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iya nih, soalnya ga ada video baru. eh iya, MOTP jdnya dbikin video ga sih? gw bingung sama maksudnya MOTP cm dirilis sbg digital single, mksdnya apa si?



gw jg gak ngerti tu maksudnya..:confused:

yg penting mah,, jd d rilis gak seh tu VC.. uda penasaran..:):):D

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wah rei, ga stia lo..:D

tp gw juga sih,dulu pas taun 2005 pas muse lg break jg gw kyk bosen gitu ga ada lagi yg baru yg mo didengerin..

gw skrg lg suka bullet for my valentine nih.smoga aja jgn ampe ngelewatin muse kadar gilanya..hahaha


ahahah.. bukannya getooo, cuman a lil bit bored krena kyknya kita dah masuk masa "in-waiting".. jgn sampe gw ga makan bbrp minggu gara2 ga ada berita. ahahah..


eh, jgn2 Matt lg mempersiapkan pernikahannyaa...??


*who knows?*

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oh ya, news dr panitia scrapbook for matt, bukunya uda dijilid.siap dikirim ke orgnya yg bakal ngasi langsung ke matt. tebelnya 120 halaman,tdnya mo dbikin 140 tp kepenuhan n covernya sempet copot, hihi

nih cover scrapbooknya:




salut buat muser2 indo yg uda ngirim buat scrapbook..

hope matt appreciates it and remember to come back here :D

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Hari ini gue briefing MOS, MOS labs gampang2 aja. Cuman botakin sama bikin nametag + buku TTD nametagnya gampang lagi!!


Trus nametagnya suruh ditempelin foto idola kita . . . Lo tau dong gue nempel siapa :D

(Bukan Reita, BUKAN Kangen Band)

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oh ya, news dr panitia scrapbook for matt, bukunya uda dijilid.siap dikirim ke orgnya yg bakal ngasi langsung ke matt. tebelnya 120 halaman,tdnya mo dbikin 140 tp kepenuhan n covernya sempet copot, hihi

nih cover scrapbooknya:


salut buat muser2 indo yg uda ngirim buat scrapbook..

hope matt appreciates it and remember to come back here :D


yea! pada dpt imel kan yg ngirim??

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hey,,ministry of music join the club,,,newbie ni saia,,;)


buat yg udah bikin scrapbook,,salut deh gw,,tdinya gw jg mw brpartisipasi,,tp wktu itu UAS lg hectic bgt jdnya tak bisa,,,for u all gw bantu doa aj deh,,:)


bsok dah msuk thn ajaran baru ya,,ayoo ade2,,jgn males!:D(haha,,kliatan tua bgt gw scara dah 2thn yg lalu gw lulus sma)

gw masih libur 1stengah bulan lg ni,,,bingung mw ngapain???:confused:

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During an interview last night on Europe 2 (French radio station) live from Musilac, Muse have announced that they planned to release a DVD featuring extracts of Wembley's and Paris' Parc des Princes concerts, and of the rest of the tour as well. The DVD should be released before Christmas 2007, if the band manages to find enough time for it in its busy schedule.


Moreover, in an interview given last May to Rock Mag and published in this month's issue, Matthew confirmed that he has begun to work on a new album and new songs, some more in line with electronic or "dance" music and others more with classical or symphonic music (the band is thinking of hiring an orchestra for some of them).


Yet, these new songs will probably not be played live during this tour, since the band wishes to keep them all fresh and new. Matthew also revealed that the next album should be produced by the band itself, in order to have more freedom.

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gw jg gak ngerti tu maksudnya..:confused:

yg penting mah,, jd d rilis gak seh tu VC.. uda penasaran..:):):D


kalo denger2 sih video klipnya mo versi live, diambil dari wembley ama par des princes, trus maksudnya digital single tuh gak jual dalm bentuk barang seperti CD/DVD gitu,sekalian souvenir buat wembley, jadi cuma download only :) isinya MOTP ama MOTP live wembley,ada yang mau?

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yea! pada dpt imel kan yg ngirim??





Kira kira scrapnya d upload nggak yahhh



gw maw liat niihhhh tebelll yaaa


klo 140 halaman gokil dari indo bnyk juga ya,,


gw ja bisa" ada kali 9 halaman~






wah kangennya ama board...


sori kmaren liburan sibuk,,


jadi jarang ol~


hha dah maw masuk yaaa:LOL:

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@ ais

*nyirem pake air got* hahaha.. eh kaosnya gmana jadinya is?yg tulisan2 itu gw blom liat gambarnya..


@ ministry of music

welcome :D nama asli lo sapa? iih enak ya masi libur..gw bsok dah masuk :(


@ kisnu

mksdnya tuh 140 halaman gabungan dr smua scrap kalii..wah klo dr indo sndiri dah 140 halaman mah patut BANGGA tuh.hehe



stuju ga si sama konsep album barunya? gw pengen deh muse mengeksplor metal, kyknya keren :LOL: dripada yg electronic2 gitu, kan metal lebi cadas. yaah klo di album baru makin lunak kyk gitu mana seruu, nanti jadi ga ngerock lagi :(

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@ ais

*nyirem pake air got* hahaha.. eh kaosnya gmana jadinya is?yg tulisan2 itu gw blom liat gambarnya..


@ ministry of music

welcome :D nama asli lo sapa? iih enak ya masi libur..gw bsok dah masuk :(


@ kisnu

mksdnya tuh 140 halaman gabungan dr smua scrap kalii..wah klo dr indo sndiri dah 140 halaman mah patut BANGGA tuh.hehe



stuju ga si sama konsep album barunya? gw pengen deh muse mengeksplor metal, kyknya keren :LOL: dripada yg electronic2 gitu, kan metal lebi cadas. yaah klo di album baru makin lunak kyk gitu mana seruu, nanti jadi ga ngerock lagi :(

stuju" aja sih ama konsepnya, yg pnting keren!

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prkenalkan saia putri,,iya nih dah kuliah,,,


masih pada smp,sma y??ini reita ma yuri jg ikutan jakco jg kan?


yep. haloo Putri:D


gw udah lama ga buka. disuruh buka sama kisnu, sekarang buka jadi ga nyambung gtu.



haha.. mbak Optimus gimana nih??



kan gw bilangin lo buka board dr kmaren biar ga ktinggalan??

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stuju ga si sama konsep album barunya? gw pengen deh muse mengeksplor metal, kyknya keren :LOL: dripada yg electronic2 gitu, kan metal lebi cadas. yaah klo di album baru makin lunak kyk gitu mana seruu, nanti jadi ga ngerock lagi :(


yang pasti gak akan jauh kok konsep musiknya...cuma ada revolusi di musiknya yang lebih dewasa kayaknya....tapi emang bener kerenan waktu masih gila2an tuh...masih suka lempar2 gitar dll...heheh

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