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yeah that one! but how do i find it on the DVD itself?! :LOL:


shannaz, lol, i just got my hand on the dvd as well.. apparently it plays real easy on wmp.. the vid is of the blurry word muse


edit : i know ur post is wayyyyyyy ages ago... but i just got the dvd so wudn't hurt to just mention it

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i knew it was a joke! but a part of me was scared that it wasnt.. until i changed my av. GAH. bloody hell. they pwned us good...



LOL. tell me about it. i rushed out to buy a stack of cds to copy all the songs, vspirit vids and pix from this board. i was bloody convinced that they gonna pull microcuts down. it was a good prank anyways.. :LOL: i think ur new avatar is really nice.


does anyone know who is sofia proll btw? the mods tend to be quite secretive..its kinda difficult to believe she's really warner's lawyer.


rite, for those who r interested.. chester will b arriving at klia 2morow.. *teringat plak my muse stalking mission*

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does anyone know who is sofia proll btw? the mods tend to be quite secretive..its kinda difficult to believe she's really warner's lawyer.

rite, for those who r interested.. chester will b arriving at klia 2morow.. *teringat plak my muse stalking mission*


i bet she/he is a dan brown's fan,

sofia proll=april fools

my friend from indonesian messageboard did "break" the anagram.


cheers from a guy next door :)

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n to miele..i read ur report on muse's gig..mann that was great!!..it reminds me of the concert


DisturbedAngeL: Yeah, that was great right? But kumprinx wrote it, not me. Ii's like therapy I tell ya, whenever I get angau over "Abang Matt's" performance.


April Fool = (Sofia Proll) joke: gud one, and great instincts to those who suspected something fishy...heheh.


On other (really ancient) news, how sad that the Bangkok Rock Festival (with Muse etc) was cancelled due to the alcohol-sponsor ban. How strange that Malaysia (tiger sponsored n all) ok la pulak. (Will shut up now before I jinx things).



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DisturbedAngeL: Yeah, that was great right? But kumprinx wrote it, not me. Ii's like therapy I tell ya, whenever I get angau over "Abang Matt's" performance.




ohoo i thot it was u who wrote it..:$ yeah, damn great..:LOL:

n..finally i read somewhere in the newspaper that chester is coming..uhuhuhuh..


chester@tower records,klcc @ 3pm..uwaaa...sok keje...xle g..uwaaaa!!!!!!!!!~too late for a leave application..uhuhuhuhuh:(

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Ala kesiannya xdpt pi.I'm not really a fan but can paham your frustration la.


This is all I can help you with:




Check back esok2, mana la tau they get some interview clip thingy or something. Junk mag website were one of the first (or the only) to post Muse's interview. (Remember when some lady asked them is it easy to get chicks when you're in a rock band?). No? never mind then, I terover ramah.

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LOL. tell me about it. i rushed out to buy a stack of cds to copy all the songs, vspirit vids and pix from this board. i was bloody convinced that they gonna pull microcuts down. it was a good prank anyways.. :LOL: i think ur new avatar is really nice.


does anyone know who is sofia proll btw? the mods tend to be quite secretive..its kinda difficult to believe she's really warner's lawyer.


rite, for those who r interested.. chester will b arriving at klia 2morow.. *teringat plak my muse stalking mission*


i bet she/he is a dan brown's fan,

sofia proll=april fools

my friend from indonesian messageboard did "break" the anagram.


cheers from a guy next door :)


lol i dont think sofia proll exists. she was just a name made from april fool's. i bet its one of the mods.. :eek: i dont think she'd logged in ever since april 1st/2nd.. lol


wait, so chester is in m'sia already? when is he gonna be at tower recods klcc? tonight? today? :eek:


edit: ok nvm i checked. he's gonna be at klcc TOMORROW! :O meh. i wish i could drive. and thanks crazy_mary, i think its pretty too :D but i'm tempted to change it back to Dom... after all, he's pretty too :happy:

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aku suka banget outro glastonbury...happening banget...aku suka banget lihat chris let out soulnya....aww..too much reading on indon thread...bahasa nya elok banget utk di baca...heeeee.....teringin banget lihatnya gitu di m'sia...ok...im signing out yeh!...banyak banget "bangetnya".....heeeeee!

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Ala kesiannya xdpt pi.I'm not really a fan but can paham your frustration la.


This is all I can help you with:




Check back esok2, mana la tau they get some interview clip thingy or something. Junk mag website were one of the first (or the only) to post Muse's interview. (Remember when some lady asked them is it easy to get chicks when you're in a rock band?). No? never mind then, I terover ramah.


