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Awesome, that's a really nice surprise!


Still no marks. This is getting bloody ridiculous.


It was!


Are they normally out by now? I was surpirsed by AUT having ours, we usually have to wait to late Dec early Jan to get ours so they were super early.


I think you guys have slightly different semesters to us though?

Can you email anyone and harrass them to put them up?

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They usually come out about now, but I guess since I had no exams this time I feel like it's been longer than it has. I'll wait patiently for another week or so I think.


How's your day going? Nice weather today.



I'm not so good at waiting patiently!! I want YOUR results now, hahahah!


My day was lovely! Had a massive big spine (only my second one) and it's a huge bug thing for the anaesthetic, because to opeate on a spine you have to be face down, which makes things complicated from a breathing aspect.


It went really well, and smooth and it was such a nice day so I am really pleased, I didn't trip up the surgeon with my lines, or anyone else for that matter, so it was all good.

And the ice cream man just stopped outside my house!!!! Have to admit I behaved like 6 year old as I ran down the road in glee to get my choc tipped ice cream. :D


How's yours going? You captioning tonight?



The weather is nice today, but it's been quite windy which I have taken some comfort from since I've been stuck inside all day and getting fustrated with how to do my assignment statisitcs until I worked it out.


It looked liek a gorgeous day from what i have seen since I left work!


BLEUGH stats, rather you than me there! Did you get it all done in the end?

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Great to hear that that went well. Jealous that you got the ice cream man! He never goes into my road.


My day's been ok...just waiting. Not working tonight.



Heh, my excitement over the ice cream was actually better than the ice cream :)


evening all been a while since ive been on here, how has everyone been, whos going to bdo, or is that a silly question.


its been exactly 2 years since most of us last saw them all.


I'm going! Second time to BDO but first time to see Muse.

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My day was lovely! Had a massive big spine (only my second one) and it's a huge bug thing for the anaesthetic, because to opeate on a spine you have to be face down, which makes things complicated from a breathing aspect.


It went really well, and smooth and it was such a nice day so I am really pleased, I didn't trip up the surgeon with my lines, or anyone else for that matter, so it was all good.

And the ice cream man just stopped outside my house!!!! Have to admit I behaved like 6 year old as I ran down the road in glee to get my choc tipped ice cream. :D


BLEUGH stats, rather you than me there! Did you get it all done in the end?


Oh awesome, sunds like you had a good day indeed :D


I haven't finished yet. I've done about 12 out of 15 steps we were given, but step 15 requires repeating everything for 2009 data, hopefully I can cut and paste most of the equations, but it worries me that he says 'with modifications as you see fit' but I don't see how I will cope with that :LOL:


evening all been a while since ive been on here, how has everyone been, whos going to bdo, or is that a silly question.


its been exactly 2 years since most of us last saw them all.


Hey Nick! I have been well apart from assignment stress and a bumed out ankle. How have you been?


Yes, that is a silly question for most of us :p I am going, but I haven't got my ticket yet :$ I'm waiting til my allowance comes back so I have money for going out and counting on tickets not selling out til later...

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awesome. glad theyre headlining this time 11 songs wasnt enough last time

Yeah exactly.


Last time they walked off and it was like, "what, already?"


Muse are also promising some awesome visuals for the BDO, hope they bring those to our one this time.

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Oh awesome, sunds like you had a good day indeed :D


I haven't finished yet. I've done about 12 out of 15 steps we were given, but step 15 requires repeating everything for 2009 data, hopefully I can cut and paste most of the equations, but it worries me that he says 'with modifications as you see fit' but I don't see how I will cope with that :LOL:




Yes, that is a silly question for most of us :p I am going, but I haven't got my ticket yet :$ I'm waiting til my allowance comes back so I have money for going out and counting on tickets not selling out til later...


Argh that sounds like hard work! I never realised how much better I am at practical things than theory til I got this job!

Hope you manage to get it done!


Is your ankle still bad then? What are you going to do?


Also, does BDO usually sell out?

