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I love how Matt tries to be respectful of other bands when doing interviews, regardless of what he really thinks of them. It's pretty obvious he doesn't regard them that highly.


Dom couldn't stop laughing even when the moment had passed. :D


And here's one for you MU fans. Ok, it's not actually the MU song, but it comes pretty close.


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btw, who likes the wembley support acts? i don't know anybody except for MCR :p


am quite surprise that MCR is one of 'em actually, coz lots of muse fans dont like 'em. what are the odds of 'em being booed on stage? meh... so jealous of all this wembley talk. :(



pffft... who says the song belongs to MU? :p


horrible, horrible chant * covers ears*

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I think MCR are absolutely awful. I can't understand how some ppl like MCR yet label Muse as "emo". That's pathetic. :LOL:


Yeah um....I kill a lot of time on Youtube. Fun :p


Exams are around the corner! :eek:




oh, tomorrow's the last day for my mid term exams! wheeheeheeee! anyone gonna watch POTC 3 soon? i got my ticks already for this sunday. wahaha :happy:


ok i'm abit late but... i'm gonna watch those vids NOW. lol.

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The "+421521542147289472148972134092749021" part obviously implies that she agrees. ;)


MCR is just plain terrible, too much whiny drama for me to stomach. They probably suck live too. Hell, I can't even tolerate listening to them on the radio, let alone live. :p


When I say "emo", I'm referring to the genre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo_%28music%29


Muse does have "emotional" elements to it but then again, so does Metallica. So does Beethoven. Music is a form of art, art is all about expressing human thoughts, feelings and emotions, period. People who don't understand music that well (ie the majority of people) are prone to making this misconception regarding the definition of emo. Therefore to them, Muse = emo. :rolleyes:


POTC = Pirates of the Carribbean. I never got round to finishing watching the first two myself.

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pffft... who says the song belongs to MU? :p


horrible, horrible chant * covers ears*


hahah...i dont get the MU relation too..:confused:


I think MCR are absolutely awful. I can't understand how some ppl like MCR yet label Muse as "emo". That's pathetic. :LOL:


Exams are around the corner! :eek:


i jz had my 2nd paper today! exam marathon giler...started monday, ends in a freakin month!! gah..


woah.. why so big la? i kinda think that they're pretty decent but horrible live which gonna make muse looks wayyy superior than 'em. i dont get it either. in what way is Muse emo??


which band could play alongside muse and not look inferior?? hahah...7 best live act awards!! SEVEN! who's got more? :p



When I say "emo", I'm referring to the genre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo_%28music%29


Muse does have "emotional" elements to it but then again, so does Metallica. So does Beethoven. Music is a form of art, art is all about expressing human thoughts, feelings and emotions, period. People who don't understand music that well (ie the majority of people) are prone to making this misconception regarding the definition of emo. Therefore to them, Muse = emo. :rolleyes:


+1!! i hav frens telling me how they lyk supposed "emo" songs...i ask who...they say augustana...:LOL:

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am quite surprise that MCR is one of 'em actually, coz lots of muse fans dont like 'em. what are the odds of 'em being booed on stage? meh... so jealous of all this wembley talk. :(


well actually it's coz the crowd dissed mcr when it was announced mcr is supporting muse, plus that crack from matt probably gives more reason to diss them.. but now that mcr is supporting muse at wembley, we can actually see that not everybody hates mcr, some likes them.. (a lot actually is jealous of the sunday lineup).. but yeah, i am jealous of wembley as well..


maybe it's some kind of exchange between muse and mcr.. (haha, muse apologizing for ditching mcr and going back to UK? :p) but anyways, good for mcr, maybe they'll get new fans in the UK..


gah, i'll be happy for any support as long as no oasis..


