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Booooooo... i seriously don't like u now! :p:LOL:


and OMG Torres! i adore him! * leaves smooch marks on monitor *




:LOL: Okay2 truce. How bout this:




Torres + Villa orite?


Btw Holland v Spain = football heaven.




wah. once you mentioned all the footballer's names, i got lost :$ i'm still a football n00b haha. i only know a few.

whoa Mrs van Persie looks a bit like Carmen Elektra + Matt's Gaia :LOL:


Germany Vs Portugal tonight! anyone gonna watch? the only reason why i'm biased against Portugal now is because Ronaldo (aka cocky ass who is still damn hot) is there, and they beat Holland in the World Cup '06 :(




ITA agree on all the above, Deb.


However, also being a Portugal (not C-Ron) fan, I'm still in mourning,(and the not-sleeping is a killer) so:




I was only considering to go to SingFest because I know it'll definitely take up a lot of time and energy (not to mention money) but now I guess I have to go for SingFest to drown my sorrows about Malaysia's pathetic live music scene :( (well okay, the music scene here now is definitely better than a decade ago!)





You can't make it for SingFest? :-/



Welcome (back?)! I live only a few minutes (well okay about 20 mins) away from your work place. Heh. So how's your first week at Putrajaya? How many times have you been to Alamanda? lol.




As for tonight's Portugal vs Germany match... GERMANY FTW!!


Still considering (and budgeting) for Singfest. Who u goin with?


Oh n thanks, I live like 10 mins from Alamanda, heheh. So we know where to hold the next Muser meetup, heh?


To be fair, Germany played well (Lahm, schweini, Podolski).



Still sorry for all the football talk, I promise I'll stop near the end of June.....

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:( bleh.. i still can't believe France lost that game. i switched off the tv once abidal was red carded.. went to the kitchen, finished a bowl of maggie then only i watched the game again. soooo freaking sad la.. the next morning i wore all black to school and got into verbal arguments with some of my students. i even demerit one of my students who supported Italy! talk about being so cranky due to the lack of sleep! :LOL:


we can always talk about how cool dom is, yeah?


:LOL: You actually demerit your student?! :LOL::LOL: Now I know which team I should not talk about around you :p


Nah... It's ok to talk about football... You all have your rights to talk about anything you want ;)

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we can always talk about how cool dom is, yeah?


aww sorry :( we can talk about something else! :D


Nah... It's ok to talk about football... You all have your rights to talk about anything you want ;)


Psssttt.... If we talk too much about Dom :shifty: this will turn into another PDT :p

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Despite being caught up with college workload, I haveee to drop by to say:


The Death Cab For Cutie show in Malaysia is CANCELLED *sob* [Link.Click]


*dies* First, I can't make it for Lifehouse. Now, DCFC decided to drop their KL tour date as well!?!?!


I was only considering to go to SingFest because I know it'll definitely take up a lot of time and energy (not to mention money) but now I guess I have to go for SingFest to drown my sorrows about Malaysia's pathetic live music scene :( (well okay, the music scene here now is definitely better than a decade ago!)


Oh and Deb, if you like the softer side of LH, I believe you would definitely love the older stuff from LH. Even way before Lifehouse was even Lifehouse. They were called Blyss. Try listening to Eighties. That's one of their most influential songs IMO. But I could be biased. Lol. I totally love Simon too. Heh. I remember being 13 and listening to Simon over and over and over again Sigh, those were the days la...


As for tonight's Portugal vs Germany match... GERMANY FTW!!


omg you're going for Singfest? i wanna gooooo. but i cant. because i'm not willing to spend so much money on that :'(


now i have nothing to look forward to :( why oh whyyy did Death Cab have to choose Singapore? whyyyy!! :'(



Ooh okay i'm downloading Eighties right now :D any more songs to recommend? hehheh.


As for last night's match, i am now happy and satisfied that Portugal lost. we're even now. they beat Holland, and they lost to Germany. i no longer have a vendetta against them :LOL:


:LOL: Okay2 truce. How bout this:




Torres + Villa orite?


Btw Holland v Spain = football heaven.


ITA agree on all the above, Deb.


However, also being a Portugal (not C-Ron) fan, I'm still in mourning,(and the not-sleeping is a killer) so:




To be fair, Germany played well (Lahm, schweini, Podolski).


