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but there's so much to study, and so little time! lol oh, kak faz,i cant seem to send it to you :( i dunno why.


GAHHH... why does it always rain on meee? :(:( damn e-mails! :'(


lol. i'm sure u'll do just fine in ur exams. may the force be with u.


:eek: oh god.. imagines muse-related couple drama... "de7, noo, don't flirt with dom..."


correction: "de7, noo, don't flirt with matt..."


forgot to mention this earlier. i just realised that ntv7 is showing a number of episodes of live from abby road for the past few weeks.. did anyone see it? am waiting for the one wif muse in it. hopefully i didnt miss it.

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GAHHH... why does it always rain on meee? :(:( damn e-mails! :'(


lol. i'm sure u'll do just fine in ur exams. may the force be with u.




correction: "de7, noo, don't flirt with matt..."


forgot to mention this earlier. i just realised that ntv7 is showing a number of episodes of live from abby road for the past few weeks.. did anyone see it? am waiting for the one wif muse in it. hopefully i didnt miss it.

sign up for gmail! :D or try asking mike to send it to you, maybe she'll have better luck. and thanks :D i need as much force/good luck as i can. seriously. and you're welcome mikeadyla!


shouldn't it be de7 saying "mike, stop listening to Chris grunt" :p

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sign up for gmail! :D or try asking mike to send it to you, maybe she'll have better luck. and thanks :D i need as much force/good luck as i can. seriously. and you're welcome mikeadyla!


shouldn't it be de7 saying "mike, stop listening to Chris grunt" :p


perhaps i should sign up for gmail.


lol. that's a good one. but hey mike, dont be angry.. u know we love u eh? just trying to be a pembuat mancis once a while. ;)

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sign up for gmail! :D or try asking mike to send it to you, maybe she'll have better luck. and thanks :D i need as much force/good luck as i can. seriously. and you're welcome mikeadyla!


shouldn't it be de7 saying "mike, stop listening to Chris grunt" :p


perhaps i should sign up for gmail.


lol. that's a good one. but hey mike, dont be angry.. u know we love u eh? just trying to be a pembuat mancis once a while. ;)


:mad: but i like chris :( i wanna.....

yeah, i know i'm lovable :p


kak faz, there's a limit of 10mb for yahoo, that's why it can't be sent.. seriously u should use gmail, i sent an invite to you earlier


i'm uploading debbie's eternally missed for you as I speak.. i used sharebee so there shouldn't be any problem..


am i the only one who's crazily waiting for the harry potter book?

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:mad: but i like chris :( i wanna.....

yeah, i know i'm lovable :p


kak faz, there's a limit of 10mb for yahoo, that's why it can't be sent.. seriously u should use gmail, i sent an invite to you earlier


i'm uploading debbie's eternally missed for you as I speak.. i used sharebee so there shouldn't be any problem..


am i the only one who's crazily waiting for the harry potter book?


yay! thanks a lot. :happy: and indeed u r very loveable. will sign up for gmail later.. thanks for the invite as well. the first few seconds of the song kinda reminded me of this band from finland.. ayoo, wat's the name.. cant remember. most of muse's b-sides sound very different from songs in their albums. i mean crying shame sounds a bit like franz ferdinand in my opinion..


man.. i actually cant wait for the new harry potter book, esp after watching the movie. but the thing is i have so many other things to read that i'm sure it'll take me ages to finish reading it once the book comes out. am sure by the time people are discussing about the book and how harry should not die or dumbledore is not actually dead etc, etc. (that's what my friends and i been speculating..) i'll still be flipping page 10 to 11..should i join the madness and buy it on the 21st or should i just wait..? i saw the cover when i went to borders this evening, and it looks very inviting ..

