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See, I'm not sure if the standing ovation was saluting the awesomeness or the awfulness of my performance. I think I was wearing a Muse t-shirt...is that suitable attire for Lady Gaga singing? I'm no judge of these things. But I think a Muse t-shirt is pretty fucking awesome for any occasion really.


Yeah I can imagine that being freaky. Are you still working similar hours to the ones you had at North Shore? That would mean some really unfairly early wake-up times.


I'm not bad thanks. Same old, really.


I sent out an email at work on Thursday night trying to organise karaoke (I've become mildly obsessed), and I'm hoping I don't get shut down. I used this picture...


Wouldn't that make you want to go? Come on. Who'd say no after seeing that?


I'm splitting shifts between the Shore and Waitaks so it's not too bad, and with the school holidays I've only been having to get up 15 minutes earlier. Not sure how the traffic will be when they go back though.


I think your Lady Gaga outfit sounds far too tame, unless of course you weren't wearing pants, which Lady Gags doesn't seem to require.


That picture would make me go, but only if the Elvis picture went too.

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I was quite proud of the lack of tameness of singing Lady Gaga in front of a large crowd. :supersad::p


Yeah, Elvis pulls off the popped collar look in that picture. Not everyone does though...


It hurts so much that I can never attain that level of cool.

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That's cool! Dominion Rd was where I met my friends for dinner tonight. It was a bitch to find a park! Apparently there was rugby on at Eden Park, so maybe that explains it.


Yeah I saw signs out today, but then I saw a whole bunch of people in the avo walking around. Maybe they were heading to Eden Park. Fucking Eden Park.

How was dinner?

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To be honest, I don't know! I was running so late that I came in out of breath and didn't even notice the sign.


The address was 541 though - I had that texted to me when I was on my way, so I remember that.

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I'm hoping to drink free on my birthday this year, if I can win that $100 bar tab at Shadows! Fingers crossed.


Any plans for tomorrow?


Tomorrow as in today? Nah, probably just hang around home. Oh I might go over to my friend's to watch our not-so-secret shame, The Vampire Diaries :chuckle:

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