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btw, is anyone gonna contribute to the Matt scrapbook project?


haha, don't kill me.. but i might be too proud to kiss someone's ass (not even nme's hottest male) too much that he deserves zillions and zillions of scrapbooks..



:$ oh okay, hm, i'll think about it..

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haha, don't kill me.. but i might be too proud to kiss someone's ass (not even nme's hottest male) too much that he deserves zillions and zillions of scrapbooks..



:$ oh okay, hm, i'll think about it..


lol i dunno if i should. he has toooo many scrapbooks already, at least i'm assuming so. i'd rather contribute to the Dom one! or the Chris one again! give em more credit la. Matt has enough already :p

if i were gonna contribute to the Matt one though, i'd prolly just copy and paste the map of M'sia, draw a huge circle on it and write "COME, PLAY A GIG HERE AGAIN, AND TRY THE NASI LEMAK PLEASE" or something like that. :LOL: got that idea from someone who posted in that matt scrapbook thread, minus the nasi lemak part :p

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lol i dunno if i should. he has toooo many scrapbooks already, at least i'm assuming so. i'd rather contribute to the Dom one! or the Chris one again! give em more credit la. Matt has enough already :p

if i were gonna contribute to the Matt one though, i'd prolly just copy and paste the map of M'sia, draw a huge circle on it and write "COME, PLAY A GIG HERE AGAIN, AND TRY THE NASI LEMAK PLEASE" or something like that. :LOL: got that idea from someone who posted in that matt scrapbook thread, minus the nasi lemak part :p


ooohh, well we should tweak it a bit to make it original..


u and me and whoever else should come up with a graphic or something (like u said but not the map thing since it'll probably be used) showing malaysia... then u can point out nasi lemak

i can use the exact same picture but point out ikan bakar of jalan bellamy..

somebody else can point out some other cool stuff of malaysia..

if we do that with many many pages then perhaps matt will be suitably terpengaruh and come back here for us!

oh, plus you know, he owes us a trip to pulau sipadan :p


edit: am i so un-nationalistic that i can't even think of any place or thing that is irresistibly malaysia? i know i'd miss the sambal belacan if i leave malaysia, but is that it?


edit: why not just gib matty a birthday present?

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btw, is anyone gonna contribute to the Matt scrapbook project?


eh? really ker? more scrapbook for matt.. hopefully he'll appreciate it more than the way chris does.. :erm:



trust muse fans to become overly possessive.. :p of course i am also sometimes guilty of claiming i'm an avid fan of good charlotte :p (insert appropriately cool band here) where in fact all i know is one song..


edit: am i so un-nationalistic that i can't even think of any place or thing that is irresistibly malaysia? i know i'd miss the sambal belacan if i leave malaysia, but is that it?


edit: why not just gib matty a birthday present?


erm.. something uniquely malaysian eh?? 24 hours mamak stalls wif huge LCD screen projecting EPL all the time? all the food and the awesome pulau perhentian (which i'm hoping to go to this schoool holidays..). sure u dont care bout all of those things now.. but wait till u leave the country... woke up in the middle of the night craving for a roti canai..


he'll sure get loads of birthday presents..

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erm.. something uniquely malaysian eh?? 24 hours mamak stalls wif huge LCD screen projecting EPL all the time? all the food and the awesome pulau perhentian (which i'm hoping to go to this schoool holidays..). sure u dont care bout all of those things now.. but wait till u leave the country... woke up in the middle of the night craving for a roti canai..


he'll sure get loads of birthday presents..



hahah...mamak stalls rule..;)


eh, im goin to perhentian in july:happy: ...when'll u be going?

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erm.. something uniquely malaysian eh?? 24 hours mamak stalls wif huge LCD screen projecting EPL all the time? all the food and the awesome pulau perhentian (which i'm hoping to go to this schoool holidays..). sure u dont care bout all of those things now.. but wait till u leave the country... woke up in the middle of the night craving for a roti canai..


haha, i bet matt's not interested in football.. :rolleyes:

uhu, i wanna roti canai now!

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Pfff, I've been a Muse fanatic for 4 years now, I'm not a bandwagon-jumper like these other posers. Most people listen to certain music cuz it's trendy, not because of any genuine artistic merit.


I used to tell my friends years ago, OMG you gotta listen to Muse!! And they'd be like, uh yeah whatever. Now they come back to me saying they love the band when their song's on heavy rotation on Hitz.fm.