Bored? This should help (giggles):



Never fails to amuse me.

thanx sooo much for both links..1st the link bout chester..wlupon sikit je the story..but it still ok for me.. :D n the 2nd link..man!!our 'abang matt' got shorter hair compared to the last gig..:LOL: but still look gorgeous tho..:D


>.< AngeL

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No problem, Abang Matt is for sharing.


our 'abang matt' got shorter hair compared to the last gig.. but still look gorgeous tho..


It's great when you can pinpoint specifically what looks good, ;) I just go phwoar when I see him, and he ain't even my type! Must be the awesome coat-wearing-guitar-playing-weird-shuffling-rock god hand posing thing then. :D


aww..too much reading on indon thread...bahasa nya elok banget utk di baca...heeeee.....teringin banget lihatnya gitu di m'sia


Hi bidadari! Lho pingin liat bahasa kayak gmana di m'sia? (hehe did i just butcher the Indo language?). Ampun! :) Just curious, maybe we can learn something from our fellow Indo Muse fans.

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i bet she/he is a dan brown's fan,

sofia proll=april fools

my friend from indonesian messageboard did "break" the anagram.


cheers from a guy next door :)


some peeps were saying that she might be matt. it would b cool if that is true!:D good to c u thinkandestroy, come n visit ur neighbour more often!;)



wait, so chester is in m'sia already? when is he gonna be at tower recods klcc? tonight? today? :eek:


edit: ok nvm i checked. he's gonna be at klcc TOMORROW! :O meh. i wish i could drive. and thanks crazy_mary, i think its pretty too :D but i'm tempted to change it back to Dom... after all, he's pretty too :happy:


chaz really looked good in person i must say. it was havoc at tower records. couldnt believe people would pre-order the album like one month in advance just to get his autograph. hardcore LP fan tul diorang. but, he was soooo sweet. :happy: i had more fun at the BMW pitt lane park then at tower records since i couldnt get his sig coz i was broke and had no money to pre-order the album..


LOL that sounds weird, dom is pretty?


Bored? This should help (giggles):



Never fails to amuse me.


:LOL: love the TIRO shuffle..


@bidadari : wooh.. ur bahasa indonesia is good. u watch too many of those indonesian soap operas on tv is it?

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thanx sooo much for both links..1st the link bout chester..wlupon sikit je the story..but it still ok for me.. :D n the 2nd link..man!!our 'abang matt' got shorter hair compared to the last gig..:LOL: but still look gorgeous tho..:D


>.< AngeL


whoa. you've never seen matt with hair that short before? :eek: then have you seen him with red/blue/blonde/brown hair?


some peeps were saying that she might be matt. it would b cool if that is true!:D good to c u thinkandestroy, come n visit ur neighbour more often!;)





chaz really looked good in person i must say. it was havoc at tower records. couldnt believe people would pre-order the album like one month in advance just to get his autograph. hardcore LP fan tul diorang. but, he was soooo sweet. :happy: i had more fun at the BMW pitt lane park then at tower records since i couldnt get his sig coz i was broke and had no money to pre-order the album..


LOL that sounds weird, dom is pretty?




:LOL: love the TIRO shuffle..


@bidadari : wooh.. ur bahasa indonesia is good. u watch too many of those indonesian soap operas on tv is it?


wow you went?? damn i wish i could've gone. does he have a mohawk now or still his normal old hair? i think i'm the only person in m'sia who has not heard their latest single yet. :stunned: my friends have been saying "wah they play that new song on the radio SOOO many times" but i STILL havent heard that song yet!


lol yeah dom is pretty :LOL: he's a pretty boy! haha. ok he's a hot pretty boy. kinda like matt too. chris is quite hot too, actually. i never noticed, until i had to hunt for his pics for the Chris Scrapbook project.


eh? there's a difference in bahasa indonesia and bm?? i thought they were all the same? only the pronounciation was different, like bm's cuba and indon's coba. :confused:



oh btw, what skin are you guys using??

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if people think the proll girl is matt, it's probably just wishful thinking.. its just a joke on part of the admin peeps.. i'm guessing even tom wasn't in on the joke, they simply used his name, and covered the fact that he was never online on that day with the simple "he sent it via email" excuse..


thanks to the vids above for posting.. never bored of watching them again and again and again..


luvs, i haven't heard of their new song as well... they have a new album coming out?


btw debbie, i'm guessing indon and bm aren't too different, simply based on the fact that bidadari simply added "banget" every 3 words or so + some english sprinkled here and there + bm baku and already somebody have commented that his endon is good.. so basically, 3 foolproof formula for success to Endon


i really really am chronically bored right now... anybody who has any knowledge of economics do you have time to help me out? i took up this subject "law and economics" that i now regret so i need somebody to freeking now help me with them unsensical theories...

