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im definitely buying this when it comes out here. :)


em, isn't it the point of the download? that's it's not gonna come out here? that the mp3 we have is as best as we can expect to get?


i know i definitely don't have money to buy the boxset.. even i don't spend that much on muse :$

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i've only listened to in rainbows once tho i've downloaded it like a few days ago for free too. :$ am ashamed to call myself a radiohead fan now. i blame arias for that. he taught me how to download it for 0 pound! :p dont think it's creepy tho. lol. liked the first track too.. but somehow i didnt think it has ok computer vibe to it. need to listen to it again.


the cd for in rainbows is gonna be released next year rite? i doubt the box set will be available here.. but the cd, surely...


thanks for the train info miele. but i dont actually quite get it. does it mean that i need to get to butterworth first ah?


btw this maybe old news but i was watching 8tv yesterday ( for the first time after a few months! ) and the first thing that i saw was this movie trailer with apocalypse please.. but i forgot the name of the movie. what was it....?? :unsure: ayooo ..

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ohhh... so the cd will still be out..



btw this maybe old news but i was watching 8tv yesterday ( for the first time after a few months! ) and the first thing that i saw was this movie trailer with apocalypse please.. but i forgot the name of the movie. what was it....?? :unsure: ayooo ..


hehe, i think i know what u meant... me and my friend were just finishing watching lust, caution (which by the way is a very nice movie which almost made us sleep but didn't) the other day at tgv klcc, and then apocalypse please suddenly blared loudly in one of the cinema rooms.. dum dum dum dum dum dum (kind of like that :rolleyes: heehee), i have no idea what movie it is, because the people working there wouldn't let us in (they were insistent we get out of the cinema immediately :mad:) but i made my friend (mohani) stay there for like 1 minute just to listen to it. :happy:


must be a new movie..

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btw this maybe old news but i was watching 8tv yesterday ( for the first time after a few months! ) and the first thing that i saw was this movie trailer with apocalypse please.. but i forgot the name of the movie. what was it....?? :unsure: ayooo ..


hehe, i think i know what u meant... me and my friend were watching lust, caution the other day at tgv klcc, and then apocalypse please suddenly blared loudly in one of the cinema rooms.. dum dum dum dum dum dum (kind of like that :rolleyes: heehee), i have no idea what movie it is, because the people working there wouldn't let us in (no idea why :mad:) but i made my friend (mohani) stay there for like 1 minute just to listen to it. :happy:


must be a new movie..


if there is no vocals in the song, just the piano banging part, then i think the movie is called "30 Days of Night" or something. the show is directed by... David Slade! the dude who directed almost all of Muse's OOS vids!


or.. it could be another movie :$

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if there is no vocals in the song, just the piano banging part, then i think the movie is called "30 Days of Night" or something. the show is directed by... David Slade! the dude who directed almost all of Muse's OOS vids!


or.. it could be another movie :$



ooohh *stereotypes david slade as a talented director already and plots to give 30 days of night a good review*


:D (such a muse fan, i know)

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ooohh *stereotypes david slade as a talented director already and plots to give 30 days of night a good review*


:D (such a muse fan, i know)

hahahaha like any other biased Muse fan would :p looks like a good movie though. about er.. either vampires or werewolves, cant really remember. and its based on a comic book i think!

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hahahaha like any other biased Muse fan would :p looks like a good movie though. about er.. either vampires or werewolves, cant really remember. and its based on a comic book i think!



oh, btw, u're right, it's the instrumental apocalypse please blaring, just checked imdb..


sounds awesome.. hehe, i may also prep myself to like josh hartnett then just for the movie :p

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oh, btw, u're right, it's the instrumental apocalypse please blaring, just checked imdb..


sounds awesome.. hehe, i may also prep myself to like josh hartnett then just for the movie :p

LOL i'm a sure Josh Hartnett fan, so yeah i'll prolly watch the movie because of him, and just to see whether there're any other muse songs featured in the movie.


i can just imagine how my reaction would be if a muse song started blaring out during a scene in the movie. i'd be like "OMG THIS SONG IS FROM MUSE! *SINGS ALONG* HAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY!" or something like that! :LOL:

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30 days of night! that's the movie... there's actually a thread on this movie already here. am soooo NOT gonna watch the movie. it's too bloody. :stunned:


LOL i'm a sure Josh Hartnett fan, so yeah i'll prolly watch the movie because of him, and just to see whether there're any other muse songs featured in the movie.


i can just imagine how my reaction would be if a muse song started blaring out during a scene in the movie. i'd be like "OMG THIS SONG IS FROM MUSE! *SINGS ALONG* HAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY!" or something like that! :LOL:


i actually squealed like a girl when i saw that trailer. imagine if i did that in the cinema.. sure malu giler. lol. josh harnett in the film does help to relieve the tension of watching all those vampires..:happy:

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i actually squealed like a girl when i saw that trailer. imagine if i did that in the cinema.. sure malu giler. lol. josh harnett in the film does help to relieve the tension of watching all those vampires..:happy:


ahahah, been there, done that. My friend quickly tried to sush me :rolleyes::p. Muse punya pasal, langsung tak malu!


