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blur???? wat about rage?


according to muselive, rage does not even make it to the list, arctic monkeys is #4, and muse is #12.. i think it's a shitty list anyway, so who cares.. well, however, stereophonics is #14, lol..



eventhough MUSE got some obsessive fans that doesnt make them a boyband!!! i dont go around screaming their names when i met them! btol tak k.faz/adyla?! :D they changed my life so i think its ok for me to be obsessed over them and im very happy about it! :musesign:


*agrees*.. i think muse also becomes an inspiration for all of us to pursue things in different ways.. it's not just about the music.. so if it helps us go up, why not be obsessed?


yeah, we didn't scream "matt!" or "dom!!" or "chris!!" :$ however i do remember matt grinning while we were sending him off down the elevator, when we said the "i love you"s..


:$:$ hey i sing to incubus too okay! lol


and about the whole obsession thing, i didnt appreciate music as much as before after i got obsessed with muse. i used to be those commercial kinda people, listening to the radio all the time and stuff. if i werent so obsessed with muse, i dont think i would have bothered going for their gig. and that would be a total waste. ... or maybe not, i might actually go for their gig, but i wont enjoy it as much as i did. i wont treasure it and think back on it as much as i do now.


muse.. in a way, changed my life. to the better. i now appreciate more music. in fact, i now appreciate music in general. good music la, of course. not that useless hiphop pimps-and-ho-music. i now know of more 'legendary' bands and stuff thanks to you guys and this board. most of my friends now know how obsessed i am with them, until they now signify/define me as muse. its weird actually. :stunned:


+1.. i used to be a total closet muse fan.. but since the concert, all they see me now is as an obsessed muse fan. like, as if there's nothing else i can talk about.. my friendster & myspace is now full of only muse-like comments, even from my best friends who used to send intellectual and thoughtful testimonials all the time.. now all they post is "adila, masih keterujaan dengan matt?" or stuff like that.. it gets boring after a while, because my obsession for muse should not be for public viewing..


my first time watchin that too..thanks :)


dom was wearing a beatles shirt!





haha, the beatles aren't anywhere near the musefan-hitlist (as in hitman, not hits), + they're cool.. i know matt has some weird conspiracy theory going about the beatles, but i like they anyways

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oooohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look what i find...


kak faz and debbie will especially be most interested.. i don't know if it's fake or not, but read it please from the start till the end..


this dude went to a starwars convention :LOL:, and it's from 2005




if you cannot find anything, just search for jess, but it's best to read from top..


if this is true, she is cute, enough said..


however, since i used google, for all i know this could be fake.. so don't trust me on this

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I haven't seen this level of obsession since I first discovered the band. In those days my friends were like, what's so great about Muse la?? After awhile, I finally gave up trying to convince them that they were just plain fucking awesome and that everyone should listen to them. But yeah, it's so comforting to see people finally understand me now. :D I've felt alone for soooo long. :(:LOL:


The way you guys sprout gibberish about why you love the band = reminds me of myself so long ago. :LOL:


mikeadyla, what's Matt's conspiracy theory about the Beatles?? Apparently, they've read a lot of David Icke's conspiracy theories, especially those relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion *cough*orang Yahudi ingin menakluki dunia*cough* (<--- is that the right word??). Anyway, you guys should check that one out. ;)


Ooh ooh ooh....for more Musey goodness, check out The String Quartet's covers of various Muse songs. They give the songs a more classical vibe. Amazing stuff.

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mikeadyla, what's Matt's conspiracy theory about the Beatles?? Apparently, they've read a lot of David Icke's conspiracy theories, especially those relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion *cough*orang Yahudi ingin menakluki dunia*cough* (<--- is that the right word??). Anyway, you guys should check that one out. ;)


well matt says he kind of believe the theory that the beatles were brought into the US to change the culture of the americans or something like that.. he also says paul mccartney might be blur about it but john lennon definitely knows something was going on.. but then, he was laughing during the interview so it might be a piss take lol i have no idea.


the protocols have been established to be a forgery.. i don't think people would establish much credibility with such documents.. maybe it's not fake, but i'd rather not take the protocol word by word.. i don't like it when some people take the documents to be pure facts.. i know some people really believe it's genuine, but i don't know.. it just creates some sort of unjustified hatred to me..


