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Everything posted by RebelPoet

  1. Oh I've got my Muse on now...getting all psyched to type up my notes and try to slot them into my existing 1000 words :D


    Oh I saw that pic, it's priceless :chuckle:, hard to believe how long the boys have known each other I'm quite impressed.


    And yes stupid bitchy teachers deserve all the hell they get. Oh so how is Law if you don't mind me asking. I'm still deciding if I should do it or leave my studies as they are after I graduate this year. My boyfriend does Law but he's not the best person to ask...he's not the best student in the world - and he's a bit biased so he'll tell me how awesome it is. So if I ask you then you're probably going to tell me the truth :chuckle:

  2. Thanks, I'm feeling a bit better today so that's good but still am lacking motivation to type anything up, I've got hand written notes in front of me but have no drive to do anything. I wanted to have it perfect today so I can relax, but now I'll be happy if I have a rough draft I can edit on the train tomorrow morning. Mmmm Matt...hey maybe that's my problem, I'm not listening to Muse today as I try to work - I'm not listening to anything :O


    I have no idea about my teacher, we had a few run ins earlier in the semester she is seriously a bitch who thinks she knows everything but really knows nothing. I really have no idea how I'm going to go with the exam, just prepare as much as I can and attempt every question I guess. And if I'm freaking over a 50% exam imagine if I do decide to complete a graduate law degree - hello 70%+ exams :LOL:


    At the moment I'm still a semester away from finishing so it hasn't hit yet, I reckon this time next semester as I freak out about my final exams then I'll be able to tell you what it feels like - now it just feels like an ordinary semester :chuckle:


    Oh and I'm making sure I stay out of the gig threads, I'll get sucked into the Acer one with talk of the Air Band :LOL:

  3. Yay for your exams flying by. My study week has become my finishing off my final assignment week - and it's going poorly. I managed 1000 words on Monday, yesterday about 200 because I wasn't well and today I've only just started it...so by about 4:30pm Friday, half an hour before it's due I should be finished :facepalm:


    Oh that spoiler wasn't very good. I finally managed to get some marks back for the subject with the 50% essay that I'm doing now...must say was quite happy with it :). But I'm still freaking on the 50% exam cause there's still no marks out yet, just our grade - and so far I've got a C out of 25...no joke the page says C/25 *pulls hair out*


    Yay for having back up plans, I can't really have them it's either pass and get one step closer to graduation, or fail and push my graduation back a semester :S


    Hope the rest of your study goes well, I'll be on here a bit while typing up the remainder of my essay...bye :kiss:

  4. Wow that's an impressive concert list you've got going there :awesome:, I've also got Bullet For My Valentine coming up in September and maybe Alexisonfire (if I get money to get tix) and Alesana (if they ever confirm their tour) :D

  5. I hope I get to meet them too - then I think my life would be complete :D


    Oh good luck with your exams and your final study, I'm sure you'll smash it though :yesey:


    I'm still waiting on my marks, but we're meant to have them this week sometime. But I'm sure your marks weren't that bad. Chin up, the semester is almost over with and we're that little bit closer to seeing Muse :awesome:. See you when I see you :kiss:

  6. Yeah let the countdown begin...I should do that too - I'm also going to make a Muse icon to stick on my calandar that I can move everyday to show that it's one day closer to the concert :D


    I've seen a few bands live, Robbie Williams was my first big gig, then I saw Pink last year, plus I've attended the Soundwave festival every year since '08 so that's usually 6-7 bands in a day for me. But I'm probably most excited for Muse :awesome:. How about yourself?

  7. I wouldn't call it courage, more like stupidity :LOL:


    Aw that sucks, chances are I'll forget all about it or go to the wrong gate or something so I may not make it either :chuckle:


    I know, so much for the presale being a secret only for the dedicated muse.mu members. The tix are even appearing on the musebay forum here...couldn't believe it when I saw the post.


    I'm gearing up for my second day of essay writing, hopefully I can put in another 1000 word haul today that leaves the rest of the week to pretty it up :D. Have a great day, I'll be on and off throughout the day so might catch you on here :kiss:

  8. I tried and failed miserably the first time I attempted to do them myself, learnt the hard way :LOL: so now I just fork out the cash for someone trained in the art of eyebrow sculpting to do it hehe


    That's true, I'm just stoked I get to go to the first gig, and maybe meet them at the airport if we can figure out what day they land and what flight they're on.


    Yeah scalpers deserve a slow and painfull death, I can't believe the world we live in where people get off on this kind of thing.

  9. Oh well yeah you certainly needed something closer, stuff a 6 hour drive to get to uni class on time :chuckle:

    I'm looking forward to staging the massive singalong, it would be epic :awesome:. I'm so excited, I can't wait for the next 6 months to fly by :D

    And yay for the pillars allowing short people the chance to see the happenings on stage :D

  10. :awesome: yay for the second show...

    Hmmm I think it's time I got my eyebrows back into shape, I can never do it properly.


