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Yup. No trading involve. Well, I dun wanna make money out of it, if you can send me a blank DVD and a self adressed envelope, that will do. :)

whoaaa...what a nice nice monyet...can i get any of it??--->since u said no trading involved...or..can i get both??:$ if can, juz lemme knoe ur address, then i'll send DVDs for u to burn..can i??:$

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wow where did you get those from? pasar malam ke? lol do you want to sell instead of trade? :D i have the Hullabaloo DVD, but i dont intend to sell/trade it anytime soon...




lol i can imagine matt going "heeheeeheee you cant catch me naner naner nanerrr! eeeeheeeheeeheeeheeeeh! :p "

hahaha. and yeah she's like "damn you musicianss!!! roaaar" or something like that :LOL: funny la. haha.

no i didnt notice the ring...

i bet the stole that ring from the little boy's parents too! :eek:


where did you get glastonbury from?? :(


i bought it in 2005 at a cd stall near my place. then last year i downloaded the BBC version of it from http://www.muselive.com

anyway, i dont have the hullaballo.. i want la..

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hey, i dont have hullaballo. kindly who interested to trade it wif me, please tell me ahh..

i have (vcd) of:


milan 2004

glastonbury 2004

muse mtv

big day out 2004

pink pop 2004

reading 2006

rock am ring 2004


and i can burn some vids 4 any1 whos interested:


later with jools holland

eurockenees 2000

bizzare fest 2000

la musicale france

top of the pops


n much morrreeee..:)

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hey, i dont have hullaballo. kindly who interested to trade it wif me, please tell me ahh..

i have (vcd) of:


milan 2004

glastonbury 2004

muse mtv

big day out 2004

pink pop 2004

reading 2006

rock am ring 2004


and i can burn some vids 4 any1 whos interested:


later with jools holland

eurockenees 2000

bizzare fest 2000

la musicale france

top of the pops


n much morrreeee..:)



oh lol.. i found the torrent you were talking about.

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Hallloo everyone....


hi pirate.. nice to see u again;)


hey, i dont have hullaballo. kindly who interested to trade it wif me, please tell me ahh..

i have (vcd) of:


milan 2004

glastonbury 2004

muse mtv

big day out 2004

pink pop 2004

reading 2006

rock am ring 2004


and i can burn some vids 4 any1 whos interested:


later with jools holland

eurockenees 2000

bizzare fest 2000

la musicale france

top of the pops


n much morrreeee..:)



ooo can u make me a copy of that one, sis? i tried to download it from microcuts but was not patient enuff.. does it include the pre- and post interview of matt and dom? i can burn a copy of hullabaloo for u if u want..

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haih, bile invincible nak kuar nie...


bosannye, adila hopes there's gonna a great b-side..


Muse to produce next Panic! LP


Panic! At the Disco's second LP will be produced under the careful eyes and ears of Muse frontman, Matthew Bellamy, the band announced yesterday. "I first spoke to Matt at Reading festival, shortly after our set" claims singer Brendan Urie. "He told us how unlucky we were to be treated by the crowd, and he really enjoyed our set. We soon recieved an email from the Muse management, saying that he wanted to help with our new album in some way, so we invited him over to the studios and played our new demos and he loved them".

The boys also state Muse as a heavy influence for their new album. "Fever [You Can't Sweat Out] had some danceable songs," says Ryan Ross, the band's main lyricist "but we heard Supermassive Black Hole, and thought 'we want to make songs like that'". "Matt's also a very talented pianist, most of my piano on the new LP is influenced by his work and technique", says Brendan, "he has been teaching me new styles and ways to play, and it feels like I'm now becoming him!".


Bellamy has also allowed the band to cover Muse's anthemic 'Hysteria', "although it seems that it will live life as a demo, or perhaps a b-side, it's not good enough to be on the new LP" says Brendan. Panic! release their new LP later this year.


i saw this on main muse.. god, i don't really like patd, but maybe.... it'll be good.. *tries downloading their album*

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i dont like panic of the disco as well...but if matt is producing than i'd definitely try to listen to their next LP.. i think they're horrible live but only watched one of the gigs anyways..


at least u've watched their gigs.. tell me, what am i expecting? *waits patiently for download to finish*


yay, the stalking trio is online~


after reading 17+ pages... i now found out the article is fake... fuhhh~ *sads that i've downloaded them tho*

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well, if u like fall out boy, then u'll like ém i guess. coz they''ve been compared to FOB a lot.. my friend loves both of the band so i only listened to their cd when i'm in her car.. ok la.. but not like when i first listened to balck holes.. that one i went fuyyooo... this one, ok la..:p


the stalking trio..:LOL: PMS still going strong wehhh..


eh? a lie???