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awesome. glad theyre headlining this time 11 songs wasnt enough last time :p


gah i really need to get a ticket. so many gigs coming up so much to pay for


I know, I would have a quite few tickets if I had the money. I'll just hope that at least some of them don't sell out.


And yeah, I'm glad they are headlining too so we get a full setlist :D


Last time they walked off and it was like, "what, already?"


Muse are also promising some awesome visuals for the BDO, hope they bring those to our one this time.


+1 :awesome:

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Argh that sounds like hard work! I never realised how much better I am at practical things than theory til I got this job!

Hope you manage to get it done!


Is your ankle still bad then? What are you going to do?


Also, does BDO usually sell out?


Yeah, I wish could just go out there and do the work with no stats :LOL:


My ankle isn't that bad. Like it was a little sore this morning but went away. I haven't bandaged it and it's been ok, but just feels weird sometimes and the occasional dull pain in the back, and some clicking.. Don't think there is much I can do about it apart from rest and when I have to go to Tawh, I'll just bandage it so I don't make it sore from walking around heaps.


BDO doesn't sell out usually til January (if it does) apart from the odd times it sold out in December.

Edited by Michelle
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Make sure if you are walking lots on it you get a proper ankle support! And lots of anti inflams, and look after it! :)

When are you going to Tawhas?


I can't wait for December, I have TWO whole weeks off! And then the day for the BDO too! (Very very unheard of to get all that time in my job) :)

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Make sure if you are walking lots on it you get a proper ankle support! And lots of anti inflams, and look after it! :)

When are you going to Tawhas?


I forgot to look at proper ankle supports when I was at the mall yesterday, must remember next time.


My supervisor asked me to go tomorrow but I haven't heard back from her yet as she was going to Tiritiri Matangi Is til today. Maybe I should text her later or ealry in the morning if I don't hear back...


I can't wait for December, I have TWO whole weeks off! And then the day for the BDO too! (Very very unheard of to get all that time in my job) :)


Ooh awesome! :)

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I forgot to look at proper ankle supports when I was at the mall yesterday, must remember next time.


My supervisor asked me to go tomorrow but I haven't heard back from her yet as she was going to Tiritiri Matangi Is til today. Maybe I should text her later or ealry in the morning if I don't hear back...




Ooh awesome! :)



Cool! Especially if the weather stays like it was today!

Try and get one of the ones that's made from wet suit-ish type material, they are really good but still breathe, and you can wash them .:)

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New Moon was always going to be bad, but I still think it was better than the first, thoguh I wonder if part of that is due to the fact that I have got used to just how terrible the first one was:)

Have you read the books Kitty?


I had such a nice surprise at work today, one of our part time techs has baked all the trainees chocolate brownies as a congratulations on our exams! It was so sweet of her and they were delicious!:D


I have read the books, yeah. I actually read New Moon first. That was because I didn't realise it was part of a series, and the hype about them hadn't reached here yet. I really disliked it, and so didn't read the series, until my friend was like read them because they're making a movie :LOL: When I read the full series I didn't read New Moon again though. Once was enough :LOL:. But if anyone wants to buy it from me...? :LOL:


Sounds like everyone had good days :happy: Transferred some money so should be able to order my dvd from Amazon soon. It will be a while before it gets here but I'm still pleased :happy:. I also want to get our bicycle pump back so I can pump our bike's tires and have a ride around the neighbourhood :happy: the weather has been too nice recently to not go out and enjoy it with some exercise. Atm I need to catch up on my guilty pleasure tv shows online though :LOL:.

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Finally got my marks.


I needed a GPA of 5.5 to do Masters...mine is 5.75. :happy: Got two Bs, a B+ and an A-.


Congrats! :D Got any ideas what you'll do your Masters on?


I'm going to Tawh tonight. I hope the mobile reception has improved up there, but doubtful. Ah well, everyone have a good Friday and weekend if I don't get enough signal to use the internet on my phone :rolleyes:

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Thanks! I'd like to do my thesis on political satire, but that might be an area that's already been covered a lot and I'm not sure what I'd do anyway. But I've got ages to think about it.


Hope you have an awesome time at Tawh!

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