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nisam ziher dal sam tu ikad rekla da smo frendica i ja navodno pričale sa Domom preko msn, i Matt došo pozdraviti nakon kaj se probudio...nisam ziher dal sam to rekla tu ili ne...zbog toga jer nikome nismo davale tu adresu...

ali više ne mogu bit tiho, jer nakon dugog vremena, danas je neko cijelo vrijeme online na toj adresi :)

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nisam ziher dal sam tu ikad rekla da smo frendica i ja navodno pričale sa Domom preko msn, i Matt došo pozdraviti nakon kaj se probudio...nisam ziher dal sam to rekla tu ili ne...zbog toga jer nikome nismo davale tu adresu...

ali više ne mogu bit tiho, jer nakon dugog vremena, danas je neko cijelo vrijeme online na toj adresi :)


:LOL: pozdravi doma sljedeci put :p

a kaj se ticeg ovo stajanja skakanja ja di stanem s tog mjesta se ne micem :p nece mene tam neki zalickani talijan gurat >_<

a i ne bi htel bit u prvom redu sav si naguran i zguzan :p tam nedge 10-15 red i sve se dobro vidi



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The listening session was held group by group, and she was assigned to a group called 'Schedule 2'. The group consists of 6 people who represent thier own country respectively, including Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and Japan.


She mentions that she cannot tell us about the details of the album and concrete information, however, she describes the album as follows:

- Incredible masterpiece.

- The band succeeded to express art to a high degree, which consist with accessibillity.

- Authentic miracle.


After the listening session, members of 'Schedule 2' except the author drank to celebrate 'the greatest masterpiece of Muse.'


The next day was an interview day. Three members of the band was in different rooms respectively, so interviewers, who were given 15 minutes a member to interview, frequently replaced their place each other. Seeing such a situation that they were confused and upset 'I don't know where to go next!', Matt laughed aloud.


She is now struggling to make words from her recorder.

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omg omg omg omg

mislim da imam dio muse pjesme





tek sam vidio :p

u jbt ovo hebeno zvuci :O nadam se da je to njihova xD


bajdvej prima ti si prek ticketpro kupila kartu? ja sad trazim i ne mogu nac 0o

Edited by ZelenaBanana
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op op op, čestitam, eto a sad na zasluženi odmor :)))


joj marko eee, upravo sam ju krenula pustiti, ako misliš na onih 47 sekundi savršenstva :p

dobro ajde malo pretjerujem, al ono :D


Hmmmm.....Nije me neko vrijeme bilo tu..... Zar sam nešto propustio? Kojih to 47 sekundi!? :$

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hehe, da, nije te bilo, nakupilo se informacija, ako si daš truda...:) par stranica i sve ćeš pohvatati :)


evo ovih famoznih 47sek :)




uživajte! :)


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