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Everything posted by Ice

  1. :LOL:

    We've had today and wednesday off school , we get tomorrow off too :stunned: No problem :)


    Goood :happy: not really I've done my art homework based on muse and thats about it :p , you?

    Yes :awesome:

  2. :LOL: I bet it is good though :happy:

    :stunned: wow it is quite bad here then :chuckle: aw no :( *sends you snow*

    I'm great thankyou :D

    what about you ? :)

  3. Hmm same :rolleyes:

    :awesome: I have no sleigh :supersad: I've stayed off school today and It's closed tomorrow aswell :happy: Yeah,It's quite bad here, there's ice everywhere and 8 or 9 inches of snow, were supposed to get 10 more centimeters tonight apparently :stunned:

  4. Not really, I want to learn guitar :stunned::happy:

    what about you ? :)

    has it been snowing near you ? :eek:

  5. Itss okayy :D

    Im great and gooood :happy:

  6. No I don't haha :D:LOL: why not try if you want to :happy:

    Thats a shame :( but yeah wait til summer :)

    Yeah I have about 2 hardcore muser friends then the rest are like middle-ey if that makes sense :p Thats awesome :awesome:

    Ooh like what ? :happy: Same! I screamed when they said that, the rest of the theatre was just like :wtf:


  7. :awesome: Cool I'm not sure if i want to learn guitar or bass though, there's so many inspiring musicians D:

    (I think it is :p ) :LOL: thats awesome :D ah noo :(. I hope you do :happy:


    I just got back from sleeping at my friends. Did you buy anything ? :p

  8. :awesome:

    Yeah haha. I wanna learn Bass or guitar, but bass more :p , I've wanted to for a while :D

    woo :)


    Thats awesome, what are you called ? :p

    Yeah it is a bit of a problem. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    You been up to much ? :happy:

  9. :LOL:


    Haha don't worry about it My french teacher says I'm excellent at it then I go around putting le in front of everything :p

    No I don't :supersad: But I reeealllyyy want to. I wanna learn Bass :) haha :D

    :LOL: yeah we can :chuckle:

    I dont do it yet :( , we pick our options in february (?) and they come into place next acedemic year. I want them now though :awesome:

    Haha yeah, me too P:

    It is :dance:

    :LOL: aw thats no fun. haha really :chuckle: ? well if it was rubbish then there was no point was they ? :p

  10. :LOL: That made me laugh I'm like that too :noey:

    Same otherwise I don't think I'd ever do any work :p

    I dont even think its french :LOL: But if you put le in front or something in my eyes, it turns french :awesome::LOL:

    I sort of wish that to, but the fact that i cant even play an instrument makes it wishful thinking :LOL: It would be awesome though :D

    I'm going to do higher science, Btec Art, history and french. .. Were sort of the same haha :p:LOL:

    Cool, there are never ANY bands that come here apart from a gig my school does every year called K fest where bands come and play on a massive outdoor stage they put up. Its :awesome:

    Imogen :happy:

  11. :awesome: It is but I hate waking up at like 12 and being like Damn, where did my day go D:

    Cool, Unfortunatley orange isn't keen in letting me on here on my phone Its apparently a site that isnt suitable for under 18's :LOL: Mind you though it says that about half of the stuff I try to go on on my phone when it obviously isn't for 18's and over :erm: *le sigh* :chuckle:

    GCSE's wow, I just want to do mine and go to college :awesome: I went to an open night where we talk about options tonight, it was quite good actually I feel like a nerd :LOL:

    Ohh what concert ? :awesome:


    Whats your name if you don't mind me asking ? I always feel rude if I don't ask :LOL:

    I'm Lucia :awesome:

  12. Gooood :happy:

    yeah I'm great I just woke up like :awesome::LOL:

    Hah You don't take long to reply at all. My phone wont let me go on here otherwise I'd be on constantly :chuckle:

    You been up to much ? :D

  13. :yesey: anarchy in the Uk is :awesome:

    awesome :dance:

    :$ same

    haha :chuckle:

    How are you ? :happy:

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