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Status Updates posted by Δ

  1. Δ

    Yeah, at least no one can complain about the 8 track album now. I'm still so hopeful that Radiohead will tour Australia for this album, I need to see them live so badly :p

  2. Δ

    Foo Fighters were so good, Dave was drunk and awesome. I got barrier which I thought was a pretty good effort, the mosh was epic. So many crowdsurfers XD

    Are you liking the 2 new radiohead songs. I haven't really listened to them enough to form an opinion, but on first listen I like. Hoping I'll get a copy of the vinyl when they put them on the waste store :D

  3. Δ

    I've heard Josh Thomas is really good, but I haven't seen much of him apart from on random tv shows, and they're all usually pretty censored, which wrecks it a bit :p.

    Have you been to any good brisbane gigs this year? All I've gotten to was Foo Fighters with You am I and Cloud Control, and got tickets for John Butler in a few months, which shall be awesome.

  4. Δ

    Hopefully they still do sideshows in Brisbane, last year they didn't, because just because woodford is close :| Who did you see at the comedy festival? I saw arj barker at the festival, and Tim Minchin that same weekend.

  5. Δ

    It's AMAZING! I want to be there so much! Most of the bands I really want to see are australian though, so it'll definitely be cheaper to see them on their own tours or BDO this year.

    ...and last.fm isn't working again. it hates me. :p

  6. Δ

    Did you pre order the newspaper album? Probably the best thing of all time would be if it arrived and had extra songs or something :D

  7. Δ

    very true :)

    have you heard the rumours about there being a king of limbs part 2? that would be insanely cool, but they the most evidence they have is the order number in the pre-order store being TKOL1-XXXXXXXXXXX. :S

  8. Δ

    i certainly am! pretty much in love with lotus flower, some of the stuff is just average though. not the best album overall, but has some good songs on it. are you liking it?

  9. Δ

    same, i hate having nothing planned. and all there is on the triple j gig guide is justin beiber, soundwave, and a bunch of screamo. all which i hate or can't go to :| i don't care if it's 12 months in advance, SOMEONE GOOD SHOULD ANNOUNCE SOMETHING :LOL:

  10. Δ

    I'm just really happy I did get to see them live, they were great. Lead singer is going out with Megan washingon apparently, lucky basted :p

    I'm so keen on a good all ages gig in Brisbane to come along, I still have nothing planned for this year yet :/

  11. Δ

    Yves klein blue broke up :( :o

  12. Δ

    Even though I voted for it, if I knew it was going to be that high I wouldnt have done it. In my opinion it shouldn't have even been eligable, it was released on angus's solo album two years ago. I totally agree, this definitely is not one the best hottest 100s. An amazingly awesome year for music, but the hottest 100 was average. Except ABC theme remix, that was tops :LOL:

  13. Δ

    it's been really frustrating, i made a new account and it's not asking for all my play history off my itunes, and i really can't be bothered to start from scratch :|

    yeah 33, so disappointing. i thought it would be way high than that. i thought the top 10 was relatively boring. ABC theme remix made me laugh so much :LOL:

  14. Δ

    yes, i did, it stopped scrobbling from itunes for some reason, all the forums told me to just delete and re create my account, but then it just refused to work -.- i'll get around to fixing it sometime :D

    i'm currently listening to neutron star on triple j, it got 100 :LOL:

  15. hahaha, music festivals are great. for this one i need to remember i need to be happy with my place in the crowd and be happy to ditch it, i find a spot and don't want to leave way too often :LOL:

  16. i don't really mind, but i REALLY want to see queens of the stone age and one day as a lion. i don't really mind about anything else, i'll see who ever i can get to XD

  17. good chance of me going to soundwave! we might see eachother there XD

  18. i don't even know if i can get there at midday :| apparantly i have a lunch to go to, which if i am made to attend, i will spend the whole time on edge, thinking GET ME TO THE FRICKEN BEC. so hopefully i will just get dropped there at 12, like most other people are :D

  19. I think outside there is one big line where we will meet, and when the foyer opens we all go to our separate doors. I think the doors open to the foyer at 5:30. Hopefully we can save

    you a spot where we are outside so you can cut in :p

  20. That's depressing D: my parents are freaking out because I'm going by myself :/

  21. GA11 DOOR 10 :D me too! i think i'm getting there about midday, if i can convince my parents. hopefully there wont be too many people there by then. what time are you planning to get there?

  22. hey what gate and door do you have for the 5th? are you joining our giant meet up?

  23. Δ

    Haha, okay

    Excited to meet you in person!!

    What's your gate number?

  24. Δ

    i fully agree, the should've won!. i saw them at greenfest, opening for tame impala (in pre album, but still freaking amazing days) and fell in love. i got to see them again with stonefield, tim & jean, and the harry heart crysalis, at a free unearthed concert in brisbane. fully worth the 3 hour train ride :D

  25. Δ

    hahahaha, i'm surprised you've heard of glass towers. i can't wait for an EP from them :D

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