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Muse, particularly Matt Bellamy, could write a book on whole body performing. Even his backside is interesting to watch.


The piano he uses in concert ranks far cooler than anything Elton John had.


Fans wish Bellamy's glorious voice to last as long as possible. Forever would be nice, if it's not too much to ask of the universe.


If the aliens are watching us, it's because Muse is their favorite band of all time and eternity in the universe. Of course, alien rockers also enjoyed Queen's Flash Gordon soundtrack, Depeche Mode's Songs of the Universe and the Beastie Boys' “Intergalactic..” But Muse catapulted themselves to intergallactic attention with atomic force because of The Resistance. Everything they do sprinkles stardust into our ears.


awwwwww <3

ova žena zna kaj piše :p (osim da su filmovi tvajlajt sage dobri, al dobro) :D


evo marko


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da i mislila sam si, budem ih kasnije pronašla, pa stavim, sad idem malo učiti :)



ustvari da to sredim sad, jer bum se onda samo tovila da moram prestati učiti da to pošaljem :p







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okeeeeeej, Matt uzgaja ovce :D


Q: At the Big Day Out in January you said it was time to buy a tractor and disappear to a farm. Is that still on the agenda?


A: Yeah, I've become a sheep farmer. I'm serious, I've got 50 ewes and two rams. As we speak, I'm letting the rams loose on the ewes. I got the sheep mainly because I've got a farm which has got a lot of steep hills, so the grass gets out of control unless you can get grazing animals in there, and it was too steep for cows. I've got Dorset Downs, they're pretty hardy, they can handle the weather.


Q: So you're seriously a farmer now!

A: Yeah, I don't bulls---! They're shearing sheep. But the main thing is they keep the land together. I don't live there, it's just land with a couple of jaded barns that need to be renovated. It's a nice place to camp. My long-term plan is to grow industrial hemp for making paper and material, but I haven't got 'round to that. When I stop touring I'm going to hang around there for a while and start shearing sheep.

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