Oh bout the train, yes its from Bworth. If u take a bus from KL- Bworth its RM25, trip takes 4 and half hrs.

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Yeah join the club :p


Wow, if 1st Dec becomes true I would ber running about: from Penang to KL to Penang to Bangkok to KL! Insane or what. Blame Muse.


woahh.. why don't u just go straight from Penang? Planning to meet up with KL people? or just loving the road trip?


*trying to psych myself up for possible train ride*


i've never been on a train actually


i wish it's gonna be on the december 1st... then i could hang back to wish chris happy birthday :D

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Becaaaause *checks diary and takes a deep breath*:


26th-28 Nov: course in Bangi, then travel to gig 1st Dec, then 3-4th Dec Prosecutor conference in Sunway, then exams in Bangi again.


Gila kan? But I love it. Road trips ftw! I even loved travelling alone from Penang for the KL gig *reminisces*

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Becaaaause *checks diary and takes a deep breath*:


26th-28 Nov: course in Bangi, then travel to gig 1st Dec, then 3-4th Dec Prosecutor conference in Sunway, then exams in Bangi again.


Gila kan? But I love it. Road trips ftw! I even loved travelling alone from Penang for the KL gig *reminisces*


oh gila.. memang gila :p.. but i think it's gonna be fun! i've honestly enjoyed being a muse fan just for the sake of doing this kerja gilas alone and having your friends look at you thinking you're just plain weird and obsessed to actually go to this extent for a band.


i'm sometimes the type who's scared to do certain stuff alone, but for some reasons, i can do even the scariest things alone for the sake of muse.


muse = semangat. loves it :happy:

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oh gila.. memang gila :p.. but i think it's gonna be fun! i've honestly enjoyed being a muse fan just for the sake of doing this kerja gilas alone and having your friends look at you thinking you're just plain weird and obsessed to actually go to this extent for a band.


i'm sometimes the type who's scared to do certain stuff alone, but for some reasons, i can do even the scariest things alone for the sake of muse.


muse = semangat. loves it :happy:


So true! *High fives Mike* It's also awesome when u find other lovely Musers who get crazy along with u. Thanks guys.

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that is true, it's great to noe other people who share the obsession and craziness! :D


adyla, i really like ur sig. lol. am a bit pissed off at matt as well. if only he mentioned the specific date of the bangkok instead of just saying 'in december' , think we would'nt be this anxious over the official announcement. but lucky he's hot, cant stay annoyed with him for long. heh. ;)


:yesey: muse= semangat and muse = craziness.

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Yeah, it was 30 Days of Nights. I was reading it 3 years ago, rather disturbing than scary for me :LOL: I don't know if the movie will be the same though :p


I was watching a movie with my friends, Day Watch I think or something, I saw the trailer and said this looks familiar then heard the song then said this sounds familiar! :LOL: Kept thinking what song it was the whole movie, the answer is in the tip of my tongue and I shouted it out load at the credits :LOL:

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that is true, it's great to noe other people who share the obsession and craziness! :D


adyla, i really like ur sig. lol. am a bit pissed off at matt as well. if only he mentioned the specific date of the bangkok instead of just saying 'in december' , think we would'nt be this anxious over the official announcement. but lucky he's hot, cant stay annoyed with him for long. heh. ;)


:yesey: muse= semangat and muse = craziness.


hot eh? :rolleyes: whenever i tell my friends of my muse experience, they'll be all laughing and telling me, "oh, mestilah matt tipu, matt this, matt that", and i'll be like, "those blue eyes aren't capable of lying!" :p hah, i allow myself to be deceived by matt over and over and over again, and will continue to do so. will wait for bangkok patiently :happy:


Yeah, it was 30 Days of Nights. I was reading it 3 years ago, rather disturbing than scary for me :LOL: I don't know if the movie will be the same though :p


I was watching a movie with my friends, Day Watch I think or something, I saw the trailer and said this looks familiar then heard the song then said this sounds familiar! :LOL: Kept thinking what song it was the whole movie, the answer is in the tip of my tongue and I shouted it out load at the credits :LOL:


day watch? is it a good movie?

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hot eh? :rolleyes: whenever i tell my friends of my muse experience, they'll be all laughing and telling me, "oh, mestilah matt tipu, matt this, matt that", and i'll be like, "those blue eyes aren't capable of lying!" :p hah, i allow myself to be deceived by matt over and over and over again, and will continue to do so. will wait for bangkok patiently :happy:




day watch? is it a good movie?


OMG! now all i can think of is his blue eyes looking at me while actually speaking to me! *faints*


and i love ur sig...lol! my Abang Matt!

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