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whoa you bought both for 33.50?! or just showbiz for 33.50? how much was the BHAR repackaged one with the dvd??? crap thats really cheap. :stunned:


saw that cd in tower records few weeks ago in klcc...


and the cds(OoS, Showbiz) are selling for rm 32.90, i think and the offers are until 30th june

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:LOL: interesting statement :p


My friends tell me I have a funny laugh. When we were in the cinema to watch Mr Bean, they said my laugh was funnier than the movie itself. :LOL:


And...yeah, I can be a bit strange sometimes. You don't have to be a white guy to be weird, Mike. :p


Matt = Silver Surfer? Genius. He'd be using his silver Manson while side-shuffling on his surfboard onstage. :D

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My friends tell me I have a funny laugh. When we were in the cinema to watch Mr Bean, they said my laugh was funnier than the movie itself. :LOL:


And...yeah, I can be a bit strange sometimes. You don't have to be a white guy to be weird, Mike. :p


Matt = Silver Surfer? Genius. He'd be using his silver Manson while side-shuffling on his surfboard onstage. :D


nooo.....dont la compare urself with my one and only Matt! :LOL: he's like one in a million, i cannot la accept if theres anyone out there thats similar to him :p


why dont u record ur laugh :LOL: n send it to me :LOL: , i wanna hear how weird is ur laugh :LOL:

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nooo.....dont la compare urself with my one and only Matt! :LOL: he's like one in a million, i cannot la accept if theres anyone out there thats similar to him :p

hehe, looks like u've found ur matt in a non-white package, then, shannaz.. ape lagi, go go go! and you can leave the real matt to me


My friends tell me I have a funny laugh. When we were in the cinema to watch Mr Bean, they said my laugh was funnier than the movie itself. :LOL:

And...yeah, I can be a bit strange sometimes. You don't have to be a white guy to be weird, Mike. :p


hehe, funny laugh eh? well, i've been known to laugh like jed the fish from that muse interview i can't recall.. not particularly brag-worthy as ur-laugh-being-similar-to-matt, but i laugh like a hyena.. :$


oh, and yes, record it.. i wanna listen!.. although i have a view that the majority of malay dudes laughs like satan (it's the wargh-wargh-wargh that gets to me, either that or i hung out with the wrong crowd to much)




guy 1: *points at something funny*

rest of guys: *wargh wargh wargh wargh* (satan-like)

adila and best friend : *looks at each other*

adila and best friend : *giggles uncontrollably like hyenas*

everyone else around : *runs away*


[as u can see satan laugh and hyena laugh don't fit together very well]




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nooo.....dont la compare urself with my one and only Matt! :LOL: he's like one in a million, i cannot la accept if theres anyone out there thats similar to him :p


why dont u record ur laugh :LOL: n send it to me :LOL: , i wanna hear how weird is ur laugh :LOL:


send it to me too ! :LOL: i haf a weird laugh as well.. tho not as hysterical as matt's.


adyla, u mean that old american dude's laugh ker? the one where matt and dom were staring at him for having a really weird laugh... it was really weird tho..

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LOLOLOL. its funny how the topic quickly shifted to laughs! adyla, i'm no malay dude, yet i've been told that my laugh is quite evil.. because my laugh is very "IN YOUR FACE" apparently. its like.. "BAAHHAHAHA". lol! yeah i wana hear de7lnitez's laugh too! the malaysian version of matt. how cool is that? :D

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send it to me too ! :LOL: i haf a weird laugh as well.. tho not as hysterical as matt's.


adyla, u mean that old american dude's laugh ker? the one where matt and dom were staring at him for having a really weird laugh... it was really weird tho..


yes, the one where matt goes "that's some special laugh u got!" (and this is coming from a guy who has a weird laugh himself)


LOLOLOL. its funny how the topic quickly shifted to laughs! adyla, i'm no malay dude, yet i've been told that my laugh is quite evil.. because my laugh is very "IN YOUR FACE" apparently. its like.. "BAAHHAHAHA". lol! yeah i wana hear de7lnitez's laugh too! the malaysian version of matt. how cool is that? :D


haha, we should arrange a malaysian muse meetup and have a laughing contest then.. :p

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Matt = Silver Surfer? Genius. He'd be using his silver Manson while side-shuffling on his surfboard onstage.


the majority of malay dudes laughs like satan


haha, we should arrange a malaysian muse meetup and have a laughing contest then


*has weird mental image of all three above at once at one event*


What a suitably bizarre setup for a new Muse music video, eh?

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I swear, I love this thread. Malaysian Muse fans are cool. :D


Hmm, I'll need to watch something really funny first to laugh spontaneously. I can't just fake it, but a lot of people tell me they feel like laughing too when they hear me crack up. I have loads of weird Japanese comedy videos downloaded from Youtube, Rowan Atkinson vids, Dead Ringers etc. Yes, I like to laugh. :LOL:


btw, my microphone doesn't work at the moment, but I'll try to get it fixed soon. I'm not sure what the problem is.


Malay dudes laugh like Satan? Wow, I've never even heard Satan laugh before. :LOL: I need to go out more, I think.


A Malaysian Muse gathering sounds good. :D

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If Muse ever comes back to Malaysia, we should definately organise a gathering so we can see them together and get to know each other before/after.


