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Everything posted by Wickerman

  1. How are the odds for how many times the word "drone/drones" will appear?
  2. Made up some "chorus" lyrics for this,based on what Matt had said about the song being about a dictator... "You think you are the one who defines what is going on. You have no right to do so..." It's awful,I just thought I'd post it to see what you think about it.
  3. I could read it fine... I can write a transcript later today if anyone needs it.
  4. I think this could have the mobster/Godfather-like solo/riff...
  5. Can't unhear how much Matt sounds like Bono at some parts though... it makes me cringe. (I despise U2,really. They've got like 3 good songs,rest are cheese)
  6. It depends on what you class as "boring bland guitar wankery".
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