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Status Updates posted by canadianmuser

  1. Yeah that's true aha. Hmm it's up to my mom but probably Jamaica, haven't been there for a while/ Do you vacation a lot with your family??

  2. Have you?? That's interesting :chuckle: It's fine I guess, but after living here my entire life, I'm pretty bored of it. I'd love to move to Germany!!

  3. Not big on camping?? :chuckle: I remember those camping trips aha I got stung by like 5 bees :eek:

    Probably go on vacation with my family :happy:

  4. Oh Argentina! I've never been to South America! Would love to go though :) I'm from Toronto

  5. Me too! Nothing will stop me :chuckle: Any special plans for the summer??

  6. :( that sucks! I was away at school, and I couldn't miss any classes.
  7. Ontario too! Are you from (or around) Toronto? I'm so sad I didn't get to see them on March 8th :(

  8. Good thanks :) What's up??

  9. I'm Sonya :) Where are you from?

  10. thanks for the add :) what's up?

  11. Hey!! Which province are you from?

  12. Hey :) thanks for the friend add!! How are you??

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