Still sorry for all the football talk, I promise I'll stop near the end of June.....


yeah now after Germany beat them, i'm back to being a Portugal fan. hahaha. i have no more personal vendetta against them anymore :LOL:


ooh how does Villa look like? :D yeah last night's game was really good. i was hoping like mad that Portugal doesnt score a 3rd goal so that i can go to sleep ASAP though :LOL:


Nah... It's ok to talk about football... You all have your rights to talk about anything you want


Psssttt.... If we talk too much about Dom :shifty: this will turn into another PDT


lol you sure? plus its the Euro'08!! only once in 4 years. must enjoy it while we can :yesey::D

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do you think muse might stop by and pick up their award if they win it? :eek: i never actually thought of that. lol. where do you live? haha you make it sound like genting is only 5 minutes away :LOL:


omg so cool! i wanna decorate my own in rainbows album too haha. have you done yours yet? i wanna see! :D


yeah if they both host the awards, they'll be smiling and grinning to themselves, and also at the camera sharing inside jokes and stuff. you're right, matt will talk too fast if he's by himself. it'll be hard to understand him at all!


lol noooo! argh :( now i'm torn. haha. van Persie cant be my future husband la, he's already married, unfortunately :( i can only admire him from afar...


oh i saw Muse's HAARP Knights of Cydonia vid on MTV just now, they were showing the nominees for the MTV Asia Awards, so they showed BEP and stuff too. but it was so nice to see Muse live on tv again :happy:


ahahah no. the HIGHWAY to genting/pahang/etc is 5 minutes away from my home, and genting is more or less 45 minutes away from me. and i live in gombak :happy: unfortunately, Muse will be in Brazil on the MAA date :supersad: but yeah, they'd be great as hosts and i'm sure most of the people in the stadium would hang their jaws open when matt starts to talk (like a runaway train :LOL: )


the album/package contained the cd, the lyric book, and two big, square stickers that fits on the normal square jewel case. it's like when you buy an album, there are album's cover and back cover, right? for this one, you'll have to get a jewel case yourself and just stick the cover and back cover on it, slide in the lyric book, and store in the cd, that's all. a bit confusing doesn't it? i kinda sucked at explaining things :LOL:


whoah, (almost) all of you guys here are footie fanatics eyh? i love football but i can't bring myself to watch it in the wee hours of the morning, not even midnight! i have an almost permanently set internal clock/alarm that's kinda hard to readjust. it's 8am-12pm daily for me :LOL:


i always, ALWAYS get excited and grateful when i see them on tv or hear them on the radio. the rest of my family just went :rolleyes: oh and two days ago i bought a pair of cherry red skinny jeans from zara, telling my sisters and my mum that it fits me well and it looks great on me when the main, real reason that i bought them was actually cause they're red like matt's and super skinny like dom's :LOL: :LOL: :musesign:

Edited by melwhoops
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Hehe.... not really interested in football so didn't follow it


Aww that's alright.


ahahah no. the HIGHWAY to genting/pahang/etc is 5 minutes away from my home, and genting is more or less 45 minutes away from me. and i live in gombak :happy: unfortunately, Muse will be in Brazil on the MAA date :supersad: but yeah, they'd be great as hosts and i'm sure most of the people in the stadium would hang their jaws open when matt starts to talk (like a runaway train )


the album/package contained the cd, the lyric book, and two big, square stickers that fits on the normal square jewel case. it's like when you buy an album, there are album's cover and back cover, right? for this one, you'll have to get a jewel case yourself and just stick the cover and back cover on it, slide in the lyric book, and store in the cd, that's all. a bit confusing doesn't it? i kinda sucked at explaining things


whoah, (almost) all of you guys here are footie fanatics eyh? i love football but i can't bring myself to watch it in the wee hours of the morning, not even midnight! i have an almost permanently set internal clock/alarm that's kinda hard to readjust. it's 8am-12pm daily for me


i always, ALWAYS get excited and grateful when i see them on tv or hear them on the radio. the rest of my family just went :rolleyes: oh and two days ago i bought a pair of cherry red skinny jeans from zara, telling my sisters and my mum that it fits me well and it looks great on me when the main, real reason that i bought them was actually cause they're red like matt's and super skinny like dom's :LOL: :LOL: :musesign:


