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La rencontre entre Muse et Moment Factory


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Can't be bored to translate it properly, but since there's nothing really new here are the main points:


- Muse puts on a spectacular and unique show

- The visuals were created by a company based in Montreal, Moment Factory that also manages the video projection during the gigs and has worked with many famous artists (Madonna, Nine Inch Nails, Imagine Dragons, Arcade Fire, Céline Dion)

- They called their collaboration with Muse their "most innovative project to date"

- They have nothing to do with the drones, though

- Their collaboration with Muse required 60 employees working on it for 3 months

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Oh and they called Chris "Martin Wolstenholme" in their 10 things to know about Muse section, when they quoted him saying that they sold their soul when they accepted to appear on the Twilight soundtrack.

Edited by Zepp
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Oh and they called Chris "Martin Wolstenholme" in their 10 things to know about Muse section, when they quoted him saying that they sold their soul when they accepted to be on the Twilight soundtrack.


That is rather catchy. Chris should consider changing his name. :p


I like how they wanted readers to know the drone fail wasnt their fault. :chuckle:


Smart move, though.


Indeed. I was a bit shocked to remember that the moment factory did the stage setup because of all of the errors-- they usually do really flawless work every time. But that explains it.

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