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still in muse's fever..

even though d concert has past a month ago...

tell me.how could i reduce the craziness of muse after they performed here..

its getting even more worst than i thought b4..

couldnt get myself forget it

in every mins n seconds..


d only thing that come in my mind is..

MUSE...plZ come back here...

we, fans luv ya much..

cravin to see you again..

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Hi bidadari! Lho pingin liat bahasa kayak gmana di m'sia? (hehe did i just butcher the Indo language?). Ampun! :) Just curious, maybe we can learn something from our fellow Indo Muse fans.

can u translate the word means??..not-so-into indo's soap operas..thats explain why i cant understand that..uuhuhu


chaz really looked good in person i must say. it was havoc at tower records. couldnt believe people would pre-order the album like one month in advance just to get his autograph. hardcore LP fan tul diorang. but, he was soooo sweet. :happy: i had more fun at the BMW pitt lane park then at tower records since i couldnt get his sig coz i was broke and had no money to pre-order the album..

whoaa..u went to tower record n saw chaz in person??then i envy u..:(


whoa. you've never seen matt with hair that short before? :eek: then have you seen him with red/blue/blonde/brown hair?

ermm..i saw it before..but i cant really remember it..i have many things in mind in this past 2 years..forgive me..:D


eh? there's a difference in bahasa indonesia and bm?? i thought they were all the same? only the pronounciation was different, like bm's cuba and indon's coba. :confused:

yeah..there are differences between bm's n indo's..like..'sangat' in indo is 'banget'..n bla bla..this indo language issue reminds me of a friend of mine.her mom is an indonesian n lived in japan.back in malaysia, she cant even speak malay.she only speaks in indo,english & japs..n i met her juz last week n she was like..hey peeps,my bahasa is better than u guys!!*laughed out loud!*..n i was like..hahha..boasting!!..:LOL:



still in muse's fever..

even though d concert has past a month ago...

tell me.how could i reduce the craziness of muse after they performed here..

its getting even more worst than i thought b4..

couldnt get myself forget it

in every mins n seconds..


d only thing that come in my mind is..

MUSE...plZ come back here...

we, fans luv ya much..

cravin to see you again..

ehehehe..ur PMS is still there..uhuhuhu..mine is getting low..but everytime i watch muse's clip or listen to their song, the PMS will re-appear..:LOL: aiye,cant help it loh..;)

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Lho pingin liat bahasa kayak gmana di m'sia?


:D DisturbedAngeL, sorry for the confusion,what I wanted to say was what sort of / what quality of BM bidadari want to see us use on the M'sian forum. I just wanted to try some Indo slang but dono if I butchered it! Ada ngefans MuseIndo bisa repair ayat gue?;)


yeah..there are differences between bm's n indo's..like..'sangat' in indo is 'banget'..n bla bla..this indo language issue reminds me of a friend of mine.her mom is an indonesian n lived in japan.back in malaysia, she cant even speak malay.she only speaks in indo,english & japs..n i met her juz last week n she was like..hey peeps,my bahasa is better than u guys!!*laughed out loud!*..n i was like..hahha..boasting!!..


Cool anecdote! It's interesting to hear Indonesians speak. Come by more often neighbours! :)


d only thing that come in my mind is..

MUSE...plZ come back here...

we, fans luv ya much..

cravin to see you again..


:LOL: I reaalllyy understand how you feel, same here. Other non-Muse fans run away whenever i start to 'selit' Muse-related stuff into the conversation. It's gone so bad sampai dah spoil my taste for other music (except the Untouchables i.e. Dewa n the Beatles). Chester etc pun aku dah takleh layan.


really really am chronically bored right now... anybody who has any knowledge of economics do you have time to help me out? i took up this subject "law and economics" that i now regret so i need somebody to freeking now help me with them unsensical theories...


Erm, law and econs? Heheh I did the subject in 1999 la dear, dah karat. So far as I remember masa buat the subject kat Uitm, i try to "imagine" how the concepts work and try to see the practical aspects. Then it sticks in your mind. But holler ja la kalau nak tanya.The bad news for you is, it's totally not related to the actual work of being a lawyer! Well for me anyway.

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