lol i once went to genting in 30 minutes! but it was in the middle of the night and my friend was speeding like mad so yeah... :$ hahaha i bet everyone would be like "apa dia cakap ni?" when Matt starts talking :LOL:


yeah i get what you mean. but i'd rather they just give it to us with the jewel case and everything... haha. i'm not really very creative. :$


lol now thanks to football, my sleeping clock is so screwed up now. luckily i'm still having my holidays or else i'm so screwed man haha :LOL:


omg! and dont worry, colourful skinny jeans are apparently, very in right now. i'm quoting my sister when i say that haha. i wanted to get a pair today, but OMG my legs are way too thin to be able to carry it off la :(


i tried these today.





i was so tempted to buy them but i was afraid they'd make my already skinny legs look more skinny and make my thighs look EXTRA fat! :'( ahha. opinions please? :$:D


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Aww that's alright.






i was so tempted to buy them but i was afraid they'd make my already skinny legs look more skinny and make my thighs look EXTRA fat! :'( ahha. opinions please? :$:D


It looks really hot on you. Lol... you should have bought it... =(

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am just too lazy to multiquote:


i RARELY demerit my students and they know me well enough not to smack talk any of my fav bands (MUSE of course) and football teams. this kid had it coming coz he wrote the score on the board right before i entered the class highlighting Henry's own goal. ( it was only a deflection not really an own goal!) i didn't mind it actually but you have to be strict la at times. but i gave him merit points later after he apologized.. i have to say that i love when there's a football fever season. the class always become livelier (despite the lack of sleep) and always digress from the original lessons planned :LOL:


i think kilmore is closer to Jose than anyone else.. but u're rite, deb. he gets the least the attention even tough he's the coolest dj. :D


of course, of course Fabregas is such a cutie.. but i bet Turkey and Russia are like the dark horse now.




guilt_stricken, sorry about DCFC being cancelled. am not really a fan but i agree. i hate it that KL always miss out on great bands. i heard that travis are going to jakarta other than doing singfest! and i don't think i can make it to singfest. those ticket prices are expensive.


i dunno who should i e-mail. maybe pineapple concerts? u SHOULD write a letter to LH's bassist! tell 'em that they have fans here too!






Torres + Villa orite?


Btw Holland v Spain = football heaven.



ok. the picture deserves to be posted over and over again. oh how i wish i was Villa! :chuckle


yeah.. but i can't wait to see hiddink's russia against Holland first.


i have chicken legs.. so skinny jeans is major fashion crime for me! :LOL:

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It looks really hot on you. Lol... you should have bought it... =(


really?? i thought it makes my thighs look fat, and my chicken legs look thinner. haha.


am just too lazy to multiquote:


i RARELY demerit my students and they know me well enough not to smack talk any of my fav bands (MUSE of course) and football teams. this kid had it coming coz he wrote the score on the board right before i entered the class highlighting Henry's own goal. ( it was only a deflection not really an own goal!) i didn't mind it actually but you have to be strict la at times. but i gave him merit points later after he apologized.. i have to say that i love when there's a football fever season. the class always become livelier (despite the lack of sleep) and always digress from the original lessons planned :LOL:


i think kilmore is closer to Jose than anyone else.. but u're rite, deb. he gets the least the attention even tough he's the coolest dj. :D


of course, of course Fabregas is such a cutie.. but i bet Turkey and Russia are like the dark horse now.


i have chicken legs.. so skinny jeans is major fashion crime for me! :LOL:


wah your class sounds damn fun la. i wish i could talk about football with my old school teachers! :( you're a really cool teacher. haha.


yeah maybe its because he's shy. like Chris. but that doesnt mean he is under appreciated! :happy:


i think Holland might, if not will beat Russia tonight :$ i'm gonna watch it! i just hope i can stay up late enough. i'm so tired now already :'(


i think my legs are pretty chicken-y too. haha. ah well, i'm still on my mission to look for the perfect pair of jeans! :fear:

