that would link to dumbledore's homosexuality. like reading between the lines of byron poems. lol.



but the point being, even if you're dissatisfied with the way things are being run, there should be some moral rules at least that you abide before making "these statements", like for example:

1) don't hurt innocents

2) make your point clear

3) do not pretend it's somebody else's work (or else what's the point??)

4) er, i'll expect some add-ons here.. i'm not that much in touch with the terrorist-intuition


5) find a proper channel to make ur statements.

6) respect other people's rights and lives as much as yours.

7) use ur brain, words and knowledge instead of the stupid lethal weapons.

8) and grow up! the world is always gonna be a diverse place. so be a great humanitarian like gandhi or mother theresa or our prohet Muhammad and learn their ways of changing the world.


sorry for the rant. but the conflicts and disturbances only bring problems for us. not much goodness come out of 'em.

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I KNEW IT!!! :stunned::LOL:


And why I'm ok in this dilemma? Its because I'm sick and tired of this happening, the terrorist who did this wants to make a statement. So: Create chaos, destroy lives, get news coverage to be known and then be a threat to the people of innocents. Its like a staple already, want to be heard: make a bomb. And with the already political unrest here, the politicians are pointing fingers causing more chaos rather than solving it. I guess I'm tired of political news and bombings. I feel as if we stop caring for this things then we can get progress...


And no one is talking the blame. So it can mean that its an individual with a mental problem or a group with radical tractics. The problem is when Al Qaeda though Abu Sayyaf takes the blame. Abu Sayyaf is the "Philippine Sector" of Jemaah Islamiyah which is related to Al Qaeda. If that turns out we will not see not only the Philippines on the "no travel" list but all of South East Asian country with any connection to this mess. More so if the Pakistan bombing was also caused by them.




I'll watch the sunrise in the morn with a chair and imagines Tom with a tan...






You know, with all that's happening in our country right now, no one is safe.

God, I just wish that this all happened while Click 5 was in town. :D:LOL:

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You know, with all that's happening in our country right now, no one is safe.

God, I just wish that this all happened while Click 5 was in town. :D:LOL:

:LOL: you're so mean Guio. :LOL:


What flipped me was the fact that we now have a slim chance of getting Muse especially once the embassy announce a travel advisory. :noey:

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haha... nice try, using maths to out wit me. i noe am bad in maths but since when percentage is related to emotions and feeling eh? :p chewah..


wow... u're really trying to be fit now dont u? i love watching tennis esp federer but never know how to play. i've tried once but i sucked at it.:$


no. the character. rowling herself mentioned it!



lol i'm trying but there's no progress because i get tired easily and i dont have enough will power to push myself further. ahah. i suck at tennis too okay haha.

lol i was just kidding about the percentage bit thing :p


think universities should start studying the Harry Potter series as part of their English Literature course. the wealth of interpretations and point of views of the series are astonishing! :stunned: i don't actually care that dumbledore is gay. it didn't disrupt the plot of the novels tho it does provide a new angle of the book. think the next time i'll be reading the books, i'll be looking for the little details that would link to dumbledore's homosexuality. like reading between the lines of byron poems. lol.




5) find a proper channel to make ur statements.

6) respect other people's rights and lives as much as yours.

7) use ur brain, words and knowledge instead of the stupid lethal weapons.

8) and grow up! the world is always gonna be a diverse place. so be a great humanitarian like gandhi or mother theresa or our prohet Muhammad and learn their ways of changing the world.


sorry for the rant. but the conflicts and disturbances only bring problems for us. not much goodness come out of 'em.


yeah this whole "dumblydore is gay" thing is reaaaaaaally changing my perspective on the book.


"PRIVATE LESSONS" WITH POTTER?? :eek::eek::eek: <--- yeah something like that ahha.


and to be honest, whether what i'm about to say is offensive or not i dont intend it to be, but honestly i have no idea what's going on in the world now. unless its like.. a really HUGE tragedy like 9/11 or the london subway bombing or a tsunami or something. this is probably because i dont read the newspaper, so i only hear about these things by word of mouth, or the stuff i read online, like now.


so er... well, i'm a bit lost at what you guys are talking about now. lol. :$ dont get angry with me for my obliviousness or anything!

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