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Muscle Museum Intro Query- Intelligent Harmonizer?


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I have a query. My boyfriend has just bought an intelligent harmonizer (behringer ultra shifter US600 to be precise) and is having difficulty in finding a setting which makes the intro to Muscle Museum sound perfect. If anyone has one of these and can shed any light on the settings they use, it would be very much appreciated!


Many thanks :)

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if it is just an octave up mixed with the normal clean signal then it is:

mode pot: around the pitch shifter range

pitch: +6 or where it sounds like 1 octave up, "mapping" 12 numbers to 4 octave modes makes little sense in pitch shifting mode.

hr key: anywhere

d time speed: anywhere

balance: where it sounds good, start with 50%

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Try setting it in harmonist mode, select A major (HR mode 4) and to harmonize up a 3rd (presumably the +3 setting on the pitch knob but check the manual). Set the mix so that the harmonized note is the same volume as the note you're playing and it should all sound right. Then it's just a case of playing the lower notes of the intro guitar line (http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/m/muse/muscle_museum_intro_tab.htm). I've not got any experience with that pedal and this is all off the top of my head but I think that's right.

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