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Are you going alone?

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Hmm, I was just thinking...Does anyone who is going to be in GA alone think they'd want to be as close to the front (or at barrier) as they can so they are getting there as early as possible? And does anyone think that it might be a good idea to meet up early and queue together?

I know this is months in advance to be thinking about this... :$

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My mum has seating and I have GA so... You could say I'll be waiting in line alone. I'm going to get there really early as well because I want to be up front as long as possible. (i'm even doing pushups all the time now so i'm strong enough to fight off the crowd and so i can hang out to the rail). I think if we all get there early we'd end up waiting in line together up at the front :D I don't know though

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  • 2 weeks later...

Us working folks can't necessarily get in line early.

I hope the GA crowd are more polite than the gig in Vegas. Many were there to see Cage the Elephant too so were the type that moshed and encouraged stage diving. The other FYI, Matt's side is usually the worse for being banged up, so if you want to be at the barriar, but not experience so much trauma, go to the Chris' side.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am going with 3 other girls - they are sort of humouring me and going. We won't be as early as everyone else because we gotta drive from Musictoday in Cville, but will be there probably before the doors open. I think I'm wearing my Muse is for lovers tee . . .


Meanwhile, I find with these things that no matter when you get there unless you're right on the barrier you're going to migrate in the pit. Even at U2/MUSE I didn't finish where I started.


So if there are other girlies who want to hang out with more girlies, let me know. We've actually turned it into a road trip and are staying overnight at someone's parents house. How embarrassing.

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I discovered Muse just after their previous concert, Haarp, 3 years ago and I immediately became a huge fan. So I am really excited about their future performing in Fairfax.


But I am quite anxious too: I am going on my own, alone. I am French and live in Washington D.C. for a short term only. That'll be my first rock concert. So I am ready to join any group. I'll be in GA.


Also I wonder at what time the concert may finish... I still don't how I'll manage to go back home and if I'll able to take the metro...


Thks in advance

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