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well, if u like fall out boy, then u'll like ém i guess. coz they''ve been compared to FOB a lot.. my friend loves both of the band so i only listened to their cd when i'm in her car.. ok la.. but not like when i first listened to balck holes.. that one i went fuyyooo... this one, ok la..:p


the stalking trio..:LOL: PMS still going strong wehhh..


eh? a lie???


hehe, i so fell for it... :$


apparently "microcuts accepted it as fact, so everybody starts believing in it"


YAY for the stalking trio!!! :D



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shall we go mental again and talk about our last little stalking mission at the airport?? bahaha.. man, i wanna relive those moments..


aha, maybe not.. we don't wanna mess up this thread... somebody will get angwy :D:$

*besides, i've already gotten way embarrassed by that "is matt reaallly reallly engaged" poll thingy* why don't u try start a new thread?


uhuu.. i know.. i went to klia to send my sis over to vietnam.. and i forced her to use the escalator which matt and co used (the one right beside the special room thingy).. i was too busy remembering the day to even *pretend to cry* for my sister.. :eek:


i seriously think im getting worse! :$


hm, it could be due to meeting them face to face.. i seriously think it is..

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hehe, i so fell for it... :$


apparently "microcuts accepted it as fact, so everybody starts believing in it"


was hoping it was fake...


k. faz! i want that hullaballoo DVD! where can i get it?! u said that day pertama rite? what store ah? ive never been there :LOL:

i seriously think im getting worse! :$


i think u can also get at the rock corner in subang parade or damansara. i've seen one at amcorp mall as well. yeah, i bought it at pertama.. the store with all those shirts..gah.. dunno wat's it called.. wanna go together? coz i wanna buy showbiz


aha, maybe not.. we don't wanna mess up this thread... somebody will get angwy :D:$

*besides, i've already gotten way embarrassed by that "is matt reaallly reallly engaged" poll thingy* why don't u try start a new thread?


uhuu.. i know.. i went to klia to send my sis over to vietnam.. and i forced her to use the escalator which matt and co used (the one right beside the special room thingy).. i was too busy remembering the day to even *pretend to cry* for my sister.. :eek:


huhu.. yeah. KLIA is a special place now for me... that poll u did was good wat?? no need to feel embarrased about it. it was cool..:D nah.. i'm more of a follower than a leader..


i cant believe u torture ur sis like that :LOL:


oh yeah. it's definitely becoz of meeting ém face to face..

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*sigh* guess theres more suffering in being lucky! but i'd go through all this mental thing again and again if i have to :happy:


oh that is sooo true... people think that being stalkers are fun stuff coz we get to get pictures.. but they honestly don't understand the agony...



before this i used to have imaginary conversations with my imaginary boyfriend..

now its:

adila : sings city of delusion or cave (depending on circumstances)

adila : *fells over bukit di uitm*

matthew : eh, adila, are you alright?

dom : should be more careful, ya know...



alright, alright, i know.. i didn't actually have those imaginary conversations.. but i bet we've all had plenty of moments where we agonize the *splendid 1 hour* with muse and goes through all possible conversations *we could* have had and *what could have been*...

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omg, we've just taken over the board now.. with the three of us going mental again!:LOL:


anyways.. back to their music..


haih, bile invincible nak kuar nie...


bosannye, adila hopes there's gonna a great b-side..


yes, yes.. waiting for the new vid as well hopefully it'll be better than KoC coz invincible is one of my most fav track from BH.

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omg, we've just taken over the board now.. with the three of us going mental again!:LOL:


anyways.. back to their music..


yes, yes.. waiting for the new vid as well.


sigh.. i think i'm a gonna start hunting for muse collections.. singles doesn't come here in malaysia right?


**trust kak faz to bring us back to earth


god, i wish i'm in japan... wanna hear them play the bloody 23 songs.... muse..... matt... chriss.... dom..... tom.....

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god, i wish i'm in japan... wanna hear them play the bloody 23 songs.... muse..... matt... chriss.... dom..... tom.....


hmm..how come they play 23 songs at japan but the other places is less than that amount? is it 'cause they got more paid? somebody please enlight me pls..:stunned:

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