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am just too lazy to multiquote:


i RARELY demerit my students and they know me well enough not to smack talk any of my fav bands (MUSE of course) and football teams. this kid had it coming coz he wrote the score on the board right before i entered the class highlighting Henry's own goal. ( it was only a deflection not really an own goal!) i didn't mind it actually but you have to be strict la at times. but i gave him merit points later after he apologized.. i have to say that i love when there's a football fever season. the class always become livelier (despite the lack of sleep) and always digress from the original lessons planned :LOL:


Haha.... :LOL: How nice it would be if you are my teacher... :D We can go on and on about Muse and the other students will roll their eyes when they hear that :p

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really?? i thought it makes my thighs look fat, and my chicken legs look thinner. haha.




wah your class sounds damn fun la. i wish i could talk about football with my old school teachers! :( you're a really cool teacher. haha.


yeah maybe its because he's shy. like Chris. but that doesnt mean he is under appreciated! :happy:


i think Holland might, if not will beat Russia tonight :$ i'm gonna watch it! i just hope i can stay up late enough. i'm so tired now already :'(


i think my legs are pretty chicken-y too. haha. ah well, i'm still on my mission to look for the perfect pair of jeans! :fear:


HAha.... Awwww.... It does make your leg look skinny but it doesn't make your thighs look fat. Just nice, just ok. And I thought girls prefer skinny legs.... :stunned:

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Aww that's alright.




lol i once went to genting in 30 minutes! but it was in the middle of the night and my friend was speeding like mad so yeah... :$ hahaha i bet everyone would be like "apa dia cakap ni?" when Matt starts talking :LOL:


yeah i get what you mean. but i'd rather they just give it to us with the jewel case and everything... haha. i'm not really very creative. :$


lol now thanks to football, my sleeping clock is so screwed up now. luckily i'm still having my holidays or else i'm so screwed man haha :LOL:


omg! and dont worry, colourful skinny jeans are apparently, very in right now. i'm quoting my sister when i say that haha. i wanted to get a pair today, but OMG my legs are way too thin to be able to carry it off la :(


i tried these today.





i was so tempted to buy them but i was afraid they'd make my already skinny legs look more skinny and make my thighs look EXTRA fat! :'( ahha. opinions please? :$:D


speeding? in the middle of the night? to GENTING? with all the twists and turns and steepnesses? :eek: dand i'd be closing my eyes and squirm in my seat throughout the whole journey! that's kinda dangerous dontcha think?


yeah i'd rather it was packaged normally. though it made the idea of buying a record a bit more exciting and unique :happy:


i know that colored jeans are so in right now, more associated with the nu-rave scene. and that bums me out! i'm not into nu-rave, i'm wearing it cause i'm soooooo into muse, but people don't know that :indiff:


i think skinny jeans can fit anyone perfectly, no matter what size they are. it's HOW you wear them. if you are big in size, or if you think your thighs look big in them skinnies, wear them with long tops that cover your thighs. i think long flowy tunics, oversized shirts and mini dresses works well with them. and if you're super skinny, wear them with anything you want to!


where was that skinnies from? from the curtains and floor, i'm guessing topshop/dorothy perkins? i think it looks great on you :yesey: did you get them? oh and i don't think that your thighs look big at all, it looks just nice :yesey:

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speeding? in the middle of the night? to GENTING? with all the twists and turns and steepnesses? :eek: dand i'd be closing my eyes and squirm in my seat throughout the whole journey! that's kinda dangerous dontcha think?


yeah i'd rather it was packaged normally. though it made the idea of buying a record a bit more exciting and unique :happy:


LOL well er, during the twists and turns part, he drove slowly la. but once the road got straight, ie once we reached the highway, he sped up like mad because we had curfew :LOL::$


haha yeah true. its a unique idea though! points to Radiohead for that :D


i know that colored jeans are so in right now, more associated with the nu-rave scene. and that bums me out! i'm not into nu-rave, i'm wearing it cause i'm soooooo into muse, but people don't know that :indiff:


i think skinny jeans can fit anyone perfectly, no matter what size they are. it's HOW you wear them. if you are big in size, or if you think your thighs look big in them skinnies, wear them with long tops that cover your thighs. i think long flowy tunics, oversized shirts and mini dresses works well with them. and if you're super skinny, wear them with anything you want to!