dvd please come out quick.. ~:happy:



actually, emo can be interpreted widely lah to define a loose genre.. so no judge-judge emo music.. mcr's not emo i don't think? at least, i don't think the band agrees with that label.. so of course somebody is bound to miscategorize muse as emo, seeing as how the genre itself is nonsensely defined imo.. (haha, muse during their first inception looks pretty emo to me).. but then, according to wiki, death cab for cutie is emo :noey:

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Easiest way to put it:


Emo = whiny and annoying, generally shit music


Muse = not annoying (sometimes genuinely soulful and thought-provoking), excellent music :p


bwek :p.. i can see their arguments though.. to those not brought-up by the music that is muse, matt's voice is very classifiable as whiny and annoying and pitchy and girly.. :eek: don't hate me


i'd like to think that MUSE is a genre itself :musesign:


haha, best way to put it.. you go.. by the way, shannaz, preparing for a countdown to the anniversary of hugging sexiest male?

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which band could play alongside muse and not look inferior?? hahah...7 best live act awards!! SEVEN! who's got more? :p


U2, pearl jam and radiohead..:p Led Zep too..oh, and queen and incubus. i doubt that they have won 7 best live act awards tho..


Easiest way to put it:


Emo = whiny and annoying, generally shit music


Muse = not annoying (sometimes genuinely soulful and thought-provoking), excellent music :p


lol. whiny and annoying do describe some of MCR's songs but the link u gave also mentioned fugazi as emo!! :eek::noey:


i'd like to think that MUSE is a genre itself :musesign:


lol +1! :yesey:


bwek :p.. i can see their arguments though.. to those not brought-up by the music that is muse, matt's voice is very classifiable as whiny and annoying and pitchy and girly.. :eek: don't hate me


+ 1 :$ cant stand matt's voice in microcuts. its damn annoying. sorry..

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+ 1 :$ cant stand matt's voice in microcuts. its damn annoying. sorry..


that was how i feel before... *mimicks matt : haaaandsss... are... reed wiiiiiith your blood..."

god, matt's voice is so operatic lols


about muse in itself, i would deffo not classify them as emo, but u have to admit, they do bring in the emo crowds imo in.. (well at least in the 1 muse concert i've been to i did at least see a couple of emo-outfitters)

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bwek :p.. i can see their arguments though.. to those not brought-up by the music that is muse, matt's voice is very classifiable as whiny and annoying and pitchy and girly.. :eek: don't hate me


true enough..matt's vocals are very jeff buckley/thom yorke-type-whiny...which i simply love!

hahah..y would we hate you? as long as you dont think that way about muse..;)



U2, pearl jam and radiohead..:p Led Zep too..oh, and queen and incubus. i doubt that they have won 7 best live act awards tho..


+ 1 :$ cant stand matt's voice in microcuts. its damn annoying. sorry..


hmm..i noe u2 and pearl jam are quite famous for their concerts..but i always thought radiohead were a studio band?:erm: oh, and freddie (may he rest in peace) was gone by the time muse came up, no? hehe.


:eek: i love microcuts! his vocals make me high :D

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lol shannaz, u'll love watever ur abg matt belamy does..


Fugazi's allright.


Hey, Matt's voice in Micro Cuts is da shiz ok? :mad::p


nah.. tis horrible in that song lol. seriously. too much falsetto and if u listen carefully in hullabaloo, the live version, there's this one part where he screamed like a girl. seriously. i'm not kidding. *covers myself from kena belasah by other malaysian musers* ahh.. i see u're correcting my spelling there... MICRO CUTS *noted*


that was how i feel before... *mimicks matt : haaaandsss... are... reed wiiiiiith your blood..."

god, matt's voice is so operatic lols


about muse in itself, i would deffo not classify them as emo, but u have to admit, they do bring in the emo crowds imo in.. (well at least in the 1 muse concert i've been to i did at least see a couple of emo-outfitters)


i was wayy too emo during that concert. siap lupa diri lagi :D


EDIT: and zy, NO radiohead is not a studio band. i see ur point in that they like to experiment stuff in the studio but they're amazing live too. oh yeah.. RIP freddy. it was just a comparison.