    I prob won't end up going to the 2nd show, but it's nice to dream :D. I somehow managed to write 1000 words of absolute essay garbage today but it's not bad for a days effort which was filled with procrastination and Muse blaring from my speakers :awesome:

  11. Yeah Uni Res is expensive at Griffith too - that's why I'm still a bum at home :chuckle:


    I'm going with my partner, already told him our plans for that day - get there early and meet everyone and pack a lot of food and cards to entertain ourselves...and music to sing along to :D


    I'm so looking forward to it, don't think anything can or will ruin my excitement for this concert. Yeah I'm short too so that's why I want to get the very front - so fingers crossed that happens :). My Dad said it was a lot of money for a ticket and I'm like well I would have paid the same amount to see them and only them at BDO and that would have been for a fraction of the time of their full concert in December so it's money well spent IMO :LOL:

  12. Well I'm back online :chuckle: but it's my lunch break :shifty: that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it ;)


    But at least I've managed to finally write my essay question and I've so far written 300 words so yay for that :LOL: oh and I do think they'll announce a 2nd Brissy show :chuckle: - I'm now on a mission to get a job to get money to get tickets to the second gig :D


    I hate not having an idea on how well I need to do for the exam it's a nightmare...I'm freaking I'm going to fail because it's a subject I hated and found boring because of the lecturer so now I have to teach myself everything because she was too slack to stay with what the textbook said GRR

  13. YAY for not being boring :D


    OMG trying to enrol for next semester is a nightmare - everything keeps crashing, wow since when did enroling become harder than buying Muse tickets?? :LOL:


    Sorry, we'll have to find something else to rant about :chuckle:


    Oh I feel your exam time pain, I finish this assignment which is due study week mind you and then hit the revision books hard...friggin 50% exam with no idea how I've gone on my other assessment items throughout the semester grr hehe:kiss:

  14. Haha, I've almost done that but luckily have realised before I posted :chuckle:


    Yay for 'technically' calling QUT home, I didn't even realise they had on campus accom :confused:


    Yeah getting through was really easy, came as a surprise to me and then I did a happy dance on the bed when the confirmation page came up :D


    Yeah I don't want to be mean, I want the boardies to be able to stand on the barrier together since we're all going to be lining up together from the start of the day. Would seriously suck if we had to break up the group :(

  15. I know, I love my imagination - I think I'd be preety boring without it :chuckle: and yes, the boys would be very busy on their tour should this happen :)


    I want to find the perfect hairdresser, that would make me oh so happy, I've got a few to choose from where I live plus the ones in Brisbane but still no luck yet :(


    And I don't watch Dr Who (don't hate me). Have a good day, I'm going to finish replying to messages/board posts, enrol in my classes for next semester and then start my final essay for this semester xx

  16. Yes, aging seems to agree with him, lucky bastard :chuckle: OMG if we got a song from their first album I would die, and then the boys would have to come to the barrier and give me mouth-to-mouth :D


    Yeah they don't understand the meaning of the word 'trim' - I went to one place and they hacked a fair bit off, then went to another the other month and they hardly touched it :wtf: and now my hair has grown longer than it should be if they had trimmed it like I asked for :mad:

  17. Yes I've seen that performance it's amazing. Oh and Dylan Lewis is the guy you're thinking of - he's awesome too :D


    Oh falling asleep at the hairdressers - nasty. It's bad enough they don't listen to you when you're awake - but asleep would be a nightmare :chuckle:

  18. Yes hols are amazing...can't wait to do nothing for a month but clean out my old clothes - after that then there's nothing on my to-do list :D


    Oh trust me, it takes more to offend me then talking about a vest :chuckle: but I don't know about this pic you talk of - but I do like his hair as it is at the moment :D

  19. Oh she didn't mind about this - but she minds about everything else I say I'll do then forget about :$ don't mean to be so forgetful, I just put it down to being a uni student whose brain is mush :chuckle:


    Yeah I dig the simple look it shows that they're still down to earth after everything :) oh and lets not talk of the vest again :chuckle:

  20. Yeah, I told my mum I'd call her on Friday if I secured tickets - I forgot :facepalm: so she rang me yesterday to ask me - I got all excited again when I told her that I was going :D and no doubt I'll get excited again this afternoon when I go home and can tell her face to face.


    Oh I'm sure we'll get sexy outfits - the all silver one looks kind of cool :awesome:

  21. Yeah I'm excited to have tix, nothing is going to change that :D. Was funny how they're like "get a pen and paper and write down these dates - and the tix go on sale Monday 7..." I'm like oh let me find my pen - oh that's right I already have my tix :chuckle:


    I can't wait to clap to Starlight...I have to stop myself from doing it on the train to/from home when listening to it on my ipod hehe. Oh matteh and his fashion sense gotta love him for it :awesome:

  22. Yeah nothing new for me either - it was kind of a waste of an hour...not that I mean Muse is a waste - just VH not playing awesome songs that probably should have been played. But I was happy Starlight got a run :awesome:. Oh and yay for screaming siblings who go all twilighty lucky for me I've only got a brother who doesn't give a shit about the saga, although I'd be worried if he did :chuckle:

  23. I just had a look on their website - I can see red and blue so chances are there are other colours :D

    And thanks for the hoping assignment goes well, I'll need it. Going to start it when I'm on the train going home - if I don't start watching Muse on my ipod :chuckle:

  24. Yeah I hope so, only 6 minutes till the Muse special - I wish I could tape it :( so hopefully someone else will and will be amazing and share it, so then I can have another Muse related distraction while I'm meant to be starting/finishing my assignment :chuckle:


    Yeah I just want to travel. My family is meant to be doing parts of Europe at the start of next year but I've had to say no because of not knowing what I'm going to be doing next year - either back at uni to study Law or in a Graduate job. SO I can hardly take time off to travel if I secure a job, and I don't think I'd be able to catch up with the Law subjects either :( oh well another time :).


    I love the French accent as with the British and Irish :chuckle:


    Oh and I have no doubt the NSC clip will be played today - I don't like the twilight in it...just have to put that out there :LOL:

  25. Morning :D just saw your post about green pants a la Dom. I'm not from Townsville but maybe check out Jay Jays - they love their coloured pants.

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