if u like, u're better off with books by matthias chang, he's a catholic and he's the ex-political secretary of Mahathir, and he explains in his book why Mahathir has been so prejudiced of the jews as well as .. he talks more of the Zionist-Anglo-American power instead of just kutuking jews like most other books do.. haha, but he's also more focused about CIA brainwashing and stuff like that.. he thinks we shouldn't send kids off overseas because they get brainwashed there.. i listened to him during the war crimes tribunal in Malaysia and it seems he gets respect from a lot of people, and his book also has some kind of credibility to the whole jewish conspiracy thingy..


so that might be what u should be reading if u're into jewish conspiracies i think..

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lol I love the previous posts above about how Muse's music has "changed their life". That's hilarious! Me too, me too. :)


Actually mikeadyla, if you read 20th century history and relate it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it all ties in together. Watch the documentary "The Protocols of Zion" by Marc Levin and you'll see what I mean. All the episodes were available on Youtube (I downloaded them all onto my hard drive) but I don't think they're there anymore.


The Jews removed them!! :eek:


Seriously though, try downloading that doco off Torrent or whatever. It briefly features Mahathir during the OIC conference when he made the famous statement "Orang Yahudi memerintah dunia secara proksi".


Of course the Protocols have been disproved, that's what they want you to believe. ;) The Jews control the media (Hollywood is practically run by Jews - which is why Mel Gibson will be out of work for awhile :LOL:), the world economy (George Soros is a Jew), start all the wars and influence US foreign policy, especially in Israel. Of course they don't want you to believe this conspiracy.


I think the whole Beatles thing may even tie in with the Protocols - they're trying to create a more liberal-minded culture among the Americans that will be propagated through music and various forms of media (all forms of guitar-based music, even heavy metal, can be traced back to the influence of the Beatles). This will be so people will start to abandon their respective religions (Islam, Christianity etc) so that Atheism will be commonplace.


One day the Jews may try to rule the world via the New World Order and perhaps force everyone to convert, like the Spanish Inquisition. It will be much easier for them to do so, because people's morals will be more slack by then.


Jews make up only 0.22% of the world's population, yet are controlling the world behind everybody's backs... :eek:


Or I could be talking gibberish...:$:LOL:


Hmm, I'll try looking into Matthias Chang, thanks for that!!

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Actually mikeadyla, if you read 20th century history and relate it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it all ties in together. Watch the documentary "The Protocols of Zion" by Marc Levin and you'll see what I mean. All the episodes were available on Youtube (I downloaded them all onto my hard drive) but I don't think they're there anymore.

can u upload them? i have an e-book by levin, but i don't think it's the same.. yeah, i have a copy of the protocols by the way..


Of course the Protocols have been disproved, that's what they want you to believe. ;) The Jews control the media (Hollywood is practically run by Jews - which is why Mel Gibson will be out of work for awhile :LOL:), the world economy (George Soros is a Jew), start all the wars and influence US foreign policy, especially in Israel. Of course they don't want you to believe this conspiracy.


I think the whole Beatles thing may even tie in with the Protocols - they're trying to create a more liberal-minded culture among the Americans that will be propagated through music and various forms of media (all forms of guitar-based music, even heavy metal, can be traced back to the influence of the Beatles). This will be so people will start to abandon their respective religions (Islam, Christianity etc) so that Atheism will be commonplace.


One day the Jews may try to rule the world via the New World Order and perhaps force everyone to convert, like the Spanish Inquisition. It will be much easier for them to do so, because people's morals will be more slack by then.