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yay! thanks a lot. :happy: and indeed u r very loveable. will sign up for gmail later.. thanks for the invite as well.


man.. i actually cant wait for the new harry potter book, esp after watching the movie. but the thing is i have so many other things to read that i'm sure it'll take me ages to finish reading it once the book comes out. am sure by the time people are discussing about the book and how harry should not die or dumbledore is not actually dead etc, etc. (that's what my friends and i been speculating..) i'll still be flipping page 10 to 11..should i join the madness and buy it on the 21st or should i just wait..? i saw the cover when i went to borders this evening, and it looks very inviting ..


muse fan gathering at harry potter's midnight event!! :LOL:

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muse fan gathering at harry potter's midnight event!! :LOL:


i have to admit for the past harry potter books, my friends and i were the mad ones lining up in front of konikuya early morning before KLCC was opened waiting to get our hands on the book. it was fun! :LOL:

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I'm NOT. GAY. :mad::p


Debbs, good luck for exams. Mary, just search for those Abbey Road episodes on Youtube. :p Yeah, Crying Shame does seem somewhat Franz Ferdinand influenced, doesn't it? The riffs, tone of the guitar, drumming style etc, even Matt's vocals resemble their style.


Harry Potter fans eh? Pfft, nerds.













I'm gonna catch the new movie soon. :$

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I'm NOT. GAY. :mad::p



Dude, I think they meant couple drama: matchmake you and Deb, and you getting jealous of Deb luvving Chris/Matt?Dom. So no gay element... donno where thet came from...:LOL::LOL: but can't help reading stuff into your vehement denial of gayness man. Okay2 joking :D;)


Deb, good luck for your exams! Not advisable but if no time, gamble on topics yg selalu ditekankan je lah. :p

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Okay man, calm down. *backs away slowly from De7, trying not to make any sudden movements*




How are you guys, had a good day?


Anyone read the thread about Matt's french interview talking about a new album? Loved these bits:


1.Matt thinking he's in 28 days later when they had food poisoning (MCR tour).


2.The direction the new album's heading: orchestra, symphony. Me likey!

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can i borrow it once you've read the book?! :D


:yesey: but u'd have to wait for me to finish it first!


I'm NOT. GAY. :mad::p


Debbs, good luck for exams. Mary, just search for those Abbey Road episodes on Youtube. :p Yeah, Crying Shame does seem somewhat Franz Ferdinand influenced, doesn't it? The riffs, tone of the guitar, drumming style etc, even Matt's vocals resemble their style.


Harry Potter fans eh? Pfft, nerds.

I'm gonna catch the new movie soon.:$


haha.. so much for being too cool for harry potter!:p harry's all grown up in the movie. it's ace! but not as brilliant as transformers..


i've watched it on you tube.. but it's not the same as watching it on tv u noe.. It does have Franz Ferdinand vibe! maybe that's why they made it as a b-side. i cant get it out of my head now.. :happy:


chill dude. we noe u're not GAY. :LOL: if not i wouldnt be saying u and mike.. ( ok lets call her feminine name to make it less Ghey..:rolleyes:) adyla would make such a cute MUSE couple..




How are you guys, had a good day?


Anyone read the thread about Matt's french interview talking about a new album? Loved these bits:


1.Matt thinking he's in 28 days later when they had food poisoning (MCR tour).


2.The direction the new album's heading: orchestra, symphony. Me likey!


hey miele...so did u managed to watch the malaysian asian cup games? we kinda sucked tho.. better let myteam play then those so called national players.. ahh.. shabby singh do something about our footy team, i'm sick of adopting other countries during each world cup!


u should listen to the french radio interview as well... matt's so cute :happy: and a dvd wif footage of concerts from their world tour! woot.. hope the KL gig will be in it!

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hey miele...so did u managed to watch the malaysian asian cup games? we kinda sucked tho.. better let myteam play then those so called national players.. ahh.. shabby singh do something about our footy team, i'm sick of adopting other countries during each world cup!

u should listen to the french radio interview as well... matt's so cute :happy: and a dvd wif footage of concerts from their world tour! woot.. hope the KL gig will be in it!



Heya back! Ya, though went to Bkt Jalil expecting defeat, my heart still broke watching how horrendously they played. But hat's off to the majority of the fans, so semangat even when watching a crap national team! Kudos though to the supposed minnows of the tournament: Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam played awesomely well . Am I the only one strangely proud of Iraq for beating Australia? Compared to our national team :$:$ *hangs head in shame*.


Moving on... there's an interview as well? Link me? :D thanks!


It'd be wonderful if they had an all over the world clip thing...I thought it'd just be Wembley and Parc de Princes.