where was that skinnies from? from the curtains and floor, i'm guessing topshop/dorothy perkins? i think it looks great on you :yesey: did you get them? oh and i don't think that your thighs look big at all, it looks just nice :yesey:


HAha.... Awwww.... It does make your leg look skinny but it doesn't make your thighs look fat. Just nice, just ok. And I thought girls prefer skinny legs.... :stunned:


SPOT ON MEL. yeah it was from Dorothy Perkins. the jeans were only 96 bucks! thats like 100 bucks cheaper than Topshop/Levis/whatnot. Topshop increased their price in jeans! i'm so sad :'(


yeah everything is so 'mod' and 'nu-rave' now. why cant we all just stick to our old not-so-colourful outfits instead? :LOL:


wow those are some good fashion tips there :D thanks :happy: no i didnt get it. you cant really see it on the photo, but the thigh-area of the jeans is slightly bleached, making my thighs look enormous. boohoo :( they fit really nicely though.


yeah i guess most girls do prefer skinny legs.. but i find mine to be TOO skinny. i dunno. i'm still thinking about getting it. haha. i'm just really scared that by the time i make my decision to buy it, it's sold out :(

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ok. the picture deserves to be posted over and over again. oh how i wish i was Villa! :chuckle


yeah.. but i can't wait to see hiddink's russia against Holland first.




+1 Faz. And since both our teams are out, some pics to pujuk hati / therapy:




(Bcoz I like VDS, heheh)






(Bcoz there's no such thing as too much Torres. Heheh.




Haha.... :LOL: How nice it would be if you are my teacher... :D We can go on and on about Muse and the other students will roll their eyes when they hear that :p


+1. Not only DMH, I would totally have studied 10000000x harder if more of my teachers were like u Faz :LOL:



P.S- Sorry guys, didnt realise the 2nd photo was that big. *sheepish*

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:stongue: :stongue: :stongue:


I was tooootally eyeing Torres last night man :LOL: god damn he sure is fine! :D Fabregas aint so bad too. I was so happy that he scored that last penalty for Spain WOOOT!


oh, i forgot to mention, i am SO INCREDIBLY EMO that Holland is out :'( i was really counting on them to beat Russia! didnt know Russia was so good. now i'll be supporting spain, because if i dont support any team i wont have a reason to watch football anymore haha :$

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SPOT ON MEL. yeah it was from Dorothy Perkins. the jeans were only 96 bucks! thats like 100 bucks cheaper than Topshop/Levis/whatnot. Topshop increased their price in jeans! i'm so sad :'(


yeah everything is so 'mod' and 'nu-rave' now. why cant we all just stick to our old not-so-colourful outfits instead? :LOL:


wow those are some good fashion tips there :D thanks :happy: no i didnt get it. you cant really see it on the photo, but the thigh-area of the jeans is slightly bleached, making my thighs look enormous. boohoo :( they fit really nicely though.


yeah i guess most girls do prefer skinny legs.. but i find mine to be TOO skinny. i dunno. i'm still thinking about getting it. haha. i'm just really scared that by the time i make my decision to buy it, it's sold out :(


:LOL: Aww.... Yeah. I do get what you mean about that. Sometimes there are times when I am so indecisive and I scared when I buy that time I wouldn't like it enough.... :(

It all depends on how much u love that jeans :happy:

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+1. Not only DMH, I would totally have studied 10000000x harder if more of my teachers were like u Faz :LOL:



P.S- Sorry guys, didnt realise the 2nd photo was that big. *sheepish*


:LOL::yesey::yesey: :D


:stongue: :stongue: :stongue:

I was tooootally eyeing Torres last night man :LOL: god damn he sure is fine! :D Fabregas aint so bad too. I was so happy that he scored that last penalty for Spain WOOOT!


oh, i forgot to mention, i am SO INCREDIBLY EMO that Holland is out :'( i was really counting on them to beat Russia! didnt know Russia was so good. now i'll be supporting spain, because if i dont support any team i wont have a reason to watch football anymore haha :$


Yah....when you don't support any team, it feels like there is no reason to watch the match. Even supporting one of the players is good enough :D:p

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:LOL: Aww.... Yeah. I do get what you mean about that. Sometimes there are times when I am so indecisive and I scared when I buy that time I wouldn't like it enough.... :(

It all depends on how much u love that jeans :happy:


haha yeah thats true. i'm gonna bring my sister with me tomorrow and hopefully, if the pants are still there, try it out and ask for her opinion :D after all, she's the one who has been commenting on how i should really get a pair of skinnies and all that.