Jews make up only 0.22% of the world's population, yet are controlling the world behind everybody's backs... :eek:


i honestly agree 100% about the jews having control over the world.. but at the same time, there's nothing to prove the protocols were not forged, while it has been proved it was forged and originated from russia..


but yes, i agree with jews ruling the world by proxy, and i really think we don't differ that much in opinion except for just this issue of u feel the jews purposely mislead us into thinking that the protocols were a forgery.. this may be so, i certainly think it's not totally totally unbelievable, but i'm more of a "blame-the-zionist-policies-and-agenda" kind of girl instead of "the protocols are proof therefore we must kill all-jews"..


but i read this link, and it seems ur theory might not be that far-fetched after all :


:D points!

by the way de7ilznite (gah, so hard to type), there's also a theory going on that the protocols is in fact a hoax, but it was a hoax created by the jews themselves, all to plan for anybody to use it to be called anti-semites, (if so, it worked, because the entire arab communities believe in the protocols, henry ford believes it, germany killed them off iinspired by the protocols, bla bla as the conspiracy goes further) so it creates fertile ground for them to argue that they then have a right over the land they call israel, since they are prejudiced everywhere and cannot therefore live peacefully with anyone..


i reckon i should research further, but i'll try find the torrent..


Hmm, I'll try looking into Matthias Chang, thanks for that!!


yeah, sure, basically the book is really basic conspiracies, but it ties it up with actual facts and world policies.. by the way, if you own those 2 books, matthew now owns them too! *am a proud mother* :D


edit : by the way, oh come on.. let's not just talk about the jewish agenda... tell me what you thought of the link i found...

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i know.. i'm thinking of the massive amount of visits this page gets.. not just fans who come and go, but fans who obsessively follow every single movement of muse.. all of us fans are individually missing them lots in our own ways.. someone sleeps with muse on headset, someone reminisce anniversaries months after months, someone sings muse in the shower every day, someone does things with his plastic-muse-thingy in his room, someone presses F5 every 5 seconds in the board without posting anything everyday, someone draws muse everyday, someone writes subliminal messages on their computer so that matt@dom@chris would marry them someday.. when u think of it that way it's so overwhelmingly beautiful in a stalkery kind of way.. but still beautiful..

someday there should be a documentary of muse fans instead of muse.. it's gonna be way more beautiful..


That was beautiful writing Mike, macam documentary Lord of the Fans (for LOTR- obsessives). But i'm not obsessed!:( *denial*


Some of you are like terlalu obsessed with Muse. They're like a boyband now or something.


Sssh don't say it out loud, that makes it true. But I am not obsessed lah. *still in denial*:p


Ok lah, the last band I was this enamoured with (note: still not obsessed) was the Beatles. Was so in love with George Harrison's "I'm only sleeping.


But being in love with a band's music and live performance beats being in love with merely their 'image' right? Takde lah boyband sangat kan?


*Tapi still la jeles of those who got to meet Muse*


But according to Matt it's a brainwashing exercise. So what is Muse's effect on us then, any conspiracies, hmmm? ;) Personally IMHO Muse brings up our tastes in music to a higher level (to paraphrase Matt's remark to MCR fans).


can i ask a question? is there anybody who's married here? do not worry thy reputation shall remain intact



Ok that reaally random. Nope i'm not married. Why do you ask? Nak buat poll ke?:)

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That was beautiful writing Mike, macam documentary Lord of the Fans (for LOTR- obsessives). But i'm not obsessed!:( *denial*

i just love how people call me mike! :LOL: i feel like a rockstar, i mean, i feel like i have a new identity already.. i should make people call me mike in real life.. ;)


But according to Matt it's a brainwashing exercise. So what is Muse's effect on us then, any conspiracies, hmmm? ;) Personally IMHO Muse brings up our tastes in music to a higher level (to paraphrase Matt's remark to MCR fans).


yes, i think matthew wants to be the next the beatles..


Ok that reaally random. Nope i'm not married. Why do you ask? Nak buat poll ke?:)


pfft, takde lah.. nak carik pasangan.. LOL duh... :p actually, if anyone here is married, i was wondering who in his right mind would marry a person who giggles while typing aloud on a computer, then checks back on the board every hour.. must be a very patient lady/lad.. [note, about the typing and giggling thing, i am not talking about myself :$]

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mikeadyla, what's Matt's conspiracy theory about the Beatles?? Apparently, they've read a lot of David Icke's conspiracy theories, especially those relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion *cough*orang Yahudi ingin menakluki dunia*cough* (<--- is that the right word??). Anyway, you guys should check that one out. ;)


Ooh ooh ooh....for more Musey goodness, check out The String Quartet's covers of various Muse songs. They give the songs a more classical vibe. Amazing stuff.




yea, they do everything from ac/dc, u2 to coldplay and radiohead..nothing beats the original tho..;)



Ok lah, the last band I was this enamoured with (note: still not obsessed) was the Beatles. Was so in love with George Harrison's "I'm only sleeping.


ooh, i love that song!! the backup vocals :happy: oooh...ooOOOoooh.