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nah.. tis horrible in that song lol. seriously. too much falsetto and if u listen carefully in hullabaloo, the live version, there's this one part where he screamed like a girl. seriously. i'm not kidding. *covers myself from kena belasah by other malaysian musers* ahh.. i see u're correcting my spelling there... MICRO CUTS *noted*


uoaaah, honestly, for me, microcuts is second only to megalomania.. haha, how could u say it's horrible? i made my roommate whose favourite song is "my all" love that song..


i was wayy too emo during that concert. siap lupa diri lagi :D

well, as long as no baju kurung during the concert okla.. haha, imagine if we were wearing baju kurung and jumping2.. by the end of the hour nobody'd know where the kain kurung is anymore.. ;)


EDIT: and zy, NO radiohead is not a studio band. i see ur point in that they like to experiment stuff in the studio but they're amazing live too. oh yeah.. RIP freddy. it was just a comparison.


radiohead is not as bad as muse fans make them out to be, although, haha, thom yorke's solo attempt had me laughing (i just downloaded it btw)

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actually, emo can be interpreted widely lah to define a loose genre.. so no judge-judge emo music.. mcr's not emo i don't think? at least, i don't think the band agrees with that label.. so of course somebody is bound to miscategorize muse as emo, seeing as how the genre itself is nonsensely defined imo.. (haha, muse during their first inception looks pretty emo to me).. but then, according to wiki, death cab for cutie is emo :noey:


Easiest way to put it:


Emo = whiny and annoying, generally shit music


Muse = not annoying (sometimes genuinely soulful and thought-provoking), excellent music :p


well, imho, death cab is kind of emo. but i like that er.. 'version' of emo. kinda like dashboard confessional too. and taking back sunday and bands like that. i like bands like those...


but the emo that involves whining and screaming, otherwise known as "screamo", i cant stand those. bands like 30 seconds to mars, mcr and such are catergorized under screamo for me. lol. dont really like em.


my friend says 30 secs to mars is shit because jared leto's voice sounds like any other american rock singer's voice. i kind of agree with him, and their vids are a bit TOOO OTT for me. i prefer jared leto's singing compared to his.. screaming. :erm:


Fugazi's allright.


Hey, Matt's voice in Micro Cuts is da shiz ok? :mad::p


lol ja it is :LOL: however, i only hate it for one reason... and the reason is that i cant sing along to that song because i sound like a crow :(


i vaguely remember you said once that you can sing in falsetto just like matt right? can you sing microcuts too? :eek::eek::eek:

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Er yeah, I can sort of imitate his falsetto, not as perfect though. I like to warm up my vocals with some Led Zeppelin and Muse singing. Bit embarrassing to do it in public though. :LOL:


The end riff in Micro Cuts = best giler!! :p


Apparently, the song is about how Matt was on 'shrooms once and he experienced hallucinations about walking alone in the desert. And saw knives falling from the sky. Or something. :eek:


"Micro waves me insane, a blade cuts in your brain"

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^ no wonderla u like microcuts, u can sing in falsetto rupanyer..;) yeah... i only turned up the volume at the end riffs.


uoaaah, honestly, for me, microcuts is second only to megalomania.. haha, how could u say it's horrible? i made my roommate whose favourite song is "my all" love that song..


well, as long as no baju kurung during the concert okla.. haha, imagine if we were wearing baju kurung and jumping2.. by the end of the hour nobody'd know where the kain kurung is anymore.. ;)


radiohead is not as bad as muse fans make them out to be, although, haha, thom yorke's solo attempt had me laughing (i just downloaded it btw)


u mean backstreet boy's my all? woah.. nice.


lol. hey.. dont mock me la..least i haf one special baju kurung.:D


exactly! radiohead is awesome! just becoz muse got compared to 'em a lot, think most muse fans prefered to diss 'em tho most of 'em actually like 'em.

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