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o moj bože.. White Lies jučer,,, kako su odlični bili!




hhehhee, baš sam si mislila da od njih kad sam vidla da si napisla na fejs :)

išla mi frendica, pa sam si mislila da si valjda i ti na tom bila :)


nego, dobre vijesti u mjuzu u zadnje vrijeme, osim kaj je matt farmer i osim kaj mi se sviđaju detalji oko novog snimanja albuma, evo i gremija :)


Muse have been nominated for 3 Grammy Awards in the following categories:


Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals



Best Rock Song

RESISTANCE - Matthew Bellamy, songwriter (Muse)


Best Rock Album



i kad već niko ne doživljava, molim pogledati na muselive potpise ispod članaka :p

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okeeeeeej, Matt uzgaja ovce :D


Q: At the Big Day Out in January you said it was time to buy a tractor and disappear to a farm. Is that still on the agenda?


A: Yeah, I've become a sheep farmer. I'm serious, I've got 50 ewes and two rams. As we speak, I'm letting the rams loose on the ewes. I got the sheep mainly because I've got a farm which has got a lot of steep hills, so the grass gets out of control unless you can get grazing animals in there, and it was too steep for cows. I've got Dorset Downs, they're pretty hardy, they can handle the weather.


Q: So you're seriously a farmer now!

A: Yeah, I don't bulls---! They're shearing sheep. But the main thing is they keep the land together. I don't live there, it's just land with a couple of jaded barns that need to be renovated. It's a nice place to camp. My long-term plan is to grow industrial hemp for making paper and material, but I haven't got 'round to that. When I stop touring I'm going to hang around there for a while and start shearing sheep.


svaka cast.:)

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ni niko me nije htio pohvaliti zbog mojih postova na muselive :(, a ja sam bila baš ponosna, mislim i još sam uvijek :D



baš sam si razmišljala, na mjuz koncert moram minimalno čekati godinu dana...mislim da je vrijeme da se zaposlim...

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jel imat netko piano verziju assassina

ak se sjecate onog videa di svira nekih 5-6 taj dio

jel ima to negdje za skinut ?


ja to nemam, i malo sam pogledala i nisam nigde vidla...sad..malo sam u žurbi, možda ima jutub verzija, za dalje ne znam, možda treba dubolje malo prošnjofati :)

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MATT BELLAMY has hinted MUSE could go soft because his songwriting style has changed since he started dating Hollywood actress KATE HUDSON.


Matt said: "I've been through a lot of personal changes, so some of the songwriting might be a bit more open and personal."


Last week he talked of his plans for a hemp farm. All he needs now for the full mid-life crisis is a Harley-Davidson.




dom je 1977, 33 onda

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Marko, tko bi trebao svirati u tom bendu? i kad pocinje. vec sam nestrpljiv. hahahaha


Zna li netko kako bi se trebao svirati refren Sunburna na klaviru? kao akord ili rastavljeno (silazni arpeggio?)



Evo ja gledam u note od Sunburn pjesme i refren se svira kao akord. Imam ja note pa ako hoces mogu ti skenirati pa poslati?

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MATT BELLAMY has hinted MUSE could go soft because his songwriting style has changed since he started dating Hollywood actress KATE HUDSON.


Matt said: "I've been through a lot of personal changes, so some of the songwriting might be a bit more open and personal."


Last week he talked of his plans for a hemp farm. All he needs now for the full mid-life crisis is a Harley-Davidson.




dom je 1977, 33 onda



Oh crap :-(

Bolje da nisam išel pogledat kaj se novog događa tu :( :(

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