Shannaz, I'm straight, but if I ever swung in the opposite direction, I'd go for Matt too. :LOL:

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oh and adyla....u are so not taking the real Matt from me! :p

ala, boleh laa.. boleh la.. u can have dominic the tour manager or tom the manager? or both? howsabout it? ;)


EDIT : but.. look here: matthew loves me not u!






If Muse ever comes back to Malaysia, we should definately organise a gathering so we can see them together and get to know each other before/after.

yes! and i demand a forced muse-knapping to jalan bellamy


I'm straight, but if I ever swung in the opposite direction, I'd go for Matt too. :LOL:


well, i'm a girl, but if i every wakes up a guy, i'd deffo go for matt regardless :yesey:

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Shannaz, I'm straight, but if I ever swung in the opposite direction, I'd go for Matt too. :LOL:


thank God ur straight! then i wont have to compete with u too! :LOL:


and i think i can accept Tom Kirk but not Dominic the manager, lol! he looks old and kinda short too :LOL: well Matt is short but...he's Matt!!!

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thank God ur straight! then i wont have to compete with u too! :LOL:


and i think i can accept Tom Kirk but not Dominic the manager, lol! he looks old and kinda short too :LOL: well Matt is short but...he's Matt!!!


well, eh? whatabout morgan then? :p

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No hal weh, kecek kelate pong boleh. Cuma kok ado ye dok pahe BM gano? (Jadik tak 'accent' aku? cam 'fail' ja).


Pasai concert tu, cuba hang check page 80 onwards, bnyk gila gambar etc. Tapi perkataan best tu tak sesuai, "konsert tu best nak mampuih sampai nak pecah kepala!" baru sesuai. :D




ha,ha..x reti ambo nok complain pasal accent demo tuh..awk ni gi ke x konsert tu?ok la..best giler!!:LOL:
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Sori le...aku tauler ko orang Kelanteh. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


Apa salahnyer speaking? XD


ibelieveinmuse, thanks to Muse's influence, I listen to ALL kinds of music now. Genres are unimportant to me, I just like anything that sounds good. They've really opened up my mind when it comes to listening to music.


I listen to rock, pop, metal, some rap, oldies, funk, soul, Malay songs, ska, psychedelia, grunge, classical, nu-metal, progressive, indie. Music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s till now. Underground, mainstream. EVERYTHING (that sounds good). :D

ala...bukannye ape..tapi,kite ni kan sesama org malaysia so,cakap la melayu baru la omputih2 tu tau yg peminat muse dari malaysia ni tahu guna bahasa sendiri...x salah nk cakp english pon!!knape?ingat dia sorang ke pandai speaking?:indiff:
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thank God ur straight! then i wont have to compete with u too! :LOL:


and i think i can accept Tom Kirk but not Dominic the manager, lol! he looks old and kinda short too :LOL: well Matt is short but...he's Matt!!!

well,awk ni tinggi macm omputih ke sampai nk kata Matteh tu pendek?hi,hi..dia tu cute!:p
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yeah..i tend to overanalyse things a bit. music is such a huge part of my life.i dont wanna sound so depressing or sentimental like that but at one point, music actually saved me from ruining my own life. but it's such a shame when i look at my students now, they tend to listen to music that they think is cool among their friends or some even ikut2 sajer and not actually knowing what the songs mean. i mean the govt has their own reasons why they haf this prejudice towards rock music and likes to label almost every single hard rock music ( muse included at some point :rolleyes: ) as black metal.. becoz a lot of kids these days dont actually now wat they're listening to.. those kids who like punk and chose to be skinheads wif tight jeans and weird hair dos and pierced belly or tongue or watever.. some of 'em dont even understand wat they listen to.. they're just following a trend. i'm not saying all of 'em tho. coz i noe some great kids who play honest music in their band. maybe they're a bit immature but they're still young and i noe they can improve. oops.. yet another rant. dunno why, but i'm just in ranting mood these couple of days ;)




lol! memang konsert tu best nak mampuih.. sampai nak pecah telinger pun ader.


we're the same age as matt, actually! dom's a year older but he doesnt look like he's 30 at all!


my first album : purple by STP (a cassete) worked my arse off to haf enuf money to buy it! i bought that NKOTB album as well haha!!:$


EDIT: ibelieveinmuse, i bought mika's album as well last copule of weeks! and i just love, love it. but i just recently bought a mohram cd. so that's my latest cd that i bought.

emm,,betul tu..dommeh tu x nampak macm 30 pown!!:LOL:
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Sori la.....I tak berapa fasih cakap Melayu berbanding ngan Bahasa Omputih. I more comfortable ngan speaking la.


I was raised to speak English since I learned how to talk and only started learning Malay when I was 10. So, I tak natural sangat.


Takpe...I masih patriotik la. :p

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Sori la.....I tak berapa fasih cakap Melayu berbanding ngan Bahasa Omputih. I more comfortable ngan speaking la.


I was raised to speak English since I learned how to talk and only started learning Malay when I was 10. So, I tak natural sangat.


Takpe...I masih patriotik la. :p

awk bukan org melayu ke?camne la bleh lewat belajar cakp melayu?

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