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just love how people call me mike! i feel like a rockstar, i mean, i feel like i have a new identity already.. i should make people call me mike in real life..


Ok, sure 'Mike'. Ke nak panggil adyla? Mike is cooler, somehow:D


pfft, takde lah.. nak carik pasangan.. LOL duh... actually, if anyone here is married, i was wondering who in his right mind would marry a person who giggles while typing aloud on a computer, then checks back on the board every hour.. must be a very patient lady/lad.. [note, about the typing and giggling thing, i am not talking about myself ]


*Sceptical* sure ke not talking bout urself, heheh. Actually the most awesome thing would be to get with someone who's equally or more crazy about Muse than you are. Tapi mana nak carik bfren/gfren macam tu ek? :p


Ok baik mengaku, who else has done the 'typing and giggling thing'? *raises hand* :$



ooh, i love that song!! the backup vocals oooh...ooOOOoooh.


Yay us! *Hugs zy* :D I play Revolver over and over at work, (when not listening to Muse of course).


Question: When you're taking 'a short break' from listening to Muse, who do you listen to? Mine currently: the Cardigans.


P.S- It cannot be said enough that this thread (and you guys) rock. That is all.

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zy3038, not *cough* la. :LOL: I meant the word "menakluki". Conquer, right?


Um, I'm not married. :LOL: Masih student lagi. :p


mikeadyla true, I think Israel is their main focal point right now. They claim they have a right to have Israel due to half of their population being lost to the Holocaust (which most Holocaust deniers believe is greatly exaggerated, such as Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, as well as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad).


Most people seriously doubt that 6 million out of 12 million Jews were killed during WW2 and claim it is a figure highly exaggerated by the Jews themselves.


btw, the entire Protocols doco is 214 MB in *.flv format. Not sure if can upload la, my Net connection has slowed recently. Been downloading too much stuff lately. :LOL:


Try Torrenting it lah. It is an extremely intriguing show, trust me. :)


As for my taste in music, I was in my John Mayer phase awhile ago (I am the proud owner of a Fender Powerhouse Strat as a result of being into the blues lately). I listen to everything lah, I pretty much have the same taste in music as Matt & co. has. :D Everything from Arch Enemy to Coldplay to Incubus to Tool to Silverchair to the Beatles to Eric Clapton. Queen, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Schumann, Pink Floyd, Pantera, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Radiohead, U2, Dream Theater, Paul Gilbert, Mudvayne, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Deftones, RATM, Audioslave, Ben Folds, Linkin Park, Lamb of God, Hendrix, Jack Johnson, SOAD, Depeche Mode, Zeppelin, Metallica, Opeth, Chevelle, the Strokes, Zero 7, Wolfmother, 3eb, Beach Boys, RHCP, Soundgarden, Genesis, Bob Marley, Tupac, Prince, Bjork, 311.....argh too much la. Can go on forever. :LOL:


I have 4 gigs worth of music in my computer plus a huge CD collection in my car and in my room. I am a nerd la. :LOL:

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oooohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look what i find...


kak faz and debbie will especially be most interested.. i don't know if it's fake or not, but read it please from the start till the end..


this dude went to a starwars convention :LOL:, and it's from 2005




if you cannot find anything, just search for jess, but it's best to read from top..


if this is true, she is cute, enough said..


however, since i used google, for all i know this could be fake.. so don't trust me on this


i think its real.. i mean why would he crap about something like that? also, jess IS american. lol anyway.. about that link..


OMGWTFBBQZORZABC123AKJSDFKL;JASFSIDOCJSHFSLFJSLFJFSFJA crap they're so cute omg omg i'm so envious now :( not of her being dom's boyfriend, but of them being so lovey dovey. so cute laaa.