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Ooo, new album will have an orchestral/symphonic vibe yes?? Me likey also. :D


Ugh, our national team's performance was even more memalukan than usual...if such a thing's actually possible. I agree with what many people say, we should focus more on youth development for a better team in the future. We can't go on like this. :noey:

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Ooo, new album will have an orchestral/symphonic vibe yes?? Me likey also. :D




Yeah, I'm imagining lots of wonderful string sections etc. Although the experimental synth dancey stuff in BH&R was wonderful also...Maybe dancey mixed with classical Muse tunes? Phwoar, imagine a full orchestra and Muse live! *Dies*


I can't say this enough: it's wonderful how Matt's (and his sidekicks) musical brilliance means Muse takes us on a tour of various styles, besides merely the obvious rock influences....

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u should listen to the french radio interview as well... matt's so cute :happy: and a dvd wif footage of concerts from their world tour! woot.. hope the KL gig will be in it!


hope we're init as well.. but i bet the taipei gathering at the airport will deffo be in the dvd. :rolleyes: but kl gig should be in... it was awesome! great! i can't wait for a dvd version of my memories with muse..


gr, muse album already? it's as if they know that we're obsessively waiting..


Yeah, I'm imagining lots of wonderful string sections etc. Although the experimental synth dancey stuff in BH&R was wonderful also...Maybe dancey mixed with classical Muse tunes? Phwoar, imagine a full orchestra and Muse live!




*dies along with you*


edit : i didn't quite catch the match but i do know that it must be so embarrassing that tengku mahkota pahang actually resigned from his post in FAM (deputy president, i believe).. were they that bad? sigh, i don't know whether to feel angry or just plain kesian.. *pats players in the back while holding back a bit of laughter*

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hope we're init as well.. but i bet the taipei gathering at the airport will deffo be in the dvd. :rolleyes: but kl gig should be in... it was awesome! great! i can't wait for a dvd version of my memories with muse..


gr, muse album already? it's as if they know that we're obsessively waiting..


*dies along with you*




+1. It's really bad, sampai termimpi2. :D Get back to Southeast Asia Muse!


About the dvd, more importantly, what if they were secretly filming these two girls at KLIA and wondering what wondrous national costume (baju kurung?) one of them was wearing? And what happened when Matt hugged them? :D:D:LOL:


On another note: anyone going to the Cure is S'pore?. Me poor, cannot afford damn mahal tix. :( But dammit, it's the Cure! :moody:


P.S_ have you guys seen this?


Awesome piano goodness.

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I can't say this enough: it's wonderful how Matt's (and his sidekicks) musical brilliance means Muse takes us on a tour of various styles, besides merely the obvious rock influences....


here's the link and some pix of the interview (so cepat la matt's hair to grow back) :






think matt also mentioned in the interview about their new album, how electronic its gonna sound.. and hey.. are u calling dom as matt's sidekick? :mad: but matt does writes most of the song.. soo.. heh.

listen to the happy meal part, so cute..


hope we're init as well.. but i bet the taipei gathering at the airport will deffo be in the dvd. but kl gig should be in... it was awesome! great! i can't wait for a dvd version of my memories with muse..


edit : i didn't quite catch the match but i do know that it must be so embarrassing that tengku mahkota pahang actually resigned from his post in FAM (deputy president, i believe).. were they that bad? sigh, i don't know whether to feel angry or just plain kesian.. *pats players in the back while holding back a bit of laughter*


yeah.. KL gig should be init! better than those taipei groupies at the airport.. :rolleyes: but i only saw tom kirk wif his vid cam during assassin. then he went back stage:( dont think they expect too much from us..


think the person who should resigned is the current president of FAM. dont think there'll be any changes if sultan pahang is still the president. we need someone who is not a politician, someone who is not royal.. basically someone who just really love the game.. the malaysian team seriously sucked. there's always lots of politics in FAM, not much about the sport.. :noey: i seriously missed the mokhtar dahari era.. those days, it was all 100%, pure football. am kinda glad malaysian fans are more vocal now. we've been very patient for quite some time already..dont think am gonna watch the iran game 2moro.


