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Status Updates posted by Chloe.a_muser

  1. I've just been sitting around all day because I've got a cold off my brother :indiff:

    I got my hair cut yesterday. I quite like it. Especially the fringe, I've not had one since I was at nursery.

  2. Doing good :) Off school just now. Very boring.

  3. There's nothing worse than our Maths sheets with strange picture of people that look like aliens and about five questions.

    Good Friday? I'm guessing it's on Friday but which one? if its next week than yes, I'm off for it. I don't really celebrate any holidays.

    Is that actually Dom singing?

  4. Our homeworks boring. Maths is too easy, spellings too easy and topic stuff usually involves making something out of recyclable stuff. Can't wait for better homework.

    Yeah they're good. I'm just not used to comedyish stuff and things like that usually take me a while to get into.

    I love textbooks. My Maths group finished the heineman 8 book though. Schools quite dull at the moment. Our holiday started on Friday I suppose. We finished early and were off for about two weeks.

    Yeah. I took a picture of it :) everything with the word muse was changed to say radiohead. Muscle museum - Muscle radioheadum, amused - aradioheaded. Can you find the Dom singing creep one anywhere?

  5. Ok. So how're you?

  6. Always does that to me :)

    Yeah usually but if it's a big project we get two or three weeks.

    Ok. You can tell me if you like.

    Hm yeah they're all right.

    I've not watched the x-files. Ive got the CDs though. The book was quite good. I was confused at the start because of the scientist people having so many different names. There was only three of them too :LOL:

    I don't know either :)

    I like the April fools day thing. Chloe.a_radioheadr :LOL: Do you know what they did last year?

  7. :LOL: Yeah about 6 foot tall.

    When I come home I'm usually fed up, annoyed, worrying or daydreaming. That's more or less my life everyday. My homework gets done late on a Thursday night usually. Do you have a tutor? My friend alanna has one. I don't think it's working though.

    People in our P7 year mostly other class girls get travel sickness. Two hours, one stop, supposedly no other classes have been sick yet. We'll see how this goes :)

    50! And you have 7! How'd you get the rest?

    Yeah. I don't know how to pronounce the words or how to remember them but oh well. Linn (imusefreak) said I could ask her if I need a bit of help. English if you think about it sounds dead funny and is quite difficult to learn with all its exceptions.

    I'm a bit philosophical with things. I will look into everything. I stay up the whole night thinking about everything. Very annoying at times. Anyway I've never heard of Jamish and andy.

    Have you read the X files?


    EDIT: Hamish. Spellcheckers irritating.

  8. We're geting a holiday soon I think. Have you read the X files?

  9. Your welcome :)

    It's about the size of one of the big margarine tubs. The Morrison shelter was like a metal table with wire round the sides. Sorta like a cage in your house to protect you from the roof collapsing if you didn't have an Anderson shelter. I covered my shelter with grass then put on the front bit. I tell you it's much better than some peoples. All of my homeworks usually on time, it's only when I get the stupid jotters mixed up or I forget them at home. I completely forgot about my homework one night, I only remembered at 10 o'clock on the Thursday night. That gave me a nightmare :LOL:

    Yeah, it's a adventure holiday camp thing. We go for five days and it's mostly water activities and mountain things. We stay in lodges. The bus journeys two hours though. A couple of people in the other class and ours get travel sick too :indiff:

    Packings like scraping wallpaper I suppose. Very therapeutic :)

    Wow that's good :) Our 'assessments' have been rubbish. I got harder work in P2. 6 quits ions and the answers were almost in the question. Scrap curriculum for excellence and bring back national tests.

    Ive been quite good. I'm trying to learn Swedish just now. I had an interesting conversation about the English language though during collaborative writing. My partner and I were discussing the tenses of begin began begun and how strange English actually sounds when you listen to yourself talking.

  10. The end of school year summer holiday? June til August. When's yours?

  11. Well done :D

    I used to love art too. I like music more now though. We had to make an Anderson or Morrison shelter for last Friday. The teacher said we can actually bring them in on Monday though. Ive not even started mine yet :erm:

    None of them spoke to me so that was fine :)

    Im going to the Lochgoilhead centre soon. It's the 31st of April but I've already packed my bag :LOL: I like everything all ready :yesey: (and I like folding clothes :)) So how've you been?

  12. My friends seem to get them a lot :erm: I think only Erika and I actually wash our hair. The rest have dandruff and don't wash stuff off their face or hands and their nails are dirty and too long :vomit: Can't wait to get away from them. They annoy me so much. Rachel hit me in the head with a basketball then the rest of the day everyone was asking me if I was all right. When I went away they followed me about and wittered on about how sorry they were and that they didn't mean it :rolleyes:

  13. I don't know. I usually just get colds or period problems. We have headlice going round my school :( I've never had that either :)

  14. Aw. Are you of school then? I've never had a flu before.

  15. Alright. A bit tired from time people at parents night yesterday. I got the job of chucking them out :)

    EDIT: timing

  16. So how've you been?

  17. It's fine :)

    I'm not really worried about braces. I think my teeth are fine but I'm getting braces from the NHS because it's not cosmetic and they might affect my speech and eating (load of nonsense).

    Great! I hope you do :D

    It really depends on what mood I'm in and how I'm feeling. I used to really like drawing but I just can't be bothered with it now. I have to have my drawings perfect if I'm doing them and I get really annoyed if there not. All the teachers make me do portraits for leaving cards and things but I'll just say no now because I really don't like drawing people.

    I'm getting quite worried again. There were some people from my class and the other class round our estate and they were dropping rubbish and kicking footballs everywhere. When my mum and dad went out to tell them to stop they were cheeky and answered back to them so they phoned the police. I sit at the same group as Emma, I was working with Linzi, and I hate Gary and the other class. There all popular people. And I've got school tomorrow too :( Very worried.

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