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i agree with that..sometimes i do wish that that i was born in japan..coz have many good things there..good car, good stuff and gadjet, good babes but the most important things is the concert event there..but sometimes i think it is good to be here..i'm proud to be malaysian..hehe..malaysia boleh..chaiyok2..:LOL:


+1! i love my country.. being away for like 2 years to study abroad made me appreciate my lovely hot and humid country more.. tho japan is an interesting place to visit.


i got it from midvalley's rock corner...and my mom totally freaked out..

best part was, i took it on the lrt home...)poor lil kid couldnt get parents permission to drive:( )

u shud've seen the stares i was getting on the train ride back home..ahh, the things i would do for muse.. :happy:


LOL..:LOL: thot i was crazy.. but ur mental! how did u get it btw? did u ask while they were throwing it away? didnt noe u could do that..

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^ hehe, he may be mental, but since he showed us that it could be done..i bet tomorrow u'd see all muse cardboard whatevers in malaysia gone...

[it was like at the concert, everyone was trying to leave, me and another girl were trying to curik them posters, but it was so tightly attached, and all we manage to do was koyakkan 3 posters or so.. some guys saw us, and before we know it, all other posters were gone, damn it, and they didn't even help us (although its obvious why, we did koyakkan them 3 very precious muse posters)]..


again, u're so obviously mental.. should have taken pichas.. btw, u're a guy thank god.. that could have been seriously misused by a fanatic girl fan.. well, assuming u're not gay.


japan has lotsa bonus tracks for every single artists, i know, but it doesn't hurt either that muse likes japanese fans personally, the gadgets are cool plus that's about the only place matt can shop for men's size..


damn damn damn, we need to find something very malaysia-only-available so that muse'd tempted to come here again..'

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hey i got tix for Good Charlotte from MTV! :LOL: i guess im goin to see Good Charlotte then, not that its anything exciting but at least its something :D i wont bother to stand in front anyway, lol, there must be lotsa school kids n the so-called goth looking kids :LOL: just wanna go n rock out with some good music, dont really get much of that here!!!

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hey i got tix for Good Charlotte from MTV! :LOL: i guess im goin to see Good Charlotte then, not that its anything exciting but at least its something :D i wont bother to stand in front anyway, lol, there must be lotsa school kids n the so-called goth looking kids :LOL: just wanna go n rock out with some good music, dont really get much of that here!!!


excellent.. u won them? although tbh i don't really know which band is good charlotte.. but have fun..


edit: oh, it's the band singing "girls don't like boys girls like cars and money?", well at least some of their songs are pretty catchy so u won't get bored.

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hey i got tix for Good Charlotte from MTV! :LOL: i guess im goin to see Good Charlotte then, not that its anything exciting but at least its something :D i wont bother to stand in front anyway, lol, there must be lotsa school kids n the so-called goth looking kids :LOL: just wanna go n rock out with some good music, dont really get much of that here!!!

last week i saw thursday nite live program also giving away all the free ticket to audience who can answer their simple question..they even gave Good Charlotte CD to people..i think it is nice to listen to other groups beside MUSE..at least until the next MUSE gig in Malaysia..don't know when but really hope this coming year..

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last week i saw thursday nite live program also giving away all the free ticket to audience who can answer their simple question..they even gave Good Charlotte CD to people..i think it is nice to listen to other groups beside MUSE..at least until the next MUSE gig in Malaysia..don't know when but really hope this coming year..


Dom said they will try to come back next year but i dont think thats gonna happen! :( its just way too soon, maybe they will come back after their new album is out which is like who knows when!!! :mad: must wait for my precious to come back! :p

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i got it from midvalley's rock corner...and my mom totally freaked out..

best part was, i took it on the lrt home...)poor lil kid couldnt get parents permission to drive:( )

u shud've seen the stares i was getting on the train ride back home..ahh, the things i would do for muse.. :happy:


LOL if only i had my own room.. i'd take that cardboard thing from Rock Corner, 1 utama in a heartbeat. how did you ask for it? did you slumber ask the worker there or did you know someone personally? lol tell usss!