Most people can only genuinely appreciate something when it becomes popular. That's how people think. Oh well.

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Pfff, I've been a Muse fanatic for 4 years now, I'm not a bandwagon-jumper like these other posers. Most people listen to certain music cuz it's trendy, not because of any genuine artistic merit.


I used to tell my friends years ago, OMG you gotta listen to Muse!! And they'd be like, uh yeah whatever. Now they come back to me saying they love the band when their song's on heavy rotation on Hitz.fm.


Most people can only genuinely appreciate something when it becomes popular. That's how people think. Oh well.


i've never seen u post here....ur new? but ur join date doesnt say so :D

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I post occasionally. I have been obsessed with this band since Absolution, I have all their CDs and DVDs. My computer has too many videos of them. I play almost all their songs on guitar, drums, piano and bass. Matt's lyrics have influenced me in so many ways, I can easily relate to certain things he says.


My friends always used to say Muse "tak sedap la" last time, now they come back saying how good they are once they've become popular. :rolleyes:

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^ well i know he/she never posts in here, but i've seen him around banter as well as main muse.. in fact, just this evening i quoted him i think sumwhere.. lol, obv no shortage of malaysian fans here


edit: of course now ur friends like muse.. whoever doesn't like muse now will be perceived as uncool and shit haha, now i wish i don't like muse just so i could be different, but i guess sume orang dah obsessed

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I'm not trying to be "different", I'm just saying most people have absolutely sh!t taste in music. I'm still obsessed with Muse. I'm actually glad local radio is playing Muse instead of that RnB rubbish we used to get all the time. It's about time popularity in rap music died a slow, painful death.


I don't care if music's mainstream or not, as long as it's genuinely good. Radio just tends to play crap music, that's all.


A better appreciation of good music should be cultivated among Malaysians. I swear, all those years of people liking rap music was so excruciating for folks like me.

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I'm not trying to be "different", I'm just saying most people have absolutely sh!t taste in music. I'm still obsessed with Muse. I'm actually glad local radio is playing Muse instead of that RnB rubbish we used to get all the time. It's about time popularity in rap music died a slow, painful death.


I don't care if music's mainstream or not, as long as it's genuinely good. Radio just tends to play crap music, that's all.


A better appreciation of good music should be cultivated among Malaysians. I swear, all those years of people liking rap music was so excruciating for folks like me.


gah.. i hate being the same.. i wish everybody else would forget muse came to malaysia and continues on with pcd.. go nicole!

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i've never seen u post here....ur new? but ur join date doesnt say so :D

lol he used to post here! a long time ago, back when it was just me, vspirit, crazy_mary and nutcracker posting in here.


... speaking of, what happened to vspirit?? :confused:



yeah i agree. i hate the fact muse is getting so much airplay now. i doubt i'd be as obsessed as i am right now, if they got nonstop airplay looong ago. i hate to say it, but Muse is getting overrated. maybe not as overrated as GC or LP, but they're getting there. and i haaaaaate it.

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hahah...mamak stalls rule..;)

eh, im goin to perhentian in july:happy: ...when'll u be going?


yeah.. mamak stalls rule!! so meriah watching football there... macam kat stadium minus the teh tarik :LOL: am going early june, final week of school hols. woot! cant wait!


they r coming to korea AGAIN???!!! :'( why why why cant they come back to KL!!! :'(


bleh... damn jelesss lar..:stunned:


A better appreciation of good music should be cultivated among Malaysians. I swear, all those years of people liking rap music was so excruciating for folks like me.


lol! u really hate rap eh? all this buzz around muse will go away once LP new album is out ..hopefully.. am getting tired of receiving posters and lyrics of muse's starlight from my students as gifts. they only noe that one song! am cultivating good tastes of music among 'em..;)


... speaking of, what happened to vspirit?? :confused:


been wondering the same thing.. kinda miss her..


okay, am sharing something light hearted since u guys r talking about some serious issues here... i finally had a muse dream!! yeay!! got a hug and kisses from matt. he even mentioned he just loooove teachers.. and dom was wearing blue pants.. swear to god am going mental all over again over muse! :D

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Linkin Park is allright. ANYTHING BUT RAP!!! Bleaargrhh.


i thought they rap as well? heh. anyway, i don't lyk rap either, but i think you should appreciate the fact that diff ppl hav diff tastes in music..it might be shite to us, but what we like is probably shite to them too..


another thing, as much as i try spreading good music around ppl i noe, they get too easily influenced by what they hear being played in mass rotation on sHitz, MTV etc. personally, i liken them to ducks being force fed to make foie gras..

they absorb whatever's topping the charts at the moment and turn into tasteless consumers who end up making untalented, undeserving musicians richer.


