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haha, i guess people who got us must be the awesomeness then.. because we're a rare breed..


I like how you think Mike. Rock star la kata kan...:D Tapi kan mike, who are/is hot hot heat? Please educate me!


alejando sanz's una noche, yellowcard's empty apartment,


Me likey! How cool is it that i have the same tastes as Mike the rock star :yesey:


I have 4 gigs worth of music in my computer plus a huge CD collection in my car and in my room. I am a nerd la


Aren't we all? But you're still the biggest :nerd::D

Btw, your name susah nak sebut / eja. Can shorten / rock star nickname ah? ;)


been listening to a lot of malay traditional songs lately, simply becoz am preparing my students for a tarian competition. never knew that suriram can be so haunting


You're right mary, and of course ulik mayang is haunting as well. It's interesting how 'foreign' musicians are now incorporating gamelan sounds doncha think? Macam lagu Tokyo drift tu.


Question: if you're overseas and asked for a sample of contemporary Malaysian music by to recommend a foreign friend, what would it be?


My answer: M.Nasir, Canggong Mendonan album. And Butterfingers' Malayneum.


Thank you guys for sharing and for the education in music influences :\mm/:






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Aren't we all? But you're still the biggest :nerd::D

Btw, your name susah nak sebut / eja. Can shorten / rock star nickname ah? ;)


Er....call me D la. :LOL:


Contemporary Malay music....hmm, I like Estranged, Butterfingers, OAG, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Kromok, Love Me Butch. Then there's Man Bai, Innuendo (Kau Ilhamku and Belaian Jiwa for the jiwangness :LOL:). And some nasyid eg Raihan.


btw mike, have you heard Piano Thing by Muse?? :p

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For a moment there I thought you meant Matt and Dom. :D


oh shit major typo sorry sorry. lol i meant girlfriend :LOL:


Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw.


btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant.


hallelujah is the only song i know from Jeff Buckley. and i loooove love love it. absoutely love it. its really tugs on my heart strings whenever i feel emo. and being a teenager, i feel emo a lot. lol. and cant take my eyes off of you was one of my first muse songs, before i even heard their songs from Showbiz and OOS.


Bedroom Acoustics? Eternally Missed? Map of Your Head? Recess? Easily? Futurism? Fury? The Groove? Glorious? Nature_1? Jimmy Kane? Pink Ego Box? Ashamed? Agitated?? WELL??!!?!? :mad:


They have the most kickass B-sides.


yeah i love their b-sides! the bolded ones are my absolute favourite, and are in my phone actually. hehheh :happy:


honestly i think she looks like lizzie mcguire :p




yeah, i said something about us malaysian fans appreciating his music blah blah blah, hope he gets inspired by us..

er, oh, no address.. why? *i should have, shouldn't i?* :mad:


lizzie mcguire? :eek:you mean hilary duff?? yameh??? i dislike her... a lot. and her album got a very very bad review from The Star newspaper so i'm happy :happy:


btw, you should have left your number instead ;)


Er....call me D la. :LOL:


but D can be for debbie!

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hallelujah is the only song i know from Jeff Buckley. and i loooove love love it. absoutely love it. its really tugs on my heart strings whenever i feel emo. and being a teenager, i feel emo a lot. lol.


Aww *hugs* It's all part of being a teenager, I suppose.


That's why Citizen Erased was/is my one of my top Muse songs. :yesey:


but D can be for debbie!


Hmm ok la, call me de7. Just shorten it a bit la. :p

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Aww *hugs* It's all part of being a teenager, I suppose.


That's why Citizen Erased was/is my one of my top Muse songs. :yesey:


Hmm ok la, call me de7. Just shorten it a bit la. :p


aww thanks. lol citizen erased is my.. i dunno. content song i guess. lol. i love it way more after hearing it live though. i dont hold any song dear to me! prolly cause i'm still young and therefore, have very little life experiences that can be related to a muse song unlike you guys.


ok you can keep D. everyone calls me debbie anyway. or debs. or deb. lol.

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I like how you think Mike. Rock star la kata kan...:D Tapi kan mike, who are/is hot hot heat? Please educate me!