Dom said they will try to come back next year but i dont think thats gonna happen! :( its just way too soon, maybe they will come back after their new album is out which is like who knows when!!! :mad: must wait for my precious to come back! :p


aww man i'm still so jealous that all 3 of you could speak to Dom... DOM OF ALL PEOPLE! he's our precious ok! sharing is caring after all :D

i wish they'd come back next year.. i really do. cause thats when i'l be able to drive, i'll be in college and er... yeah, more freedom la basically. thats IF i dont get chosen for ns :ninja:

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^dom's not coming back next year, neither is chris.. only matt and me off to pulau sipadan..


*shoot, i'm not supposed to tell u guys that*

NOOOO you MUST convince matt to bring dom along. chris can spend time with his family. O_O then when dom comes along, we could have a road trip. heck yeah.

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i must say.. my students first introduce me to the smiths.:D which is kinda nice. and There Is A Light That Never Goes Out u sent me is quite interesting lyrically.. kinda remind me of a poem by emily dickinson 'a certain slant of light' which deals wif similar ideas of death and light. but the difference is that the song has a kinda contentment feel to it, compared to dickinson's rather mellow tone.


and hey weresodisco, as a placebo fan, wat do u think about 'em slagging of muse?


thanks for the lyrics commentary! appreciate it. I'll have to send u the song next then. Beautiful!


What exactly did Molko say about Muse? Oh dear, I dread that this should come from him. I'm against the idea of bands slagging off other bands (unless they are really bad). I respect both bands. I feel whatever that Molko said, it was kinda "spur of the moment" - things that you say because you were emotional at that time, but didn't really mean it.

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thanks for the lyrics commentary! appreciate it. I'll have to send u the song next then. Beautiful!


What exactly did Molko say about Muse? Oh dear, I dread that this should come from him. I'm against the idea of bands slagging off other bands (unless they are really bad). I respect both bands. I feel whatever that Molko said, it was kinda "spur of the moment" - things that you say because you were emotional at that time, but didn't really mean it.

but according to what the boarders said in the thread, Molko or Placebo in general has been slagging off Muse a long time now. dunno why though :(

you're against the idea of bands slagging of other bands? lol tell that to Oasis. they slag off EVERY band there is.

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NOOOO you MUST convince matt to bring dom along. chris can spend time with his family. O_O then when dom comes along, we could have a road trip. heck yeah.


matt says we'll see.. if we bring dom we'll need sum girl to tag along as well... hmm.. wanna join?


What exactly did Molko say about Muse? Oh dear, I dread that this should come from him. I'm against the idea of bands slagging off other bands (unless they are really bad). I respect both bands. I feel whatever that Molko said, it was kinda "spur of the moment" - things that you say because you were emotional at that time, but didn't really mean it.


but according to what the boarders said in the thread, Molko or Placebo in general has been slagging off Muse a long time now. dunno why though :(

you're against the idea of bands slagging of other bands? lol tell that to Oasis. they slag off EVERY band there is.


muse slags mcr, placebo slags muse, oasis slags everybody... radiohead might be the only nice guy.. but i think a lot of people hates muse for some reason.. i mean, foreigners adore muse obv (especially US, they just adore matt), but i've heard that in UK some bands really really do hate them for some reasons..