+1. It's really bad, sampai termimpi2. :D Get back to Southeast Asia Muse!


About the dvd, more importantly, what if they were secretly filming these two girls at KLIA and wondering what wondrous national costume (baju kurung?) one of them was wearing? And what happened when Matt hugged them? :D:D:LOL:


P.S_ have you guys seen this?


Awesome piano goodness.


yeah.. +1! i mentioned this at the philipines thread, was thinking if muse began their 2007 world tour in singapore hopefully they'll end it in SEA as well. hopefully that'll come true..


doubt that.. haha.. oohhh terbayang2 muka dom waktu tuh.. seriously miss 'em!:(


i've actually saved it as one of my fav vids on you tube. brilliant!

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Wow, the Cure is touring? Didn't know that. I'm not much of a fan, although I do appreciate one or two of their songs.


http://lexcorpninja.vox.com/library/post/interview-with-matt-bellamy.html <--- More nerdy conspiracy theory nuttiness. :D


Apparently, Matt's Italian girlfriend is a psychology major who helps treat schizophrenics who genuinely believe in such nutty conspiracy theories themselves - so she helps keep him grounded, despite half of his conspiracy theories seeming a bit over the top. :LOL:


I think I wouldn't mind watching the Iran game, just for a laugh. I completely burst out laughing when I saw the scoreline halfway through the China match, it was 4-0 at the time I think. I agree with what you say Mary, politics really does ruin the game. Everything run in our country seems to be purely bureaucratical (how the hell do you spell that word??), we tend to lack genuinely passionate people who do things because they enjoy what they're doing. That's corruption/nepotism/cronyism for you I suppose. Our country's progress is generally hindered in various ways as a result, it's quite shameful. :noey:


btw, me and my brother were cracking jokes about Malaysia's plans to send out astronauts to space to make teh tarik for some world record thingy just this evening during dinner (no joke, I actually read about this in the news last time). When you consider other technological advancements being made in the world today (Iran and North Korea making nuclear weapons, the US sending weapons satellites into space for military purposes etc etc), it really makes the whole idea seem pathetically contrived. Thank God it never happened though. :LOL:


We tend to want to spend money on rather fruitless endeavors when it could have been better spent in other areas. Like, I dunno, football? :LOL:

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check out brett anderson in singapore?


Ok, i liked Suede as well, but same problem la, no money. But ironically if it's Muse then I will totally sell myself for tix...:p


Despite knowing only a handful of the Cure tunes, rasa rugi tak tgk as it is a rare show.....



btw, me and my brother were cracking jokes about Malaysia's plans to send out astronauts to space to make teh tarik for some world record thingy just this evening during dinner (no joke, I actually read about this in the news last time).


Sorry de7 can't focus on your point: ahem, how old is your brother?


;) Joking!


Crazy_mary: thanks for the link!


Would I be forgiven if I describe Dom as supercool sexy sidekick? :D


P.S- mmm Matt's hair yum.


Useless info of the day: my BFF's going to the Iran-M'sia game. He said he'd wear a cone-shaped tosai paper on his head in the STAR lrt train going back to KL if Malaysia manage to draw. :LOL::LOL:


See the mental suffering Malaysian football fans suffer? :rolleyes:

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check out brett anderson in singapore?


woah.. suede in spore?


We tend to want to spend money on rather fruitless endeavors when it could have been better spent in other areas. Like, I dunno, football? :LOL:


govt have already spent a fortune for FAM compared to the amount of money they allocated for other sports. but still lembik la our national team. not to mention some of our players are not that diciplined. u'll never hear any news about english players going to the night club on game night.. :noey: we have so much talent in other sports ( hockey and handball for example..) but these sports dont have that much funding from the govt as much as the FAM or BAM. so i just dont understand wat went wrong wif our preparation for the asian cup.


Crazy_mary: thanks for the link!


Would I be forgiven if I describe Dom as supercool sexy sidekick? :D


See the mental suffering Malaysian football fans suffer? :rolleyes:


your welcome! :happy:


no... he's a super sexy hero la... not a sidekick. haha.. u watched sky high too ah? i love that movie la.


aww... memang terseksa betul jd malaysian football fan.

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