Question: When you're taking 'a short break' from listening to Muse, who do you listen to? Mine currently: the Cardigans.


P.S- It cannot be said enough that this thread (and you guys) rock. That is all.


*raises hand too* ok i guess we all should call adyla mike now since she wants to be a rockstar :cool:


while i'm taking a 'short break' from muse, i listen to Incubus! yeah. :cool:

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Try Torrenting it lah. It is an extremely intriguing show, trust me. :)

yes.. did so right about 3 hours ago..

I have 4 gigs worth of music in my computer plus a huge CD collection in my car and in my room. I am a nerd la. :LOL:

haha, we are all dorks.. my external hard disk is especially for my music collection, and it's full already.. :(

i think its real.. i mean why would he crap about something like that? also, jess IS american. lol anyway.. about that link..


OMGWTFBBQZORZABC123AKJSDFKL;JASFSIDOCJSHFSLFJSLFJFSFJA crap they're so cute omg omg i'm so envious now :( not of her being dom's boyfriend, but of them being so lovey dovey. so cute laaa.

haha, jess is cute i think.. imagines jess in a starwars convention lol! she must be so bored..

*raises hand too* ok i guess we all should call adyla mike now since she wants to be a rockstar :cool:

Ok, sure 'Mike'. Ke nak panggil adyla? Mike is cooler, somehow:D

:happy:wow, i'm a rockstar!


*Sceptical* sure ke not talking bout urself, heheh. Actually the most awesome thing would be to get with someone who's equally or more crazy about Muse than you are. Tapi mana nak carik bfren/gfren macam tu ek? :p


P.S- It cannot be said enough that this thread (and you guys) rock. That is all.

haha, i guess people who got us must be the awesomeness then.. because we're a rare breed.. :)

Question: When you're taking 'a short break' from listening to Muse, who do you listen to?

hot hot heat? and cat stevens if i'm in the mood..


but if you're talking about a real "break" from my own reality, i'm gonna be honest i have a burned cd entitled "clean your brain" which contains one britney spears track.. the other tracks are: maria mena's miss you love, brian mcfadden's almost here, alejando sanz's una noche, yellowcard's empty apartment, and david tao's katrina and coldplay's fix you.. these are songs i don't sing to, but i just listen and usually if i'm in a bad day or i feel like people hate me or i just failed a test or whatever that's what i listen to coz i imagine these voices comforting me..


i also have a burned cd which contains other people's favourite songs, which i listen to and try to acquire a taste for them.

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Yay us! *Hugs zy* :D I play Revolver over and over at work, (when not listening to Muse of course).


Question: When you're taking 'a short break' from listening to Muse, who do you listen to? Mine currently: the Cardigans.


P.S- It cannot be said enough that this thread (and you guys) rock. That is all.


hehe, i lyk the wine song by the cardigans...erm, i've been listening to grace by jeff buckley alot recently..it's kinda growing on me..and yeah, we all rock! :D



zy3038, not *cough* la. :LOL: I meant the word "menakluki". Conquer, right?


I have 4 gigs worth of music in my computer plus a huge CD collection in my car and in my room. I am a nerd la. :LOL:




hey, fellow music geek..:happy: tho my humble music collection pales in comparison to yours...heh, i hav a fren who's shoving john mayer down my ears..didnt lyk it at first..but i lyk this one piano song on his new album..dreaming with a broken heart, i think :unsure:

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New John Mayer album is excellent, I saw him in concert recently (was in the front row!). His new stuff is very bluesy.


My fave tracks are I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You), Belief, Vultures, Bold As Love (Jimi Hendrix cover), In Repair and Slow Dancing In a Burning Room.


Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw. Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam ;) is also good stuff.


btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant. :D

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Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw. Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam ;) is also good stuff.


btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant. :D


if u find any muse song i haven't heard of, that would bring me off my boots! not that i wear any..


yeah, but i like cat steven's song better before he became yusuf islam.. i think his song is just so peaceful..


jeff buckley is funny.. the first song i listened of him was a live rendition of the 3 multiplications table.. it was the 3 is a magic number song.. he cracks the whole car up when me and my friends listened to him. that was my first introduction to jeff. i'll try listening to him..

