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Status Updates posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Hey!!!!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't spoken to you in aagggesss, I've just not really come online for a while :$ Anyway, hows life!? :)

  2. Hahaha, barely anybody I know has Tumblr so I wouldn't be able to get them to set it up for me and I'd get worried that I would mess it all up!!!! :LOL: Haha, I love your Tumblr :D Haha, I know quite a few people on Twitter who get seriously addicted!!! :LOL: Have you got Twitter?? Oh my word that is awesome!!!!!!! Have you seen or read The Hunger Games???:D

  3. I MISSED YOU TOO!!!!!!!:D Naaawwwww!!!!!! My friend has a huge Sherlock obsession, but I think she likes Benedict Cumberbatch ;) Hehe, I love dreams like that!!!! :D I've been good thanks!!!!!!:) And no I don't have tumblr :( I don't know whether to get it or not :unsure:

  4. Hey, I'm really sorry I've been gone so long I just haven't been on here in absolutely ages and whenever i have come on here I haven't had the chance to reply to anyone or anything :( Anyways, how are you????:)

  5. I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE SOOOOO LONG!!!!!!!!!! I dunno why I've just not been on here in ages and whenever I do come on here I have barely anytime to do anything, I'm reeeeaaallyy sorry!!! So how have you been????:)

  6. I don't listen to them that much but i can play that one on this game called Guitar Hero and i absolutely adore it!!!! :LOL:

    I'm not so sure on that one, but it will probably grow on me like most songs!!!! :LOL:

    Oooh, you must have felt so sore and stiff the next day :( I feel really sorry for you, but as long as you got back on and tried again that's all that matters :happy: I LOVE the tricky ponies, they are the best ones for me :chuckle:

    I like that song but i'm not quite sure about the singers voice just yet (i'm really picky about singer's voices :rolleyes: ) But i'm still putting it on my iPod!!!!

    It is, it's awesome!!! :awesome: I often forget that your not from here!!!!

    How are you???

  7. Oh my god!!! :stunned: that sucks!!!! :mad: Are you actually friends with that guy or he just some random loser that you happen to know??? :mad: I feel really bad for you, but you should just get with Sophia :happy: When are you going to ask her out??? :)

    Oooh, i like that new website :happy: I really do hope it all goe's to plan :yesey:

    Well since i last spoke to you, there has now been a lot of developments and i'm now going out with the guy that i like so you know!!! :happy: It's all turning good in my world!!!! :LOL:


    How was school??? :)


  8. Oh dear, what's been happening then???

    Oooh la laa, yeah i remember!!! :D I hope it all goe's to plan then!!! Are you nervous at all about it??? :)

    School is shit, and i'm getting way too much homework :erm: I'm very confused when it comes to the guys in my life and yeah, same old same old really :rolleyes:


  9. At our school, it's more about how everything looks than how we get educated but i know some schools that go completely overboard with it and just pressure kids instead of helping them :noey: We have to do three years of language, in year seven we only do french, and then in years eight and nine we have to do spanish and french, it's not until we're in year ten (which i'm in) that we can drop them :erm: I think you've made a good point there!!! And if they don't want to teach us latin then they could at least teach us a language that's a bit more pretty, like Italian or something :erm:

    Yeah, i still ride down at the riding stable which is good :happy: I rode her last weekend and she was an angel!!!! :happy: Awesomesauce, i hope you have a good lesson on him then :happy:

    Nope, i'm just hoping to chill out and not do much :yesey: You??? :)

  10. Sorry i haven't replied, i totally suck at stuff like that at the moment :kiss:

    So, how have you been recently??? :)

    How's school???


  11. Sorry, i completely fail at actually responding quickly to anything :rolleyes: Oooh, i like that song :happy: I know, today i had to carry around my music folder, my history folder, my normal bag, and then my pe bag, it's ridiculous :rolleyes:

    I like that song but i prefer the first one more :happy: Still, i'm adding that to my iPod, you can never have enough music :D

    I love this song:http://youtu.be/gFIgtkrgJTE I love the drums :happy:

    Oh and this one:

  12. It's alright, don't worry!!!! :kiss: That's happened to me before, i think it's just some little blip that happens every now and then :erm:

    Good good :happy: Tell your dad that it's mean to laugh at people who have to get shots for me :mad:

    School hasn't been great :erm: I've decided that i really hate year ten :rolleyes: We get so much homework and it's all about working towards our GCSE's and everything :indiff: How about you??? :happy:

    Yep, she's all healed up now, although there's still a bit of heat in it but she's perfectly sound so it's all good :happy: I'm hoping to go and ride her on Sunday i think :D