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matt says we'll see.. if we bring dom we'll need sum girl to tag along as well... hmm.. wanna join?






muse slags mcr, placebo slags muse, oasis slags everybody... radiohead might be the only nice guy.. but i think a lot of people hates muse for some reason.. i mean, foreigners adore muse obv (especially US, they just adore matt), but i've heard that in UK some bands really really do hate them for some reasons..


gladly :happy:


muse slag mcr off? really? i thought they just made a joke about the mcr fans? all i know is that muse slag bands off if provoked only. so if placebo slags muse off first, muse slags them off after that.

i have a friend who disses muse a lot to me. probably just to annoy me and to seem 'cool' to think that muse is such a boring band because they're too 'slow'. he's into slipknot and all that heavy metal stuff. i've mentioned him before on this thread in the earlier pages actually. he really really seriously annoys the shit out of me :mad:


why are we usinig the term slag anyway? lol we're malaysians! not brits! :LOL:

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why are we usinig the term slag anyway? lol we're malaysians! not brits! :LOL:


yeah you "twat"..


p/s.. oh right.. that's not slagging? i thought it was an obvious crack about how mcr fans don't know real music


edit: i hate the fact that muse made popular the word cheers.. dang, i've never even thought such word could be considered cool.. normally i just laugh at people who says cheers

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yeah you "twat"..


p/s.. oh right.. that's not slagging? i thought it was an obvious crack about how mcr fans don't know real music


edit: i hate the fact that muse made popular the word cheers.. dang, i've never even thought such word could be considered cool.. normally i just laugh at people who says cheers

lol thanks to muse, i now like the word cheers. i think its very cute :) and it reminds me a lot of dom actually. hehheh. still up for the road trip with matt and dom? :LOL:


... damn i cant think of any other brit terms besides "slag" and "twat" :$

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lol thanks to muse, i now like the word cheers. i think its very cute :) and it reminds me a lot of dom actually. hehheh. still up for the road trip with matt and dom? :LOL:


... damn i cant think of any other brit terms besides "slag" and "twat" :$


both terms courtesy of the muse board.. hmm, i know of no non-muse related brit terms... lol, all i know is that whenever i mimick british people i use lots of "actually", "reckon" and "honestly"..


yeah, the road trip is on.. chris is jealous though.. crying plus the fact that he's having the flu.. must remind matt to find him a present.. dom says he wants ur picture :LOL: .. 8by6 inches those mail-order-bride-esque-like ones...


"actually," we've taken our holiday with muse fantasy a wee bit too seriously "i reckon"

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both terms courtesy of the muse board.. hmm, i know of no non-muse related brit terms... lol, all i know is that whenever i mimick british people i use lots of "actually", "reckon" and "honestly"..


yeah, the road trip is on.. chris is jealous though.. crying plus the fact that he's having the flu.. must remind matt to find him a present.. dom says he wants ur picture :LOL: .. 8by6 inches those mail-order-bride-esque-like ones...


"actually," we've taken our holiday with muse fantasy a wee bit too seriously "i reckon"


lol yeah me too. whenever i want to immitate british people, i'd put on my extremely-fake-british-accent and i'd think of words like 'reckon' and such. actually sounds a bit american to me, and i use it quite a lot so its normal for me i guess :LOL:


aww chris can come along if he wants to. we could tour around the malaysian islands! like pangkor, redang, pinang (lol) and stuff!

dom could play the bongos, matt can play the ukeleli (sp?) and chris can.. play another ukeleli! :LOL:


i 'honestly' dont know where all this wild imagination came from. i 'reckon' it came from uh, .. lurking around the PMT/PDT for too long! :p

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hey i got tix for Good Charlotte from MTV! :LOL: i guess im goin to see Good Charlotte then, not that its anything exciting but at least its something :D i wont bother to stand in front anyway, lol, there must be lotsa school kids n the so-called goth looking kids :LOL: just wanna go n rock out with some good music, dont really get much of that here!!!


yeah.. i've just picked up 2 passes as well. digi is being generous now, got free shirt some more. there'll sure be lots of school kids..come to think of it, i'm not sure i wanna go or not now..


thanks for the lyrics commentary! appreciate it. I'll have to send u the song next then. Beautiful!