Yah....when you don't support any team, it feels like there is no reason to watch the match. Even supporting one of the players is good enough :D:p


haha yeah... the only reason why i was interested in football in the first place (it all started since 2005) was when i laid eyes on.... Robin van Persie :$ he's the one who got me into Arsenal and Holland haha. so really, i'm just a fangirl deep down inside, not a passionate football fan :$ but slowly, while supporting RvP, i also started liking football la haha. learnt some lingo and terms like 'offside' and 'fourth official' and stuff :LOL:

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i think skinny jeans can fit anyone perfectly, no matter what size they are. it's HOW you wear them. if you are big in size, or if you think your thighs look big in them skinnies, wear them with long tops that cover your thighs. i think long flowy tunics, oversized shirts and mini dresses works well with them. and if you're super skinny, wear them with anything you want to!


wow, will u be my fashion consultant? those are good advice la.. but i don't think am comfortable enough to wear skinny jeans. am lanky and like a tiang elektrik.. :LOL: but skinny jeans with a mini dress suits people like me well la i think..


+1 Faz. And since both our teams are out, some pics to pujuk hati / therapy:




(Bcoz I like VDS, heheh)





(Bcoz there's no such thing as too much Torres. Heheh.


+1. Not only DMH, I would totally have studied 10000000x harder if more of my teachers were like u Faz



P.S- Sorry guys, didnt realise the 2nd photo was that big. *sheepish*


bleh.. who cares about van de sar when Casillas and Lehmann are still in.. :p:LOL: but i have to say that i really respect Buffon la... he's awesome and a very good sport. It's fantastic that both keepers (casillas and buffon i mean) are captains for their teams. very rare la to see both keepers as the captain.


AYE!!! there's no such thing as too much Torres. he looks a bit like Brandon Boyd la haha..


what the heck. since we're still on the same page i'll just quote that oversize picture again coz it's fabregas and torres!! :happy: *leaves smooch marks on monitor again*


EDIT: ok, we're not on the same page. my bad..


oh, i forgot to mention, i am SO INCREDIBLY EMO that Holland is out :'( i was really counting on them to beat Russia! didnt know Russia was so good. now i'll be supporting spain, because if i dont support any team i wont have a reason to watch football anymore haha :$


yeah man.. that one was a quite a surprise even though i don't actually like marco van basten. but russia was marking very well. great tactics by hiddink la.. i dunno who to support really.. but the spanish team has a numberof yummy eye candies! :LOL: fabregas, ramos, torres and lehmann are like my favs and so is Hiddink. so am just enjoying great football regardless who wins or lose. :happy: could it be a turkey vs russia final?


Haha.... :LOL: How nice it would be if you are my teacher... :D We can go on and on about Muse and the other students will roll their eyes when they hear that :p


:LOL: most of the other teachers in my school think that am weird and immature. i have to agree with them on that! lol.. i just find that being strict all the time or being too serious in class is plain boring haha..

Edited by crazy_mary
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haha yeah thats true. i'm gonna bring my sister with me tomorrow and hopefully, if the pants are still there, try it out and ask for her opinion :D after all, she's the one who has been commenting on how i should really get a pair of skinnies and all that.


haha yeah... the only reason why i was interested in football in the first place (it all started since 2005) was when i laid eyes on.... Robin van Persie :$ he's the one who got me into Arsenal and Holland haha. so really, i'm just a fangirl deep down inside, not a passionate football fan :$ but slowly, while supporting RvP, i also started liking football la haha. learnt some lingo and terms like 'offside' and 'fourth official' and stuff :LOL:



:LOL: I only know what is offside :p

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:LOL: most of the other teachers in my school think that am weird and immature. i have to agree with them on that! lol.. i just find that being strict all the time or being too serious in class is plain boring haha..


Immatured and weird?! Lol... They la are the boring and weird ones. You are in the "in" teacher la. A teacher who can joke and play around with the students and still teach are best ones:happy:

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