;) jz my dua sen.

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okay, am sharing something light hearted since u guys r talking about some serious issues here... i finally had a muse dream!! yeay!! got a hug and kisses from matt. he even mentioned he just loooove teachers.. and dom was wearing blue pants.. swear to god am going mental all over again over muse! :D



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okay, am sharing something light hearted since u guys r talking about some serious issues here... i finally had a muse dream!! yeay!! got a hug and kisses from matt. he even mentioned he just loooove teachers.. and dom was wearing blue pants.. swear to god am going mental all over again over muse! :D


lol congrats on your first muse dream! its about time!! haha. no chris in your dream? :( damn it why couldnt dom wear his yellow/pink pants?? lolol :LOL:

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i thought they rap as well? heh. anyway, i don't lyk rap either, but i think you should appreciate the fact that diff ppl hav diff tastes in music..it might be shite to us, but what we like is probably shite to them too..


another thing, as much as i try spreading good music around ppl i noe, they get too easily influenced by what they hear being played in mass rotation on sHitz, MTV etc. personally, i liken them to ducks being force fed to make foie gras..

they absorb whatever's topping the charts at the moment and turn into tasteless consumers who end up making untalented, undeserving musicians richer.


;) jz my dua sen.


yeah..mike shinoda raps for LP like zack de la rocha raps for rage (diff types of rap la of course) and the beasties, they rap in most of their songs.. but i think these types of

mc-ing is different than eminem and erm.. who else eh? dunno la..50 cent?


+1 yeah de7ilznite, zy is rite.. different peeps like diff taste of music. but i cant stand most of rap n r&b songs as well, especially their vids wif all those sexy women being treated like objects rather than human beings wif dignity.. :mad:




oooo.. do i sense jealousy there?? :LOL: i'm kinda embarrased to tell actually.. dreaming about ém is one sign of obsession wif muse!


lol congrats on your first muse dream! its about time!! haha. no chris in your dream? :( damn it why couldnt dom wear his yellow/pink pants?? lolol :LOL:


LOL thanks! it is about time! but it was quite weird coz i was listening to mika before i went to sleep last night thinking how good dom would look like if he wears the green pants that mika was wearing :D and chris was in my dream as well actually.. but for some unknown reasons he kept saying "jesus!!".. haha.. dunno why... dreams are always weird.


shannaz just told me that matt's birthday is next month.. i didnt noe that.:$ and shannaz, did u get the address?


a while back someone mentioned about cromox? my bro told me there's an old vid of ém playing in oz in you tube. (yeah... in australia!!) and there's another band played in sheffield kekabu something. we do haf great local bands people! so check this out... its really old skool tho.


the 80s long and curly hair

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LOL thanks! it is about time! but it was quite weird coz i was listening to mika before i went to sleep last night thinking how good dom would look like if he wears the green pants that mika was wearing :D and chris was in my dream as well actually.. but for some unknown reasons he kept saying "jesus!!".. haha.. dunno why... dreams are always weird.


I LOVE MIKA!! lol his songs are all so happy i actually feel like jumping around! he resembles Matt Bellamy A LOT actually. he even wore a white shirt with black suspenders once. very Matt Bellamy.


yikes, what did you dream about exactly, until Chris had to say "Jesus"? :eek: :eek: wait i dont think i wanna know... :ninja:

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^lol. yeah i love mika too. that song love today has a very dancy-uplifting-happy vibe la.. his album is quite nice too. and yes he does remind me of matt as well becoz of the vocal range. but he sounds too freddy mercury at times.. which i love anyways.


i dont think u wanna noe the details of my dream haha!! not suitable for underage kids :D no la..it was a normal weird dream of a fan meeting muse! for some reasons which i do not noe chris was walking along my school corridor and said "jesus!" then i saw him and dom left for the aiport. and matt was left behind..really weird but i still woke up wif a smile.

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There's actually some decent, intelligent rap music out there, nothing like the rubbish you hear being played on the radio. Mainstream rap is the type I hate the most, with their crappy superficial values being promoted and all.


If you buy into this garbage, good for you. :p I can accept that people's tastes in music can vary.

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