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The fireworks-watching and boozing will feature in my plans too, but since I finish work at 7 I'm thinking I should try to organise dinner somewhere in town then drinks after that.


We've usually gone to London Bar on NYE - surprisingly quiet and comfortable despite the huge crowd outside on Queen St. But they went out of business. :( Unsurprisingly, I guess! :LOL:


Again, more than welcome to meet up with us if you want to, we are meeting up with some others in town so won't be all girls. :D

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Oh and I forgot, my friend said the cell phones pretty much don't work at all so I guess we just try and organise a general place to meet and then will hopefully bump into each other?

Yeah, it's not good to fully rely on cellphones so a pre-arranged meeting might be easiest.


We should probably agree in advance on where we're going after the BDO too. Somewhere like Deschlers, maybe?

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Yeah, it's not good to fully rely on cellphones so a pre-arranged meeting might be easiest.


We should probably agree in advance on where we're going after the BDO too. Somewhere like Deschlers, maybe?


Deshlers floats my boat!


And I will try to be at the place where you are at 5:45, but will need to ask Aimee where I actually need to be.


The t shirts should help!

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It's really good for me - no clashes at all. I really want to see The Veils, so I guess I'll head to the main stage when they finish at 5:45.


Sweet. Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing The Veils too, but hmm, I'll see.


OH well done you!!!!

That's awesome, did you like it?

I think we are going climbing at Glen Eden tomorrow, if any of you are keen to join us you are more than welcome!


Yeah, I liked it but I need to get a bit stronger before going again I think :LOL:


I am keen for a t shirt, but I want mine to be a singlet. I have seen places around but don;t know where is the best, my friend just got some made so I can ask her.


Cool. There is one place I saw where you can order them online but I think they just had plain t-shirts.


Oh and I forgot, my friend said the cell phones pretty much don't work at all so I guess we just try and organise a general place to meet and then will hopefully bump into each other?


They have worked for me at BDO, but yeah best to organise something before hand just in case.

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Sweet. Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing The Veils too, but hmm, I'll see.




Yeah, I liked it but I need to get a bit stronger before going again I think :LOL:




Cool. There is one place I saw where you can order them online but I think they just had plain t-shirts.




They have worked for me at BDO, but yeah best to organise something before hand just in case.


I know they have them at the mall, I think you just buy your own t shirts and then they just put the print on them?

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One thing about that timetable is that there's not much early in the day - I love The Checks, but I've seen them four times now, and I've seen Deja Voodoo twice. So I don't know if there's anything I really want to see before about 3pm. :erm:

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Yeah, I think that's like the one in the mall by me. But then that's means I have to go find a good plain t-shirt, which might be difficult :rolleyes:


The Warehouse does good plain t shirts, and probably farmers.

That's one of the reasons I want a singlet, I know where I can get a good plain one that will fit, not sure if they have blue ones though.



One thing about that timetable is that there's not much early in the day - I love The Checks, but I've seen them four times now, and I've seen Deja Voodoo twice. So I don't know if there's anything I really want to see before about 3pm. :erm:




This fixes the drinking problem though! I want to drink, but obviously don't want to be drunk for Muse and end up missing it, so therefore I think I will drink in the day and then sober up for the afternoon!!

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Haha, and then get drunk again afterwards? I like it!


I might do the same, but I don't want to have to pee after I go into the D...


Yup, that's my plan!


Hmmm, the peeing thing would be an issue though. I guess I am hoping to be sober enough to have peed enough before we go in there, because I am not leaving my spot once we have it!


You could take a bottle I spose..... :LOL:



And then drunken Deshlers! This day is going to rule!

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Love the Desh. They've played Muse the last two times I've been there.


I hope that smiley is not aimed at my bottle idea!! :p


Yeah I love it, especially since it's been taken over by Scotty and his mates and it's all rock oriented now.


Though it has been pretty quiet the last couple of times I have been, but that's ok.

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One thing about that timetable is that there's not much early in the day - I love The Checks, but I've seen them four times now, and I've seen Deja Voodoo twice. So I don't know if there's anything I really want to see before about 3pm. :erm:


Yeah, same here. But I might just go early anyway and see The Checks for something to do. Then I can get lunch and hang around green and essential til time to go into the D.


The Warehouse does good plain t shirts, and probably farmers.

That's one of the reasons I want a singlet, I know where I can get a good plain one that will fit, not sure if they have blue ones though.


Ok, I shall try have a look this week. Who has the good plain singlets?


This fixes the drinking problem though! I want to drink, but obviously don't want to be drunk for Muse and end up missing it, so therefore I think I will drink in the day and then sober up for the afternoon!!




Deschlers sounds good too.

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Yeah, same here. But I might just go early anyway and see The Checks for something to do. Then I can get lunch and hang around green and essential til time to go into the D.




Ok, I shall try have a look this week. Who has the good plain singlets?






Deschlers sounds good too.


Dotty had them, nice and also cheap, but I can't remember what colours! I can go and have a look probably tomorrow.


I think I will spend the time that I am not band watching on the rides =) Am borrowing my bestie's husband as no one else wants to go on!

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The timetable looks pretty empty in the morning and midday for me. Gets fuller later. I didn't know The Temper Trap were coming :eek: I can't decide if I want to risk the D or not. Might get in there early and hang around the back to get a feel for things, so I can bail if it gets uncomfortable.

I'm staying at a friend's place for the night with a bunch of friends, so probably no Deschlers for me. Although if they're keen and we happen to meet you guys during the night, maybe we'll see how things go! :LOL:


I hope you guys get t-shirts so I can spot you in the crowd and tail you :ninja:

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I'm staying at a friend's place for the night with a bunch of friends, so probably no Deschlers for me.

Aww. Fair enough though, sounds cool. Hope we'll see you at some point during the day.


But attendance at the Shadows night at the end of February is compulsory. :yesey:

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It'll be fiiiiiine! I'll wear my trusty sky highs that I just know I can do drunk in!


TBH I think the best new years nights I've had are the ones where we have a general sort of plan and everything else is just where ever the night takes us.


Ewww my fingers are bleeeeeding. But the climbing was win!

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TBH I think the best new years nights I've had are the ones where we have a general sort of plan and everything else is just where ever the night takes us.

Yeah, very true.


Not sure if I'll really be up for a big night tomorrow though. We'll see.


Bleeding fingers sounds nasty! Worth it though?

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