What exactly did Molko say about Muse? Oh dear, I dread that this should come from him. I'm against the idea of bands slagging off other bands (unless they are really bad). I respect both bands. I feel whatever that Molko said, it was kinda "spur of the moment" - things that you say because you were emotional at that time, but didn't really mean it.


o please.. do send me the lyrics. i love analysing lyrics and texts esp if u haf the chance to relate 'em to the author's biography. it'll just change ur first impression of reading 'em. i dunno exactly wat molko said.. actually, i dunno wat's all the deal wif placedo dissing muse. just thot that u knew about it and mite wanna talk about it. but i think deb kinda explained it a bit. plus, its kinda normal for bands to talk about other bands.


edit: i hate the fact that muse made popular the word cheers.. dang, i've never even thought such word could be considered cool.. normally i just laugh at people who says cheers


i dont think muse made popular the word 'cheers' (???) i've heard of it before. its kinda common word to be used isnt it? instead of saying thanks, cheers sounds more casual.


just keep on dreaming...dreaming, dreaming...(mimicking dory)..

just kidding, girls!:D


LOL. no harm in dreaming eh?

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LOL..:LOL: thot i was crazy.. but ur mental! how did u get it btw? did u ask while they were throwing it away? didnt noe u could do that..


i asked a couple of days before the concert actually, using the excuse that the tickets are already sold out and there's no point having that there..;)



^ hehe, he may be mental, but since he showed us that it could be done..i bet tomorrow u'd see all muse cardboard whatevers in malaysia gone...


again, u're so obviously mental.. should have taken pichas.. btw, u're a guy thank god.. that could have been seriously misused by a fanatic girl fan.. well, assuming u're not gay.


lol. i did..didnt u see them posing for me in my room? hahah..misused? *tsk tsk*



LOL if only i had my own room.. i'd take that cardboard thing from Rock Corner, 1 utama in a heartbeat. how did you ask for it? did you slumber ask the worker there or did you know someone personally? lol tell usss!


nah, i didnt noe any of em workers..my crazy fren and i jz walked up and tried striking a conversation on some albums we were looking for..before slowly shifting to the muse concert...then the cutout thingie..:p we reasoned that they didnt need it anymore to promote the selling of tix since it was already sold out..:happy:



lol thanks to muse, i now like the word cheers. i think its very cute :) and it reminds me a lot of dom actually. hehheh.


... damn i cant think of any other brit terms besides "slag" and "twat" :$


hahah, thanks to dom, i now like the word knackered..:)



yeah.. i've just picked up 2 passes as well. digi is being generous now, got free shirt some more. there'll sure be lots of school kids..come to think of it, i'm not sure i wanna go or not now..


yea, i got mine at times square too...are you gonna go??

cos i gave my tix to a desperate hardcore fren already! she's a big GC fan and has been trying to get tix since the stone age so i thought i might as well give it to someone who will enjoy the concert more than me..:)

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what the... everybody's getting free tickets now?


why didn't this happen during the muse concert? why??


kak faz, cheers may be common, but i've always thought it sounded a bit silly really.. it's like going around saying peace every few places you go to.. but then muse said it, so now it's cool.. lol


deb, i reckon it's ukelele (i know how to spell but i've got no clue how to pronounce it.. is it the way u spelt it?)


btw, u ignored the fact that dom says he'll only go if u post a picture of urself.. :p


look! he's lurking here right now! ah, gone, :(

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kak faz, cheers may be common, but i've always thought it sounded a bit silly really.. it's like going around saying peace every few places you go to.. but then muse said it, so now it's cool.. lol



I always thot that cheers meant to have a good day - something you say upon ending a conversation or an alternative for saying goodbye. Actually, Cherioo (goodbye) would be even more English. Haha.

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yeah.. i've just picked up 2 passes as well. digi is being generous now, got free shirt some more. there'll sure be lots of school kids..come to think of it, i'm not sure i wanna go or not now..




k.faz! lets go lets go lets go!!! at least i wont get bored in the middle of the gig! :LOL: we can talk abt MUSE together there, lol! :musesign:

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