    Nope, not really, i had a cold a couple of days ago but that's not very exciting :erm: How about you??? :happy: How's Mikey doing?? :D

  13. :D

    I don't blame you, it can all get very confusing :( I never seem to spot the signs right either :erm: Sometimes i think someone means one thing, when they mean something completely different :( Yep, i did :chuckle: I have to admit that a lot of the comments that aren't useful are actually hilarious!!!! :LOL: So, have there been anymore 'developments'? :chuckle:

    Yeah, i'm fine now, just really tired because of the amountf o schoolwork and homework that i've been given :erm: I'm really not enjoying year ten :noey:

    How's school for you??? :happy:


  14. Thank you!!! I'm back at school now :indiff: I know!!! :awesome: I've been walking round school singing it and all my mates are just like :wtf: Yeah, we have so much omework to do, and then there's all these folders and everything that we are carrying around :( It's quite a shock to the system :( Ooh la laa, yet another song to add to my iPod :LOL: See if you like this song:

  15. :D

    You might find that once you start going out without her then that will push away any feelings you have for any other girls which will de-complicate things!!!! :happy: (good good :yesey: ) I think i might pop over to the Love and Relationships thread to see what they've put!!! :chuckle:

    :dance: (I love that smilie!!!)

    Nope, there's tonnes of fights at our school and the most anybody gets is a detention!!!! :LOL::rolleyes:

    Oh right, your lucky :D

    I'm having another day off because of this stupid cold :indiff: It's getting really, really boring now!!! :rolleyes:

    How was your day??? :happy:


  16. I've been alright :erm: I've got a cold which really sucks :indiff: Yeah!!! I laughed so much!!! :LOL: Oh and I'm now addicted to that song you showed me!!!!! :LOL:

  17. :D

    Hmmm, now that complicates things more seeing as your mates like her too :erm: If you like her the best, and if you think she likes you, then why don't you ask her out??? :happy: It's always worth a try :erm:


    I know, and apparently there was a fight at school :(

    How come you get to finish so early!?! Your lucky, my week will probably be quite tough, even more so considering i've got this stupid cold :indiff:


  18. :D

    It all seems pretty confusing!!! :LOL: At the moment, which one do you think you like the most???


    :dance: It's like getting a new job or something :rolleyes:

    My day was boring :indiff: I had the day off school because of this stupid cold but then of course i had nothing to do, which sucked :( So i just watched muse interviews :happy:

    How about you??? :happy:


  19. Yeah, that's probably a good idea tbh :happy:

    Hmmm, maybe she's just a little confused, like she doesn't know if she definately likes you or something and that means that sometimes she keeps her distance and sometimes she doesn't :erm: I don't know, i'm probably wrong :rolleyes: Well as long as you stay good friends with them then that is all that matters :happy: I find that as soon as you get involved with someone who you were just friends with then it all gets very complicated :erm:


    Oooh, three kisses? I've been promoted :LOL::rolleyes:


  20. Oh right, sounds fun!!!! :rolleyes:

    It is very awkward :LOL: But it's quite entertaining so yeah :rolleyes: I just don't know what to do :supersad:

    Oh right, do you have her number or any contact details at all??? Don't worry, the situation i just explained is much more complicated than it sounds too!!! :rolleyes: Do you like the other two girls back???

    Oooh!! awesome!!! :awesome: I really like the look of that gorilla costume that's advertised on that page!!! :LOL:



  21. :happy:

    What's your project??? :)

    Well, basically there was this guy who asked me out but i said maybe in the future because i didn't want to be in a relationship at that moment so we just left it at that and all was good, but recently my feelings have been growing for him whereas his seem to be decreasing so yeah :erm: Plus there is this new guy who i've gone completely head over heels for which is confusing me even more :$ So what about yours??? :D

    :LOL: I would have laughed if you had said yes!!! Those things must be so difficult to find :rolleyes:

    Nope :noey: I don't think there is much chance of finding one that just one person can wear :(


  22. :happy: School really doe's suck, they've piled on the homework in these first few weeks :( I've been experiencing some guy problems!!! :rolleyes: I've been alright, although i have a cold now :mad: It sucks :( Found any fish suits??? :chuckle:


  23. It's my turn to be sorry now :$ I don't really have any excuse for not replying in ages except for the fatc that school has kept me really busy :kiss:

    So, how have you been then??? :happy:

    (Oh, i got my Origin t-shirt!!! :dance: )

  24. Sorry i haven't replied in ages :kiss::$ So, how have you been recently??? :D Oh and that song you put in your last message is actually awesome!!!! :awesome:

  25. Sorry i haven't replied in ages, i've been busy with school and stuff :kiss: So how have you been??? :happy:


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