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New John Mayer album is excellent, I saw him in concert recently (was in the front row!). His new stuff is very bluesy.


:ohmy: wah, where was that?



Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw.


yea, his rendition beats the heaps of covers out there..tho my fav's so far are last goodbye and the title track ;)



btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant. :D

their cover of house of the rising sun is nice too :happy:

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if u find any muse song i haven't heard of, that would bring me off my boots! not that i wear any..


Bedroom Acoustics? Eternally Missed? Map of Your Head? Recess? Easily? Futurism? Fury? The Groove? Glorious? Nature_1? Jimmy Kane? Pink Ego Box? Ashamed? Agitated?? WELL??!!?!? :mad::p


They have the most kickass B-sides. :D


:ohmy: wah, where was that?


Perth, Western Australia. :)


btw, I was watching the Protocols of Zion just now and it brought a smile to my face when it stated "Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical slush that invade decent homes and set the young people of this generation imitating the drivel of morons. Popular music is a Jewish monopoly" on jewwatch.com :LOL:


You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, heh. Just watch the doco lah. :p

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Bedroom Acoustics? Eternally Missed? Map of Your Head? Recess? Easily? Futurism? Fury? The Groove? Glorious? Nature_1? Jimmy Kane? Pink Ego Box? Ashamed? Agitated?? WELL??!!?!? :mad::p


haha, sorry :p


i've always wondered anyway, what the hell is nature_1 supposed to be? why's it named like that?

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Ok baik mengaku, who else has done the 'typing and giggling thing'? *raises hand* :$


Question: When you're taking 'a short break' from listening to Muse, who do you listen to? Mine currently: the Cardigans.


P.S- It cannot be said enough that this thread (and you guys) rock. That is all.


*raises both hands* cant help it.. sometimes u guys made some funny comments.


been listening to a lot of malay traditional songs lately, simply becoz am preparing my students for a tarian competition. never knew that suriram can be so haunting.:happy: but when in the car to n from work, its still showbiz.. ( still cant get enuff of it!) however, i've been watching a lot of radiohead and LP on you tube lately.. any of u guys bought LP's new album?


yeah.. think this is one hell of an active thread! u guys memang rock!


OMGWTFBBQZORZABC123AKJSDFKL;JASFSIDOCJSHFSLFJSLFJFSFJA crap they're so cute omg omg i'm so envious now :( not of her being dom's boyfriend, but of them being so lovey dovey. so cute laaa.


haha, jess is cute i think.. imagines jess in a starwars convention lol! she must be so bored..


i dont get it. in wat way is jess cute? * jealous*


New John Mayer album is excellent, I saw him in concert recently (was in the front row!). His new stuff is very bluesy.


Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a classic btw. Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam ;) is also good stuff.


btw have you guys heard Muse's cover of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"? It's brilliant. :D


used to like john mayer. haf his first album. he sounds more mature in his new album. but somehow i dont like him now coz he went out wif jessica simpson :stunned: and cat stevens is classic. i seriously hate when people think that the first cut is the deepest is originally written by rod stewart when it was cat stevens who wrote it!


lol. that cover is so cheesy..


yeah, sure, basically the book is really basic conspiracies, but it ties it up with actual facts and world policies.. by the way, if you own those 2 books, matthew now owns them too! *am a proud mother* :D


hey ady.. i mean mike, did u leave any messages or address in the book u gave to matt?

when u guys talk about all those conspiracies theories, they only remind me of the matrix and schindler's list! that's pretty much all my knowledge about those theories..

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i dont get it. in wat way is jess cute? * jealous*

honestly i think she looks like lizzie mcguire :p


hey ady.. i mean mike, did u leave any messages or address in the book u gave to matt?

when u guys talk about all those conspiracies theories, they only remind me of the matrix and schindler's list! that's pretty much all my knowledge about those theories..


yeah, i said something about us malaysian fans appreciating his music blah blah blah, hope he gets inspired by us..

er, oh, no address.. why? *i should have, shouldn't i?* :mad:


hallelujah is cool i guess.. but my friend like the original much better..

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