Me likey! How cool is it that i have the same tastes as Mike the rock star



this is their catchiest song which i think if u listen to it will either make u a fan or a non-fan.. so try it out..


well, this rock star has a sentimental side to her ;).. i live for spanish songs they're so intense..


You're right mary, and of course ulik mayang is haunting as well. It's interesting how 'foreign' musicians are now incorporating gamelan sounds doncha think? Macam lagu Tokyo drift tu.


Question: if you're overseas and asked for a sample of contemporary Malaysian music by to recommend a foreign friend, what would it be?


My answer: M.Nasir, Canggong Mendonan album. And Butterfingers' Malayneum.


yeah, like that boxcar racer song which have gamelan.. malaysians are soo cool :happy:

who's canggong mendonan?


depends on the person.. but if they have the matt@dom@chris taste, i would suggest the malayneum definitely.. *have a picture stuck in my head of matt singing ala m. nasir and tis not a pretty picture.*


Contemporary Malay music....hmm, I like Estranged, Butterfingers, OAG, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Kromok, Love Me Butch. Then there's Man Bai, Innuendo (Kau Ilhamku and Belaian Jiwa for the jiwangness :LOL:). And some nasyid eg Raihan.


btw mike, have you heard Piano Thing by Muse??

oh god utter jiwangness *points to innuendo*.. u know, my bro used to totally sing this song, but i have no idea who sang it.. i know this is pretty jiwang i guess, but just play along and tell me what the name of the song is so i can go download it..

okay, i don't exactly remember the song, so the lyrics are gonna be stuck-stuck sikit.


"teringat aku.. blabla "di satu pesta keramaian"


ok.. that's basically the only thing i remember.. any attempts to guess what song it is?


yeah, i've listened to it piano thing on and off.. but i can't say i love it so. it's okay la, tbch. usually in my muse playlist i just scroll over that song.. but one song i will never scroll over right now is that acetate promo track of sunburn..


i absolutely love the lyrics..

"i'll still feeel your glow" :$ i imagine matt singing to me that song all the time


hallelujah is the only song i know from Jeff Buckley. and i loooove love love it. absoutely love it. its really tugs on my heart strings whenever i feel emo. and being a teenager, i feel emo a lot. lol. and cant take my eyes off of you was one of my first muse songs, before i even heard their songs from Showbiz and OOS.


yeah i love their b-sides! the bolded ones are my absolute favourite, and are in my phone actually. hehheh :happy:


lizzie mcguire? :eek:you mean hilary duff?? yameh??? i dislike her... a lot. and her album got a very very bad review from The Star newspaper so i'm happy :happy:


btw, you should have left your number instead ;)

it's by leonard cohen right? my best friend is completely in love with leonard cohen..


yalor, i think they look quite alike.. maybe just my imagination though.. lol, i don't like her much too.. but she's tons better than lindsay imo..


by the way, what does imho stands for? in my high opinion?


ah you.. do not think i haven't thought of a million things i should have done that day.. i should have given him my number, i should have insisted for his number, i should have not been such a fan-girl, i should have proposed, etc etc..


You can't please everyone la. :p


I mean come on, de7ilznite doesn't even sound remotely rocker-ish to begin with. :LOL:


de7 huh? *batuk* d12 wannabe *batuk* *shrugs* well at least i can type his name shorter now

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aww thanks. lol citizen erased is my.. i dunno. content song i guess. lol. i love it way more after hearing it live though. i dont hold any song dear to me! prolly cause i'm still young and therefore, have very little life experiences that can be related to a muse song unlike you guys.


Citizen Erased is a very easy song to relate to, if you look into the lyrics. Being a teen (or a young person in general) is all about establishing your identity in this world, right? Sometimes, in the midst of that search, you tend to think perhaps you're just a nobody. Hence the title.


People are mean and cruel and generally tend to not make things easy for you during this period. They spread gossip and hurt people. They "cheat, lie, cover up what shouldn't be shared". And sometimes you get fed up of wanting to explain the way you are to people ("self-expressed, exhausting for all/to see and to be what you want and what you need"). It's all about finding yourself while living up to the expectations set by others. Not easy at all.


Citizen Erased is told from the perspective of a social outsider who is going through this struggle. Try to be a bit open-minded and accept me for who I am, is what Matt is trying to say.


Ahem, aaanyway...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdF2HhJOg4I <--- One female fan starts to shed tears towards the end. Aww. :LOL:


I love the Hullabaloo version on DVD, the fans seem to get really pumped up during the chorus. I really need to watch it again, I wanna see Dom with the Slipknot mask on again. :LOL:


de7 huh? *batuk* d12 wannabe *batuk* *shrugs* well at least i can type his name shorter now


lol I used to think D12 were cool, they were actually funny compared to most rappers who tend to take themselves too seriously. I wasn't into rap that much anyway, it got boring fast.


IMHO = In my humble opinion. :p

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Citizen Erased is a very easy song to relate to, if you look into the lyrics. Being a teen (or a young person in general) is all about establishing your identity in this world, right? Sometimes, in the midst of that search, you tend to think perhaps you're just a nobody. Hence the title.


People are mean and cruel and generally tend to not make things easy for you during this period. They spread gossip and hurt people. They "cheat, lie, cover up what shouldn't be shared". And sometimes you get fed up of wanting to explain the way you are to people ("self-expressed, exhausting for all/to see and to be what you want and what you need"). It's all about finding yourself while living up to the expectations set by others. Not easy at all.


Citizen Erased is told from the perspective of a social outsider who is going through this struggle. Try to be a bit open-minded and accept me for who I am, is what Matt is trying to say.


Ahem, aaanyway...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdF2HhJOg4I <--- One female fan starts to shed tears towards the end. Aww. :LOL:


I love the Hullabaloo version on DVD, the fans seem to get really pumped up during the chorus. I really need to watch it again, I wanna see Dom with the Slipknot mask on again. :LOL:




lol I used to think D12 were cool, they were actually funny compared to most rappers who tend to take themselves too seriously. I wasn't into rap that much anyway, it got boring fast.


IMHO = In my humble opinion. :p


IMHO can also be "in my honest opinion"...


and about that interpretation.. wow. i never knew how citizen erased could be related to so much. i guess i never paid much attention to the lyrics, despite how much i sing to it. thanks a lot for that. i guess i can related to it more now ;)


i'm still waiting for the vid to load...

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<--- The meaning of Showbiz is explained. "An act we play everyday in life...how we hide behind personalities that we create for other people"


"Cave" is about dealing with depression.


Shannaz, my fave live performances by them are on Big Day Out 2004. :)

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You're right mary, and of course ulik mayang is haunting as well. It's interesting how 'foreign' musicians are now incorporating gamelan sounds doncha think? Macam lagu Tokyo drift tu.


Question: if you're overseas and asked for a sample of contemporary Malaysian music by to recommend a foreign friend, what would it be?


My answer: M.Nasir, Canggong Mendonan album. And Butterfingers' Malayneum.


i'm a sucker for seruling, rebana and gamelan. i just love those kinda songs. or people reading poems wif seruling in the background. made me feel sooo malay.


yeah.. definitely canggung mendonan, mohram, raihan and definitely butterfingers's 1.2 miligrams and malayneum. and Jason Lo as well. oh and nice stupid playground and perhaps siti as well.



Hmm ok la, call me de7. Just shorten it a bit la. :p


lol. yo wat up d7? honestly, the first time i saw ur de7ilznite nick my mind went: Pffft another typical MU fan :rolleyes: but i was so wrong!


yalor, i think they look quite alike.. maybe just my imagination though.. lol, i don't like her much too.. but she's tons better than lindsay imo..


ah you.. do not think i haven't thought of a million things i should have done that day.. i should have given him my number, i should have insisted for his number, i should have not been such a fan-girl, i should have proposed, etc etc..


lindsay lohan and lizzie r both the same! i kept telling my 11 y.o niece not to listen to 'em (brainwashing her to like muse and rock music heh) but to no avail la.. she is still a disney girly girl.


la.. u should 've at least gave him ur e-mail add. mana tau tiba2 jer dpt e-mail from matt bellamy. and should that happen u could've forward his e-mail add to shannaz and myself! and the highlighted one.. u dunno how many times i regretted for not doing that on that day to dom!


Shannaz, my fave live performances by them are on Big Day Out 2004. :)


let me guess why, u attended that gig? if yes.. bleh. :p but one consolation is that matt wore one of his horrible shirts in that gig.


hallelujah is the only song i know from Jeff Buckley. and i loooove love love it. absoutely love it. its really tugs on my heart strings whenever i feel emo. and being a teenager, i feel emo a lot. lol. and cant take my eyes off of you was one of my first muse songs, before i even heard their songs from Showbiz and OOS.


lol. teenagers are always emo. that's why a lot of 'em like MCR. but yeah.. when i was ur age i was way more emotinional and always feel out of place. hence creep as my anthem and there has always been one blooody brilliant song in my entire life that i listen to, that it almost become a spiritual song to me. alive by pj is my fav, fav, fav track. been listening to it since i was in high school and it still haf the same impact on me now.


*rushes off to work*

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la.. u should 've at least gave him ur e-mail add. mana tau tiba2 jer dpt e-mail from matt bellamy. and should that happen u could've forward his e-mail add to shannaz and myself! and the highlighted one.. u dunno how many times i regretted for not doing that on that day to dom!




let me guess why, u attended that gig? if yes.. bleh. :p but one consolation is that matt wore one of his horrible shirts in that gig.




aahh....dont remind me about the things i regret not doing on that historical day!!! i was so kelam kabut i didnt even bring anything for them to sign for me :'( how tragic!!! and all my friends kept telling me why didnt i give my phone number to them or maybe ask them to let me join their tour :LOL: if only i did...i wonder how they would react :rolleyes:


t-shirt is horrible but i still love him! :D

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lol. yo wat up d7? honestly, the first time i saw ur de7ilznite nick my mind went: Pffft another typical MU fan :rolleyes: but i was so wrong!


let me guess why, u attended that gig? if yes.. bleh. but one consolation is that matt wore one of his horrible shirts in that gig. :p


lol. teenagers are always emo. that's why a lot of 'em like MCR. but yeah.. when i was ur age i was way more emotinional and always feel out of place. hence creep as my anthem and there has always been one blooody brilliant song in my entire life that i listen to, that it almost become a spiritual song to me. alive by pj is my fav, fav, fav track. been listening to it since i was in high school and it still haf the same impact on me now.


Yeah d7 sounds about right. :D


Umm no, I didn't go for that gig. I still need to see Muse live. :( Hey, I like the shirt he wore. :mad::p


Creep by Radiohead? Excellent moody song. Actually it's about unrequited love. But er...yeah. :p

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lindsay lohan and lizzie r both the same! i kept telling my 11 y.o niece not to listen to 'em (brainwashing her to like muse and rock music heh) but to no avail la.. she is still a disney girly girl.


la.. u should 've at least gave him ur e-mail add. mana tau tiba2 jer dpt e-mail from matt bellamy. and should that happen u could've forward his e-mail add to shannaz and myself! and the highlighted one.. u dunno how many times i regretted for not doing that on that day to dom!



lol. teenagers are always emo. that's why a lot of 'em like MCR. but yeah.. when i was ur age i was way more emotinional and always feel out of place. hence creep as my anthem and there has always been one blooody brilliant song in my entire life that i listen to, that it almost become a spiritual song to me. alive by pj is my fav, fav, fav track. been listening to it since i was in high school and it still haf the same impact on me now.


aiya when i was 11 (during Muse's OOS stage) i was into Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys and S CLUB 7(LOLOLOL) and stuff! hahaha. i didnt like rock music back then. let her grow out of her pop music days and one fine day, she'll appreciate rock music :happy:


i never really listened to Creep's lyrics.. prolly because he sounds so soft in that song. except for the "Ruuunnnnn!!!" part la. thats my favourite part. lol. its like... a breakthrough. that kinda thing.


i like Escape from Showbiz a lot. the whole mood to the song is very... moody, angry and yet sad at the same time. the title itself is very relative to how i felt years ago, and i really wish i discovered this song earlier. but the lyrics is a bit weird though. its like he wrote some of the lyrics for the sake of making it rhyme... like


"you bully from a distance

your brain needs some assistance"


thats just my POV anyway :p

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Hullo ppl.


never really listened to Creep's lyrics.. prolly because he sounds so soft in that song. except for the "Ruuunnnnn!!!" part la. thats my favourite part. lol. its like... a breakthrough. that kinda thing.


Aah the memories of emo-filled youth: * sings: ..I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here..I don't belong here..* :$


Citizen Erased is a very easy song to relate to, if you look into the lyrics. Being a teen (or a young person in general) is all about establishing your identity in this world, right? Sometimes, in the midst of that search, you tend to think perhaps you're just a nobody. Hence the title.


People are mean and cruel and generally tend to not make things easy for you during this period. They spread gossip and hurt people. They "cheat, lie, cover up what shouldn't be shared". And sometimes you get fed up of wanting to explain the way you are to people ("self-expressed, exhausting for all/to see and to be what you want and what you need"). It's all about finding yourself while living up to the expectations set by others. Not easy at all.


Citizen Erased is told from the perspective of a social outsider who is going through this struggle. Try to be a bit open-minded and accept me for who I am, is what Matt is trying to say.


:yesey: De7/ d7? (baru la pronouncable :p) , that was very insightful, thanks.


well, this rock star has a sentimental side to her .. i live for spanish songs they're so intense..


Yup, me luv Alejandro sanz, anything spanish guitar-based, cafe Del Mar. *swoons*



Question: if you're overseas and asked for a sample of contemporary Malaysian music by to recommend a foreign friend, what would it be?


My answer: M.Nasir, Canggong Mendonan album. And Butterfingers' Malayneum.


yeah, like that boxcar racer song which have gamelan.. malaysians are soo cool

who's canggong mendonan?


:LOL: ok my bad, that actually M. Nasir's album : Canggong Mendonan



this is their catchiest song which i think if u listen to it will either make u a fan or a non-fan.. so try it out..



thank you so much! Liked it, have actually heard it before and liked it then but forgot the band and the title. :(:rolleyes:


"teringat aku.. blabla "di satu pesta keramaian"


*Hums aimlessly, still trying to guess the song* Tak dapatla, more clues? :D


Umm no, I didn't go for that gig. I still need to see Muse live.


Aaaw man, that sucks. You are totally way more worthy to watch Muse than 1000 other 'bandwagon jumpers' at stadium negara that night. Takpe next year we go ramai2 k. :D


Awesome as always. Sometimes Muse definitely can bring me almost to tears
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i never really listened to Creep's lyrics.. prolly because he sounds so soft in that song. except for the "Ruuunnnnn!!!" part la. thats my favourite part. lol. its like... a breakthrough. that kinda thing.


+1!! :yesey:


u noe paranoid android..this guy/gal did a piano cover of it...

...freakin nice...am so hooked to it rite nw :happy:
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ahaks.. exactly.. now we've lost them forever.. (i mean, if we don't ever get to talk to them again lah)


who's pj? *blur*


:noey: we havent lost 'em forever. i'm sure we'll be able to meet 'em again. * tries to be optimistic*


yeah zy, Pearl Jam..


Umm no, I didn't go for that gig. I still need to see Muse live. :( Hey, I like the shirt he wore. :mad::p


Creep by Radiohead? Excellent moody song. Actually it's about unrequited love. But er...yeah. :p


u like? he looked like an Nsync member wif that shirt. lol.. but hey, i'm sorry. wat do i noe about fashion. u're entitled to like it and i to hate it. and yeah i noe its about unrequited love but the lines above as miele attempted to sing ( ;) ) had more impact to me than the rest of the lyrics.


aiya when i was 11 (during Muse's OOS stage) i was into Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys and S CLUB 7(LOLOLOL) and stuff! hahaha. i didnt like rock music back then. let her grow out of her pop music days and one fine day, she'll appreciate rock music :happy:


i like Escape from Showbiz a lot. the whole mood to the song is very... moody, angry and yet sad at the same time. the title itself is very relative to how i felt years ago, and i really wish i discovered this song earlier. but the lyrics is a bit weird though. its like he wrote some of the lyrics for the sake of making it rhyme... like


lol. yeah.. perhaps she's still young. hopefully she'll grow out of it but i doubt it coz she's into cheerleading and those lyke oh my gosh girlie stuffs. lol.


speaking of showbiz.. i love, love matt's voice in falling down. esp the part where he screamed it warghhh snt you.. so bluesy and so damn irrisistable (ayoo.. how to spell